Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - Tower Social Link
The Tower Arcana, represented by Mutatsu, is a Social Link in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to start Mutatsu's (Tower) Social Link, social stat requirements, schedule, gifts, unlocks, romance options, and the best choices for every Social Link event!

How to Start the Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link

How to Start the Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link

Reach Courage Level 2

Since Mutatsu will be inside Club Escapade, you need to reach at least Ordinary in your Courage Social Stat. Once you do, you should be able to access the club and see him.

How to Increase Courage

Progress Strength Social Link

After reaching Rank 4 on the Strength Social Link, talk to Yuko and she will briefly state something about an unusual monk hanging around Club Escapade. To approach Mutatsu, you must have a Courage Rank of Tough.

Speak to the Bartender

After achieving these steps, you need to speak to the bartender and help take all customer’s drinks orders. Finally, you will serve Mutatsu his drink, which unlocks the Tower Social Link.

Social Stats Guide

Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link Choices Guide

Jump to a Section!
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Note: All responses marked with (✦) gives +1, (✦✦) gives +2 points, and (✦✦✦) gives +3 points to increase S-Link rank. It is also recommended to bring a Tower Persona for an additional point.

Rank 1 to 2

Prompt 1
What'cha doin' here today, kid?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I came to see you, old man. - -
2. None of your business. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
You don’t have to revere me, but at least show some proper respect.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. How should I address you? +1 ✦✦
2. Show respect? - -

Rank 2 to 3

Prompt 1
How come you’re always alone when I see ya? Don’tcha got any friends?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I can't say I don't. - -
2. I don't have any friends. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 3 to 4

Prompt 1
You should cut it. No, better yet, shave it all off... Give the bald look a try.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Yeah, that might look cool. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Yeah, I dunno... - -

Rank 4 to 5

Prompt 1
High school kids don’t have much money, do they? At least, I never gave much to my son.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I have enough. +1 ✦✦
2. I am not NOT struggling... - -
Prompt 2
...And I mean something you can buy with money. Not some crap like “love” or “a sense of humor”.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Yes. +1 ✦✦
2. No. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 5 to 6

Prompt 1
Ugh... I'm in bad shape...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Are you okay? - -
2. You should go home. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
It's times like these... ah... when it's hardest to be alone...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. You live by yourself? - -
2. Do you have any coworkers? +1 ✦✦

Rank 6 to 7

Prompt 1
...Hey! There’s a microphone over there. Bring it over, kid! I’ll perform a live sutra reading.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Really? - -
2. You probably shouldn't... +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 7 to 8

Prompt 1
Didn’t dad tell you not to do that, huh?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Dad? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. It's my first time hearing it. +1 ✦✦
3. ...... - -
Prompt 2
Where the hell were ya wanderin' around? Iss late!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I was with a friend. +1 ✦✦
2. I was studying. - -
3. None of your business. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 3
I wonder if they felt the same way I did, when I was waiting for you earlier...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Who's “they”? - -
2. What're you talking about? - -
Prompt 4
…Now when I go home, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I just come here and drink every night.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Do you miss your family? - -
2. Are you running away? +1 ✦✦

Rank 8 to 9

Prompt 1
I'm workin' memorial service after memorial service 24/7, as if my little temple was some kinda convenience store...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Why not take a break? +1 ✦✦
2. Poor men know no leisure. +1 ✦✦
Prompt 2
I’ve been drinkin’ too much lately… Makin’ a fool of myself like I did the other day.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Hang in there. +1 ✦✦
2. Time to retire? +1 ✦✦
Prompt 3
Whaddya think?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What's this about? +1 ✦✦
2. I don’t really care. +1 ✦✦

Rank 9 to 10

Prompt 1
…Well? How’s that sound?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's awesome! +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. It's missing something. - -

Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link Overview

Mutatsu (Tower) Start Date and Requirements

Persona 3 Reload - Tower Social Link
Arcana XVI. Tower
Start Date Any Date after Rank 4 in Strength
Pre-Requisites ・Rank 4 at Strength Social Link
・ Courage Rank 4: Tough
・ Talk to Yuko.
Days Available Thursday (Night), Friday (Night), Saturday (Night), Sunday (Night)
Location Club Escapade in Paulownia Mall

Mutatsu (Tower) Best Gifts

Since there is no option to invite them on a date outside, you cannot give gifts for this Social Link.

List of Gifts

Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link Rewards

Persona Arcana
Chi You Tower
Starting Level

Completing the Tower Social Link rewards you with a Reserve Tag, which lets you perform a fusion of the Ultimate Persona of the Tower Social Link!

How to Fuse Chi You

Can You Romance Mutatsu (Tower)?

Romance is Not Possible

You cannot romance Mutatsu, the Tower Arcana in Persona 3 Reload.

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links.png

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

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Fool0. Fool MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess EmpressIII. Empress
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JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun
JudgementXX. Judgement AeonXXI. Aeon


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