Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

How To Unlock Joker Boss Fight

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Joker Boss Fight
Joker is the Super Boss of Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to learn how to beat Joker, his movesets, as well as tips and rules against fighting the stylish leader of the Phantom Thieves!

All Monad Chambers Bosses
Immortal Gigas Primitive Idol El Dorado Beast
Brilliant Cyclops Secret Boss

How To Unlock Joker Boss Fight

Unlocked After Beating All 4 Monad Chambers Bosses

Persona 3 Reload - Monad Chambers Secret Boss

The Joker boss fight is unlocked after clearing all four Monad Chambers bosses. Monad Chambers is unlocked before facing the final boss of the DLC, containing the hardest bosses in the game and capping it off with the protagonist of Persona 5.

Monad Chambers Guide

Joker's Movesets and Turn Patterns

Joker's Persona Move List

Joker Movesets
Down Shot Downs the target regardless of resistances and weaknesses.
Arsene Movesets
Dekaja Nullify stat bonuses of all foes.
Heat Riser Increases 1 ally's attack, defense, accuracy, and evasion for 3 turns.
Concentrate Next magic attack deals more damage.
Megidolaon Deals massive Almighty damage to one foe.
Cruel Attack Deals medium Pierce damage to one foe. (1.5x to Downed foes)
Will of Rebellion Gains more actions.
Satan Movesets
Ice Age Deal severe Ice damage to all enemies.
Wild Thunder Deals Electricity damage to all foes.
Attis Movesets
Blazing Hell Deals Fire damage to all foes.
Vacuum Wave Deals Wind damage to all foes.
Anubis Movesets
Hamaon 40% chance Light insta-kill on a single target.
Mudoon 40% chance Darkness insta-kill on a single target.
Eigaon Deals Dark damage to 1 foe.
Sinful Shell Massive damage to all targets
Deals 9999 fixed damage to your team.

Much like the Protagonist of Persona 3 Reload and Aigis in the DLC, Joker possesses the power of the Wild Card, which gives him the ability to use multiple Personas in his arsenal.

Joker Turn Patterns

Turn No. Movesets
1 Dekaja + Heat Riser
If you have a buff active, he will use Dekaja first which will make him fail to use Concentration this turn.
2 Concentration + Megidolaon
If you failed to make Joker use Dekaja on the previous turn, he'll consume his amped-up Megidolaon followed by a second Megidolaon.
3-4 Joker's movesets will consist of 4 elemental attacks which are randomized in this turn. He will use two skills from the following moves:

If a character's weakness is hit during these attacks, Joker will follow it up with a single target tier 4 move of the same elemental type on the downed target.
If Joker freezes or shocks a character, he will follow up with Brave Blade + God's Hand instead for a critical hit and dizzy status.
5 Hamaon + Mudoon
During this turn, if you have a Persona that is immune to, drains, or repels Light or Dark, Joker will immediately proceed to use Sinful Shell instead.
6 Dekaja + Down Shot and Cruel Attack
This combo will always be targeted at Aigis.
7 Concentrate + Megidolaon
8 Revolution + Akasha Arts
Joker will use Charge if someone gets knocked down by a critical hit.
9 Brave Blade + God's Hand
10 Charge + Brave Blade
11 Will of Rebellion + Dekaja + Heat Riser
Joker will start acting 3 times per turn instead of 2. If you don't have any buffs active, he will use Marakunda instead of Dekaja.
12 Heat Riser + Concentrate + Megidolaon
If Joker already has maxed stats, he will use a second Megidolaon instead of Heat Riser.
13 Elemental Break + AoE Elemental Skill + AoE Physical Skill
Joker will always use the same type of Element as the one he used for Break.
14 Tetra/Makarakarn + AoE Elemental Skill + Mahamaon / Maeigaon
The Elemental Skill used this turn will always be different from the previous turn.
15 Dekaja + Heat Riser + Down Shot and Cruel Attack
Similar to the 6th turn, this will be directed at Aigis.
16 1. Heat Riser + Heat Riser + Megidolaon
2. Heat Riser + Megidolaon + Megidolaon
3. Megidolaon + Megidolaon + Megidolaon
Joker will prioritize getting to max buffs this turn, and the amount of Megidolaons used will differ depending on how many Heat Risers he needs to use to get there.
17 Elemental Break + AoE Elemental Skill + AoE Physical Skill
Same pattern used as Turn 13.
18 Tetra/Makarakarn + AoE Elemental Skill + Mahamaon / Maeigaon
Same pattern used as Turn 14.
19 Dekaja + Heat Riser + Down Shot and Cruel Attack
Similar to the first few Down Shots, this will be aimed at Aigis.
20 Heat Risers + Megidolaons
Same pattern as Turn 16. This is also the last turn you get so make sure to defeat Joker with Armageddon and your party's Theurgies!
21 Unlimited Sinful Shell
You have gone over the 20 turn limit, and Joker will make sure you're KO'd

