Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

All Hanged Man Personas

A list of all Hanged Man Personas in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see all the skills of the Personas, Arcana results when fused with Hanged Man, and the Social Link associated with the Hanged Man Arcana.

All Hanged Man Personas

Persona Skill/Level
Inugami (lvl 10) Poisma | Lvl: Innate
Foul Breath | Lvl: Innate
Poison Boost | Lvl: 11
Maragi | Lvl: 12
Media | Lvl: 14
Take-Minakata (lvl 20) Zio | Lvl: Innate
Auto-Rakukaja | Lvl: Innate
Dekaja | Lvl: Innate
Survive Dark | Lvl: 21
Zionga | Lvl: 22
Dodge Strike | Lvl: 24
Elec Boost | Lvl: 25
Orthrus (lvl 27) Fatal End | Lvl: Innate
Agilao | Lvl: Innate
Raging Tiger | Lvl: Innate
Counter | Lvl: 28
Resist Poison | Lvl: 29
Eerie Sound | Lvl: 31
Matarukaja | Lvl: 32
Vasuki (lvl 38) Mahama | Lvl: Innate
Poison Mist | Lvl: Innate
Neuro Slash | Lvl: Innate
Recarmdra | Lvl: 39
Hama Boost | Lvl: 40
Counterstrike | Lvl: 42
Mahamaon | Lvl: 44
Hecatoncheires (lvl 47) Vile Assault | Lvl: Innate
Evade Strike | Lvl: Innate
Regenerate 2 | Lvl: Innate
Endure | Lvl: 48
Recarmdra | Lvl: 49
Heat Wave | Lvl: 51
Auto-Maraku | Lvl: 53
Ubelluris (lvl 48) Kill Rush | Lvl: Innate
Recarmdra | Lvl: Innate
Null Distress | Lvl: Innate
Gigantic Fist | Lvl: 50
Evade Strike | Lvl: 52
Raging Tiger | Lvl: 53
Diarahan | Lvl: 54
Mada (lvl 57) Maragidyne | Lvl: 58
Gigantic Fist | Lvl: Innate
Agidyne | Lvl: Innate
Endure | Lvl: Innate
Maragidyne | Lvl: 58
Vile Assault | Lvl: 59
Null Wind | Lvl: 61
Amrita Shower | Lvl: 62
Strike Amp | Lvl: 64
Hell Biker (lvl 65) Maragidyne | Lvl: Innate
Eigaon | Lvl: Innate
Life Aid | Lvl: Innate
Bloody Charge | Lvl: 66
Maeigaon | Lvl: 68
Evade Light | Lvl: 70
Enduring Soul | Lvl: 71
Attis (lvl 73) Mahamaon | Lvl: Innate
Recarmdra | Lvl: Innate
Samarecarm | Lvl: Innate
Survival Trick | Lvl: 74
Endure | Lvl: 75
Megidolaon | Lvl: 77

Arcana Results When Fused With Hanged Man

The following table shows the Normal Fusion results when fusing a Hanged Man Persona with a Persona from the listed Arcana.

Fused Arcana Result
Fool Devil
Magician Fool
Priestess Hierophant
Empress Star
Emperor Death
Hierophant Strength
Lovers Justice
Chariot Strength
Justice Priestess
Hermit Temperance
Fortune Magician
Strength Chariot
Hanged Man Hanged Man
Death Strength
Temperance Hierophant
Devil Priestess
Tower Death
Star Empress
Moon Chariot
Sun Aeon
Judgement Tower
Aeon Death

Fusion Guide

Hanged Man Social Link


Persona 3 Reload - Hanged Man Social Link
(Hanged Man)
Start Date
May 6
Purchase Mad Bull from the dorm vending machine and Weird Takoyaki from Iwatodai strip mall
Days Available
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
Playground near Naganaki Shrine

The Social Link for the Hanged Man Arcana is Maiko. You need to purchase the Mad Bull from the dorm's second floor vending machine for 120 Yen and the Weird Takoyaki from Octopia at the Iwatodai stip mall for 400 Yen to unlock the Social Link on May 11.

Hanged Man Arcana (Maiko) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Personas
All Personas and How to Unlock

All Personas by Arcana

All Personas by Arcana
Arcana 0Fool Arcana IMagician Arcana IIPriestess Arcana IIIEmpress
Arcana IVEmperor Arcana IXHierophant Arcana VLovers Arcana VIChariot
Arcana VIIJustice Arcana VIIIHermit Arcana XFortune Arcana XIStrength
Arcana XIIHanged Man Arcana XIIIDeath Arcana XIVTemperance Arcana XVDevil
Arcana XVITower Arcana XVIIStar Arcana XVIIIMoon Arcana XIXSun
Arcana XXJudgement Arcana XXIAeon

Persona Guides

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List of DLC Personas


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