Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Ptolomea Door Complete Guide and Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for the Ptolomea Door in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to see a complete guide to the shadows and bosses, what you can unlock, and other tips to clear the door!

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Antenora Judecca

Ptolomea Walkthrough

No. Objectives
1 The elites and enemies here have physical resistances but several of them are weak to Lightning and Ice. Akihiko and Mitsuru are highly recommended as a party member with one healer added to the mix (Yukari or Ken).
2 Make your way through Ptolomea and head until you reach the 7th floor. This is your first checkpoint and going to the next floor will pit you against Slaughter Drive and Spastic Turret.
Keep your current roster as they are weak to Ice and Electric respectively.
► Spastic Turret and Slaughter Drive Boss Fight Guide
3 For the next layout, enemies are mostly weak to Strike, Lightning, and Fire. Consider swapping out Mitsuru for Junpei to get a solid physical damage dealer that can dish out fire damage for thsi part.
4 Your next checkpoint is Floor 16. Replenish your resources by exitting the Abyss of Time or by using the clock and spending Fragment before resuming your journey.
5 You'll fight Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven which are weak to physical attacks (Strike and Slash respectively). Acheron Seeker is also weak to Fire and Lightning while also posessing Evade Slash.
We highly recommend Akihiko, Junpei, and Ken as Acheron will be draining your resources so characters that can hit their weaknesses while recovering their SP is recommended for the fight.
► Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven Boss Fight Guide
6 Enemies in the next layer after the boss fight are mostly weak to Lightning, Fire, Ice, and Physical attacks. Koromaru or Junpei is a great addition to your party as well as Akihiko or Ken. Mitsuru or Mettis are also great options to consider.
7 Progress until the 25th floor to clear Ptolomea. There are no more bosses after Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven so feel free to spend your resources to clear the enemies you encounter along the way.

List of Bosses in Ptolomea

Guardian Bosses
Spastic Turret and Slaughter Drive Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven
Monad Bosses
Emperor and Adamant Beetle World Balance
Death Castle Crazy Twins

Click the names above to skip to a certain boss.

Ptolomea Guardian Bosses

Spastic Turret and Slaughter Drive

P3R Episode Aigis - Spastic Turret and Slaughter Drive
Akihiko, Mitsuru and Ken are fantastic party members to bring to this fight. Ken can support with his healing, using Tetrakarn and using his electric skills, Akihiko can provide lots of damage with his Theurgy, and Mitsuru supplies Ice to cover both weaknesses.

Spastic Turret and Slaughter Drive Boss Guide

Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven

P3R Episode Aigis - Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven
It's recommended to bring primarily Physical Attackers like Akihiko, Metis, and Junpei. This way, you have members who can target the bosses' Strike and Slash weaknesses while also ignoring Acheron Seeker draining your SP.

Ideally, you want to use Junpei since he can target both the Seeker and Raven's weaknesses with Fire and Slash respectively.

Acheron Seeker and Ice Raven Boss Guide

Ptolomea Monad Bosses

Emperor and Adamant Beetle

Emperor and Adamant Beetle
The Emperor and Adamant Beetles are a Monad Door boss located inside Ptolomea. They're both easily beaten by AoE Fire Skills, just make sure to dispel any buffs the two Beetles cast.

Emperor and Adamant Beetle Boss Guide

World Balance

World Balance and Mind Dice
World Balance is another Monad Door boss that can be found in Ptolomea. It's accompanied by a Mind Dice that inflicts status ailments on your party, so make sure to take the dice down first before focusing on the main boss.

World Balance (Ptolomea) Boss Guide

Death Castle

Death Castle
Death Castle is the third Ptolomea Monad Door boss that you can find. It's weak to Ice and it uses a lot of Fire attacks, so make sure to protect Mitsuru if you decide to bring her along.

Death Castle (Ptolomea) Boss Guide

Crazy Twins

Crazy Twins and Immoral Snake
Crazy Twins is the final Monad Door boss that you can encounter in Ptolomea. The Twins and the Immoral Snake that show up in this fight are both weak to Slash, so make sure to bring someone like Junpei who can use AoE Slash Skills.