If you don't have any buffs active during a Dekaja turn, except for Turn 1, he will use Debilitate on Aigis instead.

These are our currently known patterns from Joker's movesets. There are probably more variations and patterns that Joker may have or use during these turns. If you find a different moveset pattern for one of Joker's turns, let us know in the comments down below!

Comment Section

Joker Boss Fight Rules

Forbidden Movesets and Rule List

・Using double damage buffs like Charge and Concentrate are forbidden on the first turn, including Yukari, Koromaru, and Fuuka's Theurgies. As soon as it's turn 2, these moves are safe to use.
・If you use Rush or hit Joker with your party's basic attacks during the first turn.
・You cannot use any repel effects such as Makarakarn and Tetrakarn.
・You can use a Persona that's immune to attacks and elements but you cannot use them to nullify or absorb Joker's attacks. This means that you can use a Persona that can block Ice moves if Joker won't be using Ice moves, but there are exceptions to this rule.
・You cannot use 2 or more party members that nullify the same element. For example, you can't use Junpei and Koromaru since he will use Sinful Shell after they both block Blazing Hell.
・On Turn 5 (Anubis), you cannot equip a Persona that can block, repel, or absorb Light or Dark, which is the exception to the previous rule.
・Using Armageddon. However, he will only punish this once he gets to his turn which means you can use it to beat Joker before his next move.
・Battle goes past 20 turns.

Failing to follow the unwritten and forbidden rule list above will cause Joker to equip Satanael and spam Sinful Shell for 9999 damage. If you find a rule that is not currently listed above, please share it with us in the comments down below!

Comment Section

Skips to Turn 11 at Half HP

If you deal more than or equal to 50% of his hp during turns 1-10, Joker will skip straight ahead to turn 11 in his cycle. Make sure you're prepared since the fight gets much harder from that point.

Joker Weaknesses and Resistances

Joker's Arsene Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Joker's Arsene resists all attacks and elements except for Pierce and Dark moves, which he can block.

Joker's Attis Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Joker's Attis blocks Slash, Fire, Wind, Light, and Dark moves. It can also resist Strike and Pierce attacks.

The only elements where players can deal normal damage towards Joker while using this Persona are by using Ice and Electricity skills.

Joker's Satan Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Joker's Satan resists Slash and Pierce attacks, while it blocks Ice, Electricity, Light, and Dark.

Consider using Fire and Wind skills to deal normal damage against Joker during this phase.

Joker's Anubis Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Joker's Anubis blocks all types of magic, so it is recommended to use physical attacks when he uses this Persona.

Joker's Siegfried Weaknesses and Resistances

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

On the other hand, Joker's Siegfried blocks all types of physical attacks, so consider using magic against Joker during this phase instead.

Best Party and Personas to Beat Joker

Recommended Party for Joker

Character Best Skills
Persona 3 Reload - Aigis (MC)Aigis (MC) Morning Star
Primary DPS since she's the only one who can consistently bypass Joker's resistances and immunities.
・Don't do anything else besides Concentrate + Morning Star since there is a turn limit in this fight.
Save 2nd or 3rd Theurgy for Armageddon to burst down Joker when he's at around 1/3rd HP.
Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Mediarahan
・Will constantly be spamming Mediarahan to keep everyone at full HP.
・Can also use items to help buff the party or debuff Joker.
・Use Tranquility to give Aigis a free turn as long as Yukari doesn't need to heal, buff, or debuff.
・Can't use Ken since his Dark and Light immunities overlap with Koromaru.
Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Masukukaja
・Koromaru is needed since he needs to constantly keep Joker Debilitated.
・Can can use Masukukaja or items when he doesn't need to apply Debilitate.
・Use Hound of Hades to deal decent chip damage if there's no need to heal, buff, or debuff.
Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Matarukaja
Brave Blade
Enduring Soul
Resist Phys
・Mainly used to buff the team's Attack and Defense with Matarukaja and Protection Sutras respectively.
・Can look for a lucky Charged crit when there's no need to heal, buff, or debuff.
Doesn't nullify anything so that you won't double up and break one of Joker's rules.

