Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Malebolge Door Complete Guide and Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for the Malebolge Door in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to see a complete guide to the shadows and bosses, what you can unlock, and other tips to clear the door!

The Abyss of Time Full Guide
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Malebolge Walkthrough

Prologue Story Walkthrough

1 After the opening cinematic, you will start off with Fuuka and Yukari's phone call. You will then see some of the members of SEES meeting up to return their Evokers.
2 After Dinner, Aigis decides to head back to her room to prepare to go back to the lab.
3 After another night of being unable to sleep, Fuuka will barge in saying that there's a problem at the lobby.
4 You get to the lobby and see another Anti-Shadow Supression Weapon, Metis. Here, you need to take Metis down.
► Metis Boss Fight Guide
5 Once you beat Metis and Aigis shuts down from obtaining the Wild Card, everyone will regroup and you are now open to explore the Abyss of Time.

Malebolge Story Walkthrough

1 You will be limited to only Ken, Yukari, Akihiko, and Metis as your available party members for now. Choose your party for now and proceed to head inside the Malebolge door.
2 Similar to Tartarus, the dungeons here are randomly generated, so make your way down up to B7.
3 Once you reach B7, Fuuka will warn you that there are powerful enemies at the floor below. Use the teleporter and regroup as needed.
4 Once ready, head down to B8 and you need to fight a 2 Shouting Tiaras and a Wrathful Book.
► Shouting Tiaras and a Wrathful Book Fight Guide
5 After beating the Guardian Boss, you will unlock a door that lets you travel back and forth to the Desert of Doors and B8 of Malebolge. Use this chance to recoup and prep for the next stretch.
6 From B8, head down and you need to go down another set of randomly generated dungeons, so make your way down up to B15.
7 At B15, you will see a giant door that will lead you to Paulownia Mall from the past. You now have access to an area where you can get new items and gear.
8 Once you get everything you need at Paulownia Mall, head out from the door you came from and you will be taken back to the Dorm Lobby. Take a breather for now before heading back to the Abyss.

List of Bosses in Malebolge

Story Bosses
Guardian Bosses
Wrathful Book and Shouting Tiara

Click the names above to skip to a certain boss.


Metis Hesitating.png
This boss fight is scripted for you to win as Metis will start to hesistate after getting your health low enough. Just use your strongest attacks until she goes down and don't waste any items on this fight.
Metis Boss Guide: Weakness and Resistances

Wrathful Book and Shouting Tiara

Wrathful Book and Shouting Tiara.png

The Wrathful Book will set up Tetrakarn, which will reflect physical damage, on the Shouting Tiaras. While the Tiaras will use Provoke, inflicting Rage on a party member and causing them to attack into a Tetrakarn buffed Tiara. Bring Yukari to cast Patra and cure anyone afflicted with Rage.

Wrathful Book and Shouting Tiara Boss Guide

List of Regular Shadows in Malebolge

List of All Shadows and Weaknesses

Shadow Weak Resist Null Drain Repel
Corrupt Tower
Electric Image
Pierce Image
- - -
Creation Relic
Strike Image Pierce Image
Ice Image Electric Image
- - -
Insidious Maya
Fire Image
Light Image
- - -
Justice Sword
Wind Image
Slash Image
- - -
Magic Hand
Fire Image
Wind Image
- - -
Sky Balance
Fire Image Ice Image
- - -
Wind Image Electric Image
Spurious Book
Electric Image
Light Image
- - -
Stoic Snake
Light Image
Dark Image
Electric Image
Ice Image
Vicious Raven
Ice Image
Wind Image
Fire Image
Wealth Hand
Pierce Image
- - - -
Wild Beast
Light Image Dark Image
Pierce Image
- - -

Tips and Tricks for Exploring Malebolge

Party Member Ranking

Rank Character Explanation
1 Persona 3 Reload - KenKen Ken has access to Kouga, Arrow Rain, and Mahamaon, and can pick up the slack and will be one of your best sources of damage.
His characteristic will also lend itself to your limited resources as he can quickly charge up his Theurgy once you get his SP down to below half.
2 Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Your main healer and can confuse enemies giving you some breathing room. Very helpful against the boss which likes to inflict Rage to your party.
3 Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Has access to Ice skills which can help you pick off enemies weaknesses. Mostly deals single target damage so she will be mostly used to finish off enemies.
4 Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko Due to the lack of available buffs at this point, Akihiko isn't as stellar as he would be at the later part of the game. Keep him sufficiently levelled though since the limited resources will have you swapping party members around.

No Missable Items on Malebolge

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - No Missable Items
You can speed through Malebolge and its floors since there are no items you need to pick up for any Linked Episodes here.

Buy SP Restoring Items

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Stock Up on SP Items
Before heading down to the Door of Time, head up the Dorm's 2F Lobby and stock up on Mad Bull. This will save you the hassle of having to reset the map if you leave the Abyss of Time.
List of All Consumable Items

Make Use of the One-Way Teleporters

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Use the Teleporters
Similar to Tartarus, you need to focus more on survival and hit certain floor milestones. Don't feel ashamed to pull back and reshuffle your party members as needed if any enemy in the area is giving you trouble.

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1 Anonymous6 months

Corrupt Tower is weak to ice, not electric.


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