Crazy Twins (Ptolomea) Boss Guide

List of Regular Shadows in Ptolomea

List of All Shadows and Weaknesses

Shadow Weak Resist Null Drain Repel
Adamant Beetle -
Slash Image
Pierce Image
- -
Almighty Hand
Dark Image
Wind Image Slash Image
Light Image
Strike Image
Ardent Dancer
Fire Image
Strike Image
Ice Image Light Image
- -
Beastial Wheel
Wind Image
Slash Image
Strike Image
- -
Death Twins
Ice Image
Dark Image
Fire Image
Devoted Cupid
Electric Image
Pierce Image
Wind Image Dark Image
- -
Immoral Snake
Slash Image
Fire Image
Wind Image
- -
Indolent Maya
Wind Image
Electric Image
- -
Iron Dice
Electric Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
- - -
Jotun of Evil -
Pierce Image
- -
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image
Jupiter Eagle
Dark Image Pierce Image
Ice Image
Wind Image
Luxury Hand -
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image
- -
Magical Magus
Strike Image
Ice Image Electric Image Dark Image
- -
Mind Dice
Fire Image
Wind Image
Ice Image
- -
Minotaur III -
Pierce Image Slash Image
Strike Image Light Image
- -
Perpetual Sand
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image
- -
Pistil Mother
Ice Image
- - -
Wind Image Light Image
Phantom Lord
Light Image
Ice Image
Wind Image
Dark Image
Silent Book
Fire Image Slash Image
Dark Image
Wind Image
- -
Vehement Idol
Ice Image
Wind Image
Fire Image Dark Image
Writhing Tiara
Strike Image Ice Image
- - -
Pierce Image

Tips and Tricks for Exploring Ptolomea

Party Member Ranking

Rank Character Explanation
1 Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Amazing character for this area thanks to her amazing coverage with both Wind and Ice along with Strike attacks. You should get Herculean Strike and Gigantic Fist at this point which massively improves your damage.
2 Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko A ton of enemies are weak to either Electric or Strike attacks. If you can get any gear that has Auto-Tarukaja or a Persona with Auto Mataru, can become an offensive threat in terms of both Physical and Magic.
3 Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru Despite being a magic user, Mitsuru can still act as a great support thanks to her Status Condition Characteristic. Freezing enemies with her Mabufu will almost always guarantee a Crit for other party members.
4 Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei Fares better in this dungeon due to the great amount of enemies being susceptible to Physical attacks. His Strike and Pierce attacks are nothing to write home about, but he can still dish out decent damage with his Slash skills.
5 Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Decent healer especially now that she can lower SP costs for healing skills. Not a lot of enemies here really Drain or Block Wind so she's best picked to fill any slot.
6 Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Amazing coverage with Fire, Strike, Slash, and Dark skills. Can work well with Mitsuru for guaranteed Crits thanks to his Virus Breath combined with Power Howling.
7 Persona 3 Reload - KenKen Falls off heavily due to a ton of enemies either resisting or even nullifying Light. Can still work as a Physical Pierce attacker, but his growths lean more on Magic instead of Strength.

Linked Episode Items Are Now Worth Two Twilight Fragments

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Akihiko Link Episode
After beating the bosses in B5 and B17, the locked chests that contain the items for new Linked Episodes now need two Twilight Fragments. These are needed for Junpei's, Akihiko's, Mitsuru's, and Yukari's Second Linked Episodes, so make sure to allot 8 Twilight Fragments for these.

How to Farm Twilight Fragments and All Locations

Obtain The Rest of the Parties' Second Theurgies

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Ken Upgrade Theurgy
After finishing B17 of Ptolomea, you can unlock Ken's Divine Intervention and Yukari's Tranquility. But do note that you need to head back to the dorm first to unlock the Theurgies.

Finishing B25 will also unlock Junpei's Blaze of Life and Mitsuru's Blade of Execution. At this point you should now have all second level Theurgies for your party members!

Theurgy Skills Guide (P3R)

RE Custom Parts Can be Found in a Locked Treasure Chest

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - RE Custom Parts
After finishing B17 of Ptolomea, you can also get the RE Custom Parts for Aigis's Ambush inside a Locked Tresure Chest. Make you have two Twilight Fragments for it as it allows you to break items with Aigis' dash.

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Jotun of Evil is actually weak to Pierce


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