Recommended Party Equipment

Character Equipment Effect
Aigis Metatronius +5 to all Stats
Arms Master isn't used for this boss
Soul of Athena Nullifies All Ailments
Swan Legs Magic Evasion (High)
Stab Necklace Reduce Pierce DMG (High)
Reduces Cruel Attack's damage
Yukari Quintessence Bow Concentrate at the start of the fight
Decent damage for Turn 1 Cyclone Arrow
Armor of Light Reduce Magic DMG (High)
Shoes of Light Increased chance of dodging attacks
Lightning Gloves Nullifies Electric
Koromaru Vajra +9 to all Stats and increased chance of dodging attacks
Aura Dog Suit +5 Endurance and Nullifies Light
Sacrificial Idol Revives user to full HP upon death
Metis Corpse Rod Gives +5 to all stats.
Arms Master isn't used for this boss.
Joruri Tengu Nullifies All Ailments.
Leonidas' Vine Magic Evasion (High)
Power Transmitter Increase party's Attack at the start of battle
Increases the damage of Turn 1 Theurgies and forces Joker to use Dekaja.

Recommended Personas for Joker

Persona Best Skills
Orpheus Telos Morning Star
Enduring Soul
Spell Master
Multi-Target Boost
Almighty Boost
Ali Dance
Almighty Amp
・Only Persona you need since it resists everything except for Almighty. This is important so that you don't break any of Joker's rules.
・Can replace Almighty Amp with Unshaken Will if you don't have the skill or if you don't have Soul of Athena equipped.
・Remember to max out their stats with Incense.

How to Prepare for Joker

  1. Farm for Party's Ultimate Equipment
  2. Craft Null Element Equipment
  3. Equip Auto Buff Skills
  4. Maximize Your Persona and Ally's Stats
  5. Stock Up on Items
  6. Max Out Theurgy Gauges

Farm for Party's Ultimate Equipment

Farm Base Models in Empyrean
To get the best possible equipment for your party, you will need to farm for Nihil White Models, Nihil Black Models, and Dead Moon's Husks in B20+ of Empyrean. Combined with the requisite Heart Items, you'll be able to craft your party's Ultimate Equipment at Mayoido Antiques.

You can find these items in the Green Chests found in one of the randomly generated floors or inside a Monad Door.

Save Scum to Change Item Inside the Chest

The best way to farm for these base models is to save and reload until you get the one that you want. It may be tedious to run back and forth to get the drops you want, but this is the fastest method to get what you need.

Craft Null Element Equipment

Lightning Gloves
You also want to make sure that your party's weaknesses are nullified using equipment before heading into the Joker fight. If you don't, he will knock them down during Turns 3+, and insta-kill them with a follow-up attack.

Equip Auto Buff Skills

Auto Heat Riser Accessory
Equipping a Persona or piece of Equipment that automatically grants a buff at the start of the fight will greatly help during the first turn. This forces Joker to waste a move using Dekaja, making him use only one Megidolaon next turn.

It's recommended to only do this on one character so that your other party members can benefit from better Skills and Accessories.

Maximize Your Persona and Ally's Stats

Orpheus Telos Maxed Stats
It is highly recommended to max your allies' and your Persona's stats before attempting the Joker fight. The highest amount of defensive stats is recommended to survive Joker's combos while also having enough damage to take down Joker before the maximum turns pass.

Level Up Using the Reaper

Persona 3 Reload (P3R) - Reaper Weakness

The Reaper is a great source of experience as defeating it once while using an EXP card will yield massive amounts of experience points.

How to Beat the Reaper

Farm Gems in Empyrean for Incense

Farm for Gems
Empyrean is one of the best places to farm Emeralds and Diamonds, which are needed for crafting Power, Magic, and Endurance Incenses in the Antique Shop. Aim for Elite enemies, Yellow Chests, and Monad Doors for a higher chance of obtaining gems in this dungeon!

