Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Metis Profile, Characteristics and Skills

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Metis Banner
Metis is a character in Persona 3 Reload Episode: Aigis. Read on for details on Metis' character profile, voice actor, persona, theurgies, characteristics, and whether or not you can romance her.

Metis Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview

JP Voice Actor
Chiwa Saito
EN Voice Actor
Lizzie Freeman

A mechanical girl who claims to be Aigis's younger sister. When the members of SEES find themselves trapped in a time loop, Metis appears and guides them to the Abyss of Time beneath Iwatodai Dorm.

Metis's Role in Combat

Her Persona, Psyche, specializes in Wind and Ice attacks as well as dealing physical damage.

Metis Persona

Hierophant - Psyche

P3R Episode Aigis - Psyche Profile
Metis's Persona is Psyche of the Hierophant Arcana, and has a strong affinity to Physical attacks, much like Aigis in the base campaign.

Psyche does not have a Second Awakening

Unlike most party members, Metis's Persona will not evolve. Psyche will stay by her side throughout the story.

When Does Metis Join?

Metis Hesitating.png
Metis will be your first enemy to serve as a tutorial fight fior Episode: Aigis. Once you have free access to the Abyss of Time, she will join you as a party member along wiith the rest of SEES.

Episode Aigis Walkthrough

Skill List

List of Skills
Bufula Bufudyne Garula
Garudyne Dekaja Marin Karin
Sexy Dance Fatal End Brave Blade
Herculean Strike Gigantic Fist Vicious Strike
Akasha Arts Poison Arrow Charge

List of All Skills

Metis Theurgy

Metis Theurgies
Orgia Mode • Heavy Strike DMG to all foes, ignoring resistances. Ignores orders for a time.
Charging Blitz • Deals severe Strike damage to 1 foe, ignoring resistances.

Theurgies are powerful skills unique to each party member and can turn the tides of battle heavily in your favor. A party member may learn more than one Theurgy skill.

Theurgy Skills Guide

Metis Characteristics

Metis Characteristics
Sister Boost Attack up by 20% unitl end of turn when receiviing a Shift from Aigis

Metis's Characteristics rely on Shifting to her after your turn on Aigis. She greatly buffs herself for the whole turn, increasing her damage output.

Characteristic 1: Sister Boost

Metis' ATK increases by 20% after Aigis Shifts towards her, until the end of her turn.

Characteristic 2: Sister Amp

Once Metis' Characteristic Levels up through her Linked Episode, it will get upgraded to Sister Boost where her ATK increases by 40% after Aigis Shifts towards her until the end of turn.

Can You Romance Metis?

You Cannot Romance Metis

P3R - Metis Trailer.jpeg
Metis is not a romanceable option in Persona 3 Reload, since there are no Social Links to build in Episode: Aigis. You can, however, deepen your bond with her as sisters through Link Episodes.

All Romance Options

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