Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Erebus Weakness and How to Beat

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus
Erebus is the final boss in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC that can be fought at Sea of Souls. Read on to learn how to beat Erebus, know its location, weaknesses, and resistances, as well as the recommended party and Personas for defeating Erebus.

Erebus Boss Overview

Abyss of Time Final Boss

Boss Overview
Erebus (Normal)

Location: Sea of Souls
Recommended Level: 95+

Erebus is a manifestation of humanity's worst traits and feelings, as described by Fuuka. It appears as the final boss in the Episode Aigis DLC as you enter the final door in the Abyss of Time.

Episode Aigis Walkthrough

Erebus Weaknesses and Resistances

Erebus (Normal)

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Erebus (Charging)

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Erebus (Downed)

Persona 3 Reload - SlashSlash Persona 3 Reload - StrikeStrike Persona 3 Reload - PiercePierce
Persona 3 Reload - FireFire Persona 3 Reload - IceIce Persona 3 Reload - ElectricityElectricity Persona 3 Reload - WindWind
Persona 3 Reload - Light SkillLight Persona 3 Reload - Dark SkillDark

Resistances Change Depending on its State

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Dark Embrace Weakness
Erebus can change its resistances depending on its current state. On normal turns, it will resist all magic damage. When using Dark Embrace, it will become vulnerable to Fire, Ice, and Light. If downed, it can take damage from any source or type.

How to Beat Erebus

The following tips can help you beat Erebus in battle.

  1. Use the First Three Turns to Set Up
  2. Bring Status Ailment Recovery Items or a Persona with Amrita Shower
  3. Bring a Persona with Dekunda
  4. Use Theurgy to Stop Erebus from Charging
  5. Get Offensive After Downing Erebus
  6. Focus on Using Physical Skills on Normal State
  7. Switch to Magic While Erebus Charges Dark Embrace
  8. Use Up Your Best Healing Items

Use the First Three Turns to Set Up

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus First Turns

During the initial stages of the fight, it's best to use this time to set up your team's offense and defense before Erebus starts using Dark Embrace. Use Charge or Concentrate with your offensive line, and apply buffs and debuffs with your supports.

Bring Status Ailment Recovery Items or a Persona with Amrita Shower

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Tentarafoo

When Erebus uses Dark Embrace, it will always follow with Evil Smile or Tentarafoo, inflicting Fear or Confuse to the whole team. The best way to counter this is by stocking up on Me Patra Gems to remove the status ailment, especially if multiple teammates are affected.

If you're low on items, you can bring a Persona with Amrita Shower instead, especially if you're not planning to bring Yukari to the team.

Status Ailments Guide (P3R)

Bring a Persona with Dekunda

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Use Dekunda

Erebus will use several debuffing moves during Dark Embrace, such as Matarunda and Masukunda. Make sure to bring a persona that can use Dekunda to nullify these negative stat changes and maintain heavy offense.

Alternatively, you can just use Dekunda Gems instead, if you have enough!

Use Theurgy to Stop Erebus from Charging

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Use Theurgy

After the third turn of the fight, Erebus will use Dark Embrace, allowing it to charge Primal Darkness for three turns. It will also become more aggressive while charging and will continue to land offensive attacks, including Almighty Onslaught, which can critically hit your team.

One way to stop Erebus from charging is to deal damage before it fully charges. The best way to achieve this is by using a Theurgy. Doing so will force Erebus into a downed state, making it vulnerable to all attack types.

Theurgy Skills Guide (P3R)

Guard to Avoid Taking Massive Damage from Primal Darkness

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Primal Darkness

If you fail to stop Erebus from charging within the first three turns, make sure to Guard instead to minimize the damage from Erebus's Primal Darkness. After this, it will return to its normal state, becoming resistant to magic again.

Get Offensive After Downing Erebus

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Downed

If you've managed to stop it the middle of Dark Embrace, take advantage of Erebus' downed state and continue with your offense. You'll have at least two full turns where Erebus won't attack, giving you the opportunity to deal as much damage as possible, especially since its resistances are now nullified.

Focus on Using Physical Skills on Normal State

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Use Physical

Erebus will take reduced damage from Magic Skills when it is not charging up Dark Embrace. In this phase, make sure to use Physical Skills since it still deals full damage to the boss.

List of Physical Skills

Switch to Magic While Erebus Charges Dark Embrace

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Erebus Using Megidolaon

When it is charging up and uses Dark Embrace, make sure to switch to your strongest Magic Skills. Mitsuru and Koromaru will be your pinch hitters here.

