Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Elizabeth Profile and Voice Actor

Persona 3 Reload - Elizabeth
Elizabeth is a character in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on for details on Elizabeth's character profile and voice actor, persona, how to start Elizabeth's Social Link, and whether or not you can romance them.

Elizabeth Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview

Surt, Jack Frost, Thor, Cu Chulainn, Metatron, Alice, Nebiros, Masakado, Pixie
JP Voice Actor
Miyuki Sawashiro
EN Voice Actor
Tara Platt

Provides Requests in the Velvet Room

Persona 3 Reload - Requests
Elizabeth begins to post requests during the night of April 30 that have you explore Tartarus, fuse specific Persona, fetch items, and accompany Elizabeth herself.

If you complete a request, Elizabeth will reward you with helpful items, even those that let you fuse Special Persona!

How to Start Elizabeth's Social Link

Elizabeth has no Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Elizabeth Social Link

Unlike Margaret from Persona 4, completing Elizabeth's requests will not start a Social Link with her. However, despite lacking a Social Link, Elizabeth develops a deep bond with the Protagonist as they spend time together.

Can You Romance Elizabeth?

Only Implied, but not Official

Persona 3 Reload - Elizabeth Romance
Since Elizabeth does not have a Social Link, romance does not apply to her. However, throughout the events of Persona 3, Elizabeth gradually develops romantic feelings towards the Protagonist as they spend time together.

There is a scene where Elizabeth proposes a final request to the Protagonist, where she will request a tour inside the Protagonist's room.

All Romance Options

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List of Characters

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