Empyrean Door Guide

Stat Boost Cards During Shuffle Time

Shuffle Time Fortune
Another great way to farm for stats is by selecting the stat-boosting Arcana Cards during Shuffle Time. This way you can also increase your party's max HP and SP with cards like Fortune and Strength respectively.

The best way to do this is after Monad Door fights while farming for Gems since you're guaranteed to pick at least two Arcana cards.

Stock Up on Items

Mayoido Antiques Items
Make sure that you stock up on items from Mayoido Antiques since they're the best items you can get without having to farm enemies or chests. You'll naturally get the Gems needed for these items while you're farming for the Gems needed to purchase Incense.

Get Bead Chain EXs, Precious Eggs, and Sutras

The best items to get are Bead Chain EXs, Precious Eggs, and Sutras. If you're using the recommended party from this guide, you'll want Protection Sutras specifically since you don't have Junpei to increase your team's Defense.

Max Out Theurgy Gauges

Max Theurgy Gauge
Before facing Joker, you'll want to make sure that your entire party's Theurgy Gauges are maxed out. This way, you can get some good damage in early and Fuuka can use her Theurgy immediately during Turn 2.

How to Beat Joker

  1. Use Theurgies and Debilitate Turn 1
  2. Save Fuuka's Theurgy for After Dekaja
  3. Keep Your Party at Full HP
  4. Maintain Buffs and Debuffs
  5. Spam Concentrated Morning Stars
  6. Save Aigis' Second Theurgy for Armageddon

Use Theurgies and Debilitate Turn 1

Metis Theurgy
During the first turn, you'll want to use Shadow Hound with Aigis, Cyclone Arrow with Yukari, Charging Blitz with Metis, and Debilitate with Koromaru for early damage and to counter Joker's Heat Riser next turn.

Use a Buff Skill if You Don't Have Auto Buffs

If you don't have a Skill or piece of equipment that gives you an Auto Buff, you'll need to use Matarukaja with Metis so that Joker is forced to use Dekaja during his turn. If you don't do this, he will use two Megidolaons during his second turn.

Save Fuuka's Theurgy for After Dekaja

Fuuka Theurgy
You'll want to use Fuuka's Theurgy after Joker uses Dekaja. This way you can fully reset your buffs, or get a free Concentrate and Charge, which then allows your party members to do other things like attack or heal.

Keep Your Party at Full HP

Yukari Mediarahan
Make sure that your entire party's HP is topped up the entire fight. There's always a chance that Joker will knock out one of your party members during his turn, especially once he hits Turn 11+.

Maintain Buffs and Debuffs

Koromaru Debilitate
You also want to make sure that you have your buffs and debuffs active every round. Metis will be maintaining Attack and Defense buffs while Koromaru maintains Debilitate on Joker. This is necessary so that Yukari, and your team, will survive Joker's attacks.

Spam Concentrated Morning Stars

Aigis Concentrate and Morning Star
Aigis will be your Main DPS, and she'll be using the combination of Concentrate and Morning Star throughout the entire fight. If you spend even one turn where Aigis does something else, there's a chance that you'll hit the 20-turn limit.

Save Aigis' Second Theurgy for Armageddon

Once you get back Aigis' Theurgy, you'll want to save it for Armageddon to burst down Joker when he's below 1/3 HP. Just make sure that it's enough to kill him, otherwise, he will survive and use Sinful Shell the next turn.

If you wish, you can avoid using Theurgies the entire fight, but it's still recommended to use Shadow Hound during Turn 1 for early damage.

Are Joker's Personas Unlockable?

Joker's Personas are Obtainable via DLC

P3R Episode Aigis - P5 Demon DLC
From the trailer, Joker uses Arsene and Satanael. Both Personas are available as DLC along with other Personas in the Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 1 and Set 2.

Purchasing those two sets will give you access to Arsene and Satanael, along with other Personas from the characters of Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.

Joker's Appearance in P3R

Announced in A Familiar Foe Trailer

Joker has been revealed as an Optional Boss available in Episode: Aigis. As a Superboss, he will be the hardest enemy you'll encounter in the DLC.

How to Start Episode: Aigis

Who is Joker?

Protagonist of Persona 5

P3R Episode Aigis - Joker
Joker is the main character of Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. He is the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and the holder of the Wild Card. He leads a band of misfits to change the hearts of rotten adults of the world.