List of Magic Skills

Use Up Your Best Items

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Use Items

This is the final boss for The Answer so don't skimp out on using your Somas and Precious Eggs. If you didn't bring certain party members, use up your Attack Mirrors, Magic Mirrors, and Sutras as needed.
List of All Consumable Items

Erebus Recommended Party Setup

Best Party Setup: Ken, Koromaru, Mitsuru

Character Best Skills
Persona 3 Reload - AigisAigis Black Viper
Primal Force
Bloody Charge
・The best Persona to use here is Satan, preferably at max level to gain access to Black Viper, Repel Wind, and Concentrate. The Concentrate and Black Viper combo is great for dealing damage, while Repel Wind cancels out his weakness to Wind.
・If you don't have access to Black Viper, Messiah offers an alternative with Megidolaon, which you can also use to inflict heavy Almighty damage on Erebus.
・You can also boost Megidolaon further with Concentrate. Messiah doesn’t naturally learn this, so switch to a Persona that can use it, such as Saturnus.
・If you're planning to go offensive, you can use Bloody Charge with Futsunushi or even use him as fusion material for a higher-level Persona, such as Chi You, to inherit Bloody Charge.
Persona 3 Reload - KenKen Mediarahan
Heat Riser
・Ken is a great support for the team, as he can learn reflective shields like Tetrakarn and Makarakarn. He can also use Heat Riser to buff and Mediarahan to heal the entire team.
・Ken can also deal decent damage with his offensive kit. He can use Kougaon to deal heavy Light damage, which Erebus won't be able to repel while charging Dark Embrace.
・The main highlight of his kit is his Divine Intervention Theurgy, which not only heals but also revives any downed allies and applies one charge of both reflective shields to the team.
Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Maragidyne
・Koromaru also comes with many support skills that can be advantageous in this fight. One of his best skills is Debilitate, which can lower all of Erebus's stats for three turns.
・He can also boost the team's evasion and accuracy with Masukukaja!
・He is offensively viable as well, but focus on using Maragidyne, as Erebus resists and can repel Dark skills.
Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru Ice Break
Diamond Dust
・Mitsuru is a strong offensive unit, as she can use the Concentrate and Diamond Dust combo regardless of Erebus' state.
・Resistance won’t be an issue for her, as she can use Ice Break to remove it, allowing Erebus to take full damage from her heavy ice attacks.

Alternative Party: Yukari, Metis, Junpei

Character Best Skills
Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Mediarahan
Amrita Shower
・Yukari can serve as a secondary support for the team, replacing either Koromaru or Ken. She can use Amrita Shower to remove status ailments, heal the team with Mediarahan, and revive fallen allies with Samarecarm.
・Offensively, she performs well with her wind skills, such as Garudyne, which can be boosted with Wind Amp and further enhanced if her theurgy, Tranquility, is activated. Just don’t forget to use Wind Break to remove Erebus’s resistance to Wind skills.
Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Vorpal Blade
・Metis can replace Mitsuru as the offensive unit for the team, thanks to her ability to use Charge. On turns when Metis can't use physical moves, she can still contribute offensively with magic skills like Bufudyne and Garudyne.
Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei Agidyne
Vorpal Blade
High Counter
・Junpei is always a reliable teammate for dealing physical damage. He has a kit full of great offensive moves, such as Vorpal Blade.
・Defensively, he can also counter any of Erebus's physical attacks with High Counter..

Erebus Recommended Personas

Satan, Messiah, Chi You, Helel

Persona Best Skills
Satan Black Viper
Black Viper is a single-target Almighty skill that deals massive damage.ngle-target Almighty skill that can deal massive damage.
Repel Wind cancels out Satan’s weakness to Wind at higher levels.
Concentrate can further boost Black Viper's damage, and Satan learns it as he levels up.
Messiah Enduring Soul
Null Phys
Enduring Soul can increase your survivability, especially if you've triggered Primal Darkness. It allows you to recover back to full HP upon death."
Null Phys allows you to negate damage from Erebus' physical attacks, such as Deathbound and Vorpal Blade.
Chi You Primal Force
Resist Ailments
Primal Force can help you deal severe physical damage to Erebus, and you can boost it further with Charge.
・Since Erebus can use Tentarafoo, Evil Smile, and Poison Mist, Resist Ailments can help reduce the chances of being affected by these status conditions..
Helel Salvation
Heat Riser
・If you're playing a support role, Helel is a great choice as it can use Heat Riser to buff a teammate or heal the entire team with Salvation.
・Helel can also be used offensively, especially with Morning Star which can deal massive almighty damage to Erebus.

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