Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Bring me a protein not for pros and How to Complete (P3R)

Bring me a protein not for pros is Request 28 of the many requests from Elizabeth that you can complete in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to unlock Request 28: Bring me a protein not for pros, and the necessary conditions needed to finish it.

How to Get Protein

Accept Request 28 From Elizabeth

The first step to proceed this request is to accept the request from Elizabeth first. If you don't accept the request from Elizabeth, the option to obtain a Amatuer Protein from Akihiko will not trigger.

Talk to Akihiko at the Dorm during Evening

Once the request is accepted, proceed to the Dorm and talk with Akihiko to procure 1x Amatuer Protein. As you can see from Akihiko's physique, he clearly partakes in dietary supplements to reinforce his body.

After getting the item, talk with Elizabeth to present her the Amateur Protein.

Akihiko Sanada Profile, Characteristics and Skills

Request 28: Bring me a protein not for pros Information

Information and Overview

Request 28: Bring me a protein not for pros
Objective Bring me a protein not for pros
Start Date Complete Request 27
End Date 7/5
Reward Spiked Bat x1

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - List of All Requests

Episode Aigis Requests

DLC Requests Guide
Episode Aigis Elizabeth RequestsEpisode Aigis Requests

Base Game Requests

List of Elizabeth's Requests

List of All Requests
Bring me a Muscle Drink Retrieve the first old document Shadow Hunting Milestone
Treasure Hunting Milestone Create a Persona that's level 13 or above Create a Persona with Kouha
Bring me a Juzumaru Experiment with fortune telling I'd like to try all kinds of drinks
I'd like to try a beef bowl Please prevail in the Big Eater Challenge Bring me pine resin
Bring me a handheld game console. Retrieve the second old document Shadow Hunting Milestone #2
Treasure Hunting Milestone #2 Fusion Series #1: Emperor, Oberon I'd like to be gifted a bouquet of flowers
I want Jack Frost dolls Bring me some potent medicine Retrieve the third old document
Shadow Hunting Milestone #3 Persona Fusion Milestone Create a Persona that's level 23 or above
Fusion Series #2: Chariot, Mithras Bring me an Onimaru Kunitsuna Bring me a triangular sword
Bring me a protein not for pros I want to look fashionable Retrieve the fourth old document
Shadow Hunting Milestone #4 Treasure Hunting Milestone #3 Persona Fusion Milestone #2
Create a Persona with Torrent Shot Fusion Series #3: Hermit, Mothman Defeat a rare Shadow #1
Traverse the Monad Passage I want to eat some chilled taiyaki Let me hear music unique to Gekkoukan
I'd like to see a pair of Max Safety Shoes Bring me the mysterious person's autograph Please feed the cat
Bring me a Christmas star I wish to feel the ocean. Retrieve the fifth old document
Shadow Hunting Milestone #5 Treasure Hunting Milestone #4 Persona Fusion Milestone #3
Create a Persona that's level 38 or above Perform King and I Bring me an Outenta Mitsuyo
I'd like to try a home-cooked meal I'd like to see a mysterious potato Attempt a hundred shrine visits
I'd like to see a proof of a bond. Look for the drink with my name I'd like to try Aojiru
I wish to become a straw millionaire Retrieve the sixth old document Shadow Hunting Milestone #6
Create a Persona that's level 46 or above Fusion Series #4: Lovers, Titania Fusion Series #5: Magician, Rangda
Defeat a rare Shadow #2 Bring me an Ote-gine Bring me a giant, creepy doll
Find me a beautiful tile Bring me a fruit knife Bring me oil
Retrieve the seventh old document Fusion Series #6: Strength, Siegfried Fusion Series #7: Hierophant, Daisoujou
Bring me a Mikazuki Munechika I'd like to try sushi Bring me a helm from the Sengoku era
Bring me a glasses wipe I'd like to walk around Paulownia Mall I'd like to visit Iwatodai Station
I'd like to visit Naganaki Shrine I'd like to visit Gekkoukan High I'd like to visit your room
Retrieve the last old document Retrieve the progress report Create a Persona with Tempest Slash
Create a Persona with Auto-Maraku Fusion Series #8: Death, Alice Fusion Series #9: Fool, Loki
Defeat a Greedy Shadow Bring me a Rai Kunimitsu Bring me a Dojigiri Yasutsuna
Bring me a Tonbo-kiri Go clean a restroom Go water the flowers
Bring me food for a furry friend Bring me a Featherman R action figure I'd like to try Oden Juice
Bring me my Christmas present Fusion Series #10: Tower, Masakado Defeat the Shadow of the Void
Bring me a Bloody Button Take out the ultimate adversary -


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