Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

List of All Key Items

Persona 3 Reload - List of All Key Items

Key Items are important items acquired as you progress through the main story of Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Learn more about all the key items available in the game, as well as how to get them.

Koromaru Fully Body Portrait Attention! The following list is still incomplete and we will update them as more information get discovered. Please stay tuned for more updates!

List of All Key Items

Item Effect How to Get
Animal Othello Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Award Letter Allows you to fuse Norn Finish the Fortune Social Link
Bead Ring Allows you to fuse Attis Finish the Hanged Man Social Link
Blue Scale Allows you to fuse Empusa Complete Elizabeth's 57th Request
Book of Ayin Increases the number of Major Arcana cards attainable in a day by one. Obtain in the Monad Passage in 117F
Book of Pe Increases the number of Major Arcana cards attainable in a day by one. Defeat the third boss on 143rd Floor.
Book of Samech Increases attainable Major Arcana cards Defeat the 2nd boss of Monad on Floor 91
Book of the Ancients Allows you to fuse Thoth Complete Elizabeth's 78th Request
Book of Tsadi Increases the number of Major Arcana cards attainable in a day by one. Monad Passage after 2nd boss from Upper Tziyah Block (177F)
Car Key Allows you to fuse Helel Finish the Star Social Link
Charred Screw Allows you to fuse Metatron Finish the Aeon Social Link
Cheap Lighter Allows you to fuse Odin Finish the Emperor Social Link
Colorless Mask Allows you to fuse Orpheus Telos Talk to Igor after you finish All Social Links
Devil Tarot Allows Devil Major Arcana cards to appear during Shuffle Time. Obtained on 9/3 during the Dark Hour.
Emperor Tarot The Emperor card will appear during Shuffle Time. TBD
Empress Tarot The Empress card will apear during Shuffle Time. TBD
Gourmet License Allows you to fuse Sandalphon Finish the Moon Social Link
Handmade Choker Allows you to fuse Futsunushi. Finish the Magician Social Link
Headphones Allows you to fuse Scathach Finish the Priestess Social Link
High Priestess Tarot The High Priestess card will appear during Shuffle Time. Defeat the High Priestess boss on 5/9.
Iwatodai Forum Note Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Suspicious Man at Club Escapade.
Kids' Letter Allows you to fuse Siegfried Finish the Strength Social Link
Language Made Easy Raises Academics Social Stat when used on the Shared Computer. Can only be used once. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Lessons in Etiquette Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Letter of Thanks Required to complete Elizabeth's 97th Request. TBD
Lily Petal Allows you to fuse Lilith Complete Elizabeth's 48th Request
Machine Core Allows you to fuse Nata Taishi Complete Elizabeth's 29th Request
Manga Allows you to fuse Melchizedek Finish the Justice Social Link
Marionette Allows you to fuse Nebiros Complete Elizabeth's 42nd Request.
Masakados Allows you to fuse Masakado Complete Elizabeth's 52nd Request
Memoir 3 None Obtain from chest in Monad Depths in 117F after defeating Iron Dice and Silent Book.
Mindful Boot Camp Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Money Pouch Allows you to fuse Byakko Finish the Temperance Social Link
Motorcycle Key Allows you to fuse Alilat Finish the Empress Social Link
Muscle Boot Camp Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Online Game Lets you start the Hermit Social Link. Given by Junpei
Pentagram Stone Allows you to fuse Decarabia Defeat Isolated Castle on Floor 143
Persimmon Fruit Allows you to fuse Kohryu Finish the Hierophant Social Link
Persimmon Leaf Lets you start the Hierophant Social Link Head to the tree in Gekkoukan High after you speak with the old folks at the bookstore.
Platinum Bookmark Serves as a proof of defeating Elizabeth. Defeat Elizabeth
Rainbow Feather Allows you to fuse Kartikeya Complete Elizabeth's 60th Request
Red Fountain Pen Lets you start the Sun Social Link Interact with Koromaru after talking with Akinari
Red Muffler Allows you to fuse Hell Biker Complete Elizabeth's 59th Request.
Reserve Tag Allows you to fuse Chi You Finish the Tower Social Link
Revenge Site Note Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. The Informant - After you hear a rumor about a revenge site from students at school.
School X Site Note Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Suspicious Man at Club Escapade.
Screenshot Data Allows you to fuse Arahabaki Finish the Hermit Social Link
Security Site Note Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. The Informant - Unlocked on 7/9
Small Cheongsam Allows you to fuse Hua Po Complete Elizabeth's 56th Request
Sports Tape Allows you to fuse Thor Finish the Chariot Social Link
Star Tarot Allows Star Major Arcana cards to appear during Shuffle Time. Monad Passage after 2nd boss from Upper Tziyah Block (177F)
Sugar Key Allows you to fuse King Frost Complete Elizabeth's 22nd Request
Temperance Tarot The Temperance card will appear during Shuffle Time. Defeat the 2nd boss of Monad on Floor 91
Thank-you Letter Allows you to fuse Beelzebub Finish the Devil Social Link
Torn Black Cloth Allows you to fuse Pale Rider Complete Elizabeth's 8th Request
Tower Tarot Allows Tower Major Arcana cards to appear during Shuffle Time. Defeat the third boss on 143rd Floor.
TypinGhoul Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Umiushi Fan Book Allows you to order takeout from Umiushi Beef Bowls at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Velvet Key Lets you enter the Velvet Room. Given by Igor
Vibrant Feather Allows you to fuse Mothman Defeat Arcanist Decapitator.
Virtual Diet Used at the Shared Computer in the Dorm. Purchase from Net Cafe at Iwatodai Strip Mall 3F
Worn Notebook Allows you to fuse Asura Finish the Sun Social Link
Yukari's Strap Allows you to fuse Cybele Finish the Lovers Social Link

What are Key Items?

Important Items Acquired in the Story

Key Items are items that players automatically get as they progress through the story or as they complete Social Links. These items either let you further progress the story, or unlock a Social Link. They are also not consumables and thus, will stay in your inventory for the duration of the game unless the story requires you to use them.

Unlocks Strong Personas for Fusion

There are also several Key Items you can get from completing a Social Link or from Elizabeth's Requests that unlocks strong Personas for fusion. These Personas are locked and cannot be obtained until you get the key item for it.

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