Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

April Walkthrough and Activities Guide

Persona 3 Reload - April Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of April in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the April schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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April Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

April 8 Morning Activity
Morning Recitation
Question: What phrase symbolizes summer!?
Answer: Vivid Carp Streamers (Charm ✦)
Day Activity
Cutscene:Iwatodai Dorm
Evening Activity
Cutscene:Velvet Room
April 9 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
Day Activity
Cutscene: Paulownia Mall with Junpei
Evening Activity
Cutscene:Magician and Combat Tutorial
April 17 Day Activity
Cutscene: Time Skip
Evening Activity
Cutscene: Time Skip
April 18 Morning Activity
Morning Recitation
Question: The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon Period - What are they called nowadays?
Answer: Middens (Charm ✦)
Day Activity
Cutscene: Time Skip
Evening Activity
Social Link:Fool Rank 1
April 19 Day Activity
Cutscene: Time Skip
Evening Activity
Cutscene:Junpei moves in Iwatodai Dorm
April 20 Day Activity
Cutscene: School Activities
Evening Activity:
Tartarus: Tutorial of Exploration and Combat
Social Link:Fool Rank 2
April 21 Day Activity
Cutscene: Magician (Kenji) and Morning Assembly
Afternoon Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity:
School Clinic: Drink Mysterious Concoction (Courage ✦)
Buy Items:Buy 2 Mad Bulls from Iwatodai Station and buy Kishido Blade for Junpei
Cutscene: Police Station Introduction
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased in Game Parade (Courage ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased in Game Parade (Courage ✦✦)
April 22 After School Activity
Social Link: Magician Rank 1
Evening Activity
Buy Items:Buy 2 Mad Bulls from Iwatodai Dorm 2nd Floor
① Reach the 22nd Floor and get an Odd Morsel
② Get 50,000+ ¥ (Including Materials and Extra Consumables)
③ Have a Magician, Chariot, Emperor, and Hierophant Personas
April 23 After School Activity
School Clinic: Drink Mysterious Concoction (Courage ✦)
Sell Materials: Sell all Tartarus Materials for Money
Social Link: Chariot Rank 1
P1: Should I say hello?
A1: I think I will.
P2: Oh, Protagonist-kun. What's up...?
A2: Wanna walk home together?
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth in Game Parade (Charm ✦✦)
April 24 After School Activity
Social Link: Magician Rank 2
P1: Can you, like, just waltz on into Takeba-san's room and stuff?
A1: No/That's a secret (✦✦).
P2: I'm more into older women, How 'bout you?
A2:I'm into older women, too./I like them all!(✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦)
April 25 After School Activity
① Go to Bookworms in IwatodaI Station Strip Mall and talk to the Elderly Couple
② Get the Persimmon Leaf from the Young Tree in the Corridor leading to the Gym Hallway
③ Return to the Elderly Couple
Social Link: Hierophant Rank 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
April 26 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Kenji's Invitation
Day Activity
Before Activity: Buy SP Items from Vending Machines
Social Link: Hierophant Rank 2
P1: What was your name again?
A1: Protagonist's Name (✦✦).
P2: Someone gave it to me, but I have more than enough. Go ahead and take it, Protagonist-chan.
A2: Thank you!(✦✦✦)
P3: We have so many, my wife and I would take forever to finish them all.
A3: I'd like that.(Melon Bread x2)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Mystery Burger (Courage ✦✦)
Social Stat Rank: Courage rank up to Ordinary
April 27 Morning Activity
School: Morning Assembly
Morning Recitation:
Question: Do you know which one's not an algebraic spiral or whatever?
Answer: A. (Charm ✦)
Day Activity
Before Activity: Go to the Faculty Office to join the Student Council
Social Link: Emperor Rank 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth in Game Parade (Charm ✦✦)
April 28 After School Activity
① Talk to Chihiro and say "I just wanted to talk..."
② Say hello to Yuko and ask her to walk home together after Chariot 1-2.
Social Link: Chariot Rank 2 and Strength Rank 1
P1: M-My side is killing me... I might've overdone it a bit.
A1: Toughen up! (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦)
April 29 Day Activity
Social Link: Hermit Rank 1
Evening Activity
Buy Items: Buy all the software from NetCafe and Info from Suspicious Man
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
April 30 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
① Talk to Chihiro for the second time and say anything
Social Link: Magician Rank 3
P1: Maaan... I'm so sick of this, dude.
A1: What, of life? (✦✦✦)
P2: Okay, that settles it, Dachi. I'm gonna get myself a girlfriend! Right now!
A2: Good luck! (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth in Game Parade (Charm ✦✦)
Social Stat Rank: Charm rank up to Unpolished

April Quiz Answers

Date Question
April 8 Q: What phrase symbolizes summer!?
A: Vivid Carp Streamers
April 18 Q:The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon Period - What are they called nowadays?
April 27 Q:Do you know which one's not an algebraic spiral or whatever?
A: A.

All Quiz and Exam Answers

All April Social Links

All April Social Links
Persona 3 Reload - S.E.E.S.Fool (S.E.E.S.) Persona 3 Reload - KenjiMagician (Kenji) Persona 3 Reload - HidetoshiEmperor (Hidetoshi)
Persona 3 Reload - BunkichiHierophant (Bunkichi and Mitsuko) Persona 3 Reload - MayaHermit (Maya) Persona 3 Reload - YukoStrength (Yuko)

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

Persona 3 Month of April Tips

Clear until 22nd Floor

Persona 3 Reload - Reach 22nd Floor
We highly recommend to clear Tartarus in one sitting, especially early on in the game, even if the fatigue system is gone. Climbing Tartarus will consume an activity point for the evening which can instead, be used on maxing out other social links or even increasing your social stat.

It is imperative to maximize your time doing other social activities if you wish to be able to max out all social links in the game.
Tartarus Exploration Guide and Tips

Buy SP Restoring Items

Persona 3 Reload - Buy SP Items
In order to reach the 22nd Floor without having to repeat a day, stock up on SP Restoring Items such as Madbull and Fountain Due every week. This resets until
List of All Consumable Items

Sell Extra Consumables

Persona 3 Reload - Sell Extra Consumables
If you are lacking in funds for the Arcade Games, remember to sell the extra consumables you get during your Tartarus Run. Otherwise, make use of the Dormitory Computer software as alternatives to the Arcade Games.
Money Farming Guide

Bring a Matching Persona During Social Links

Persona 3 Reload - Bring a Matching Persona
To easily max out the Social Links, you must get a corresponding arcana of that Social Link. To do so, go in the back of Paulownia Mall so that you do not need to go to Tartarus during the evening.
Fusion Guide: How Does Normal and Triangle Fusion Work

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

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Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

Walkthrough By Month
April May June
July August September
October November December


24 Anonymousabout 1 year


23 Anonymousabout 1 year

please be more detailed. Like for the social links, atleast for the 1st time, say who and where to start it. once we have started it, we can look at the in-game menu to c who u are talking about. But not before we have done the 1st rank.


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