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload Partial Banner- Bosses
List of All Bosses

All Episode Aigis Bosses

Wrathful Book Wondrous Magus Harem & Natural Dancer
Harmony Giant Frivolous Maya Avenger Knight
Spastic Turret & Slaughter Drive Acheron Seeker & Ice Raven Killer Twins
Eternal Sand Onnen Musha Neo Minotaur
Story Bosses
Metis ??? (Shadow Protagonist) Akihiko and Ken
Junpei and Koromaru Yukari and Mitsuru Erebus
Super Bosses
Joker Reaper -
Monad Door Bosses
Phantom Mage (Cocytus) Elegant Mother (Cocytus) Red Sigil (Cocytus)
Chaos Cyclops (Caina) Eternal Eagle (Caina) Nemean Beast (Caina)
Judgement Sword (Antenora) Grand Magus (Antenora) Minotaur III (Antenora)
Emperor and Adamant Beetle World Balance (Ptolomea) Death Castle (Ptolomea)
Crazy Twins (Ptolomea) Eternal Sand (Judecca) Void Giant (Judecca)
Vehement Idol (Judecca) Rampage Drive (Judecca) Phantom King (Empyrean)
Fanatic Tower (Empyrean) Intrepid Knight (Empyrean) Reckoning Dice (Empyrean)
Monad Chamber Bosses
Immortal Gigas and Visceral Maya Primitive Idol El Dorado Beast
Brilliant Cyclops - -

List of Episode Aigis DLC Bosses

All Story Bosses

Story Bosses
Priestess Emperor & Empress Hierophant
Lovers Chariot & Justice Hermit
Strength & Fortune Jin & Takaya Hanged Man
Chidori Yoshino Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki
Nyx Avatar

List of All Story Bosses

All Guardian Bosses

Tartarus Guardians
Ruthless Ice Raven Barbaric Beast Wheel Swift Axle
Will O Wisp Raven Disturbing Dice Clairvoyant Relic
Servant Tower Lascivious Lady Fleetfooted Cavalry
Ochlocratic Sand Heretic Magus Arcanist Decapitator
Tome of Atrophy & Deviant Convict Controlling Partner & Dependent Partner Venomous Magus
Bloody Maria & Executioner's Crown Imposing Skyscraper Rampaging Sand & Heartless Relic
Raging Turret Terminal Table Jotun of Authority
Isolated Castle Pagoda of Disaster Dancing Beast Wheel
Demented Knight Cruel Greatsword Invigorated Gigas
Cultist of the Storm Merciless Judge & Executive Greatsword Chaos Panzer
Icebreaker Lion & Luckless Cupid Blazing Middle Sibling, Deadly Eldest Sibling & Voltaic Youngest Sibling Scornful Dice
Minotaur Nulla Obsessive Sand -

List of All Guardian Bosses

All Superbosses

Reaper Elizabeth

List of All Superbosses

All Monad Bosses

Monad Passage Bosses
Cowardly Maya Rampage Drive, Shouting Tiara and Magical Magus Bronze Dice & Muttering Tiara
Iron Dice & Silent Book Platinum Dice, Muttering Tiara and Silent Book Dogmatic Tower
Natural Dancer Vehement Idol Minotaur II
Haunted Castle & Spiritual Castle Intrepid Knight & Change Relic Devious Maya and Amorous Snake
Heat, Sky, Light, and Omnipotent Balance Phantom Master and Morbid Book Hallowed Turret
Musha Squad Shadow of the Void -
Monad Door Bosses
Elegant Mother Phantom Mage Red Sigil
Nemean Beast Eternal Eagle Chaos Cyclops
Judgment Sword Minotaur III Grand Magus
Crazy Twins Emperor Beetle Death Castle
Void Giant World Balance Eternal Sand
Rampage Drive Phantom King Fanatic Tower
White, Black, Pink, Silver, and Gold Hand - -

List of All Monad Bosses


24 Anonymousabout 1 month

I don't know how nobody has mentioned this but before facing joker get the temperance arcana card to be able to charge your theurgy faster with it you can do upto 4 shadow hounds before reaching turn 20

23 Zen3 months

New Info: When Joker knocks someone out, he uses a Single-Target Severe Magic Skill Like for Satan: Diamond Dust on Aki, Thunder Reign for Yukari, Panta Rhei for Junpei, and Inferno for Mitsuru. He also uses Siegfried (Akasha Arts for guarantee crit) and uses Mother Harlot for aliment skills


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