Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

List of All Consumables

Persona 3 Reload - List of All Consumable Items
Consumables are items that give various effects such as healing or restoring SP in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Learn more about all the consumable items available in the game, as well as their effects in this article.

List of Consumable Items

Item Effect How to Get
1UP Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Strip Mall
Agilao Gem Deals medium Fire damage to one enemy. Elizabeth's Request #61, Common Chest
Agility Sutra Briefly raises entire party's speed. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #85
Aguafeena Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Port Island Station
Amrita Gem Cures all ailments besides KO for one ally Mayoido Antiques
Amrita Water Cures the party's ailments. Elizabeth's Request #16
Antibiotic Gel Restores 200 HP to one ally Purchase with Sappy Jelly x5 from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities on 5/10 for 3,980 yen.
Apple Strudel Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Store
Atrophying Sutra Decreases Defense for all foes for 3 turns Mayoido Antiques
Attack Mirror Repels enemy physical attacks once. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #24, Rare Chest
Autumn Beef Bowl Restores 50 HP to all party members. TBD
Baisudi Gem Cures Freeze/Shock/Poison/Down/Dizzy for one ally. Common Chest in Tartarus
Balm of Life Revives 1 fallen ally with full HP. Locked Chest in Tartarus
Band-Ace Revives one fallen ally with 50% HP. TBD
BauerBar Restores 10 HP to one ally. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Strip Mall
Bead Fully restores HP to 1 ally. Chest in Thebel Block
Bead Chain Fully restores party's HP. Mayoido Antiques, Inari Sushi Fortune, Elizabeth's Request (#2, #64, #79), Rare Chest
Blinding Flashlight Deals 50 Light damage to all foes. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (5/17)
Bufula Gem Deals 100 Ice damage to one foe. Low chance of inflicting Freeze. Common Chest, Elizabeth's Request #62
Cabbage Cream Stew Restores 200 HP to all allies. Cook with Yukari
Candy Hosui Pear Fully restores HP to 1 ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (10/11)
Champagne Fully restores a party member's HP and SP. Spend Christmas Day with Mitsuru
Chewing Soul Restores 100 SP to one ally. Mayoido Antiques, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities 12/6, Elizabeth's Request #27, Common Chest
Chicken Saute Restores 100 HP to all allies. Cook with Yukari
Chocolate Cake Fully restores a party member's SP. Spend Christmas Day with Yukari
Cielo Mist Restores 10 HP to one ally. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Dormitory
Coin of King Persona: Luck +2 & Agility +4 Mayoido Antiques, Dropped by Fierce Cyclops in 224F
Coin of Knight Persona: Luck +1 & Agility +2 Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #15
Coin of Page Persona: Luck +1 & Agility +1 Mayoido Antiques
Coin of Queen Persona: Luck +2 & Agility +3 Mayoido Antiques, Dropped by Change Relic in 36F
Crab Bread Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Store
Cup of King Persona: Luck +2 & Endurance +4 Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #89, Dropped by Carnal Snake in 228F
Cup of Knight Persona: Luck +1 & Endurance +2 Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #87
Cup of Page Persona: Luck +1 & Endurance +1 Mayoido Antiques
Cup of Queen Persona: Luck +2 & Endurance +3 Mayoido Antiques, Dropped by Natural Dancer in 110F
Cure Water Restores 50 HP to all party members. TBD
Curse Paper Medium chance of Dark instakill to one foe. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #95, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/17)
Cutlet Sandwich Restores 75 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Vendor
Cylon Tea Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Port Island Station
Dekaja Gem Nullify stat buffs for all foes Mayoido Antiques, Common Chest
Dekunda Gem Nullify stat debuffs for all allies Mayoido Antiques, Common Chest
Depleting Sutra Decreases Attack for all foes for 3 turns Mayoido Antiques, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/30)
Diet Food Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31)
Dis-Charm Cures Charm for one ally. Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Dis-Distress Cures Distress for 1 ally. Common Chest in Tartarus
Dis-Fear Cures Fear for one ally TBD
Dis-Poison Cures Poison for one ally. Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Dis-Rage Cures Rage for one ally. Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Doctor in Jelly Cures one ally of Freeze/Shock/Poison/Down/Dizzy Buy from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/5)
Dr. Salt Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Station
Durian Soda Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Kyoto Inn
Eiga Gem Deals 100 Dark damage to one foe. TBD
Exquisite Katsudon Fully restores HP to 1 ally. TBD
Fierce Sutra Increases party's Attack for 3 turns. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #95, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/30)
First Aid Kit M Restores 100 HP to all party members. Aohige Pharmacy on 6/1, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (9/13)
Flame Magatama Severe Fire damage to a single enemy. Elizabeth's Request #81
Fountain Dew Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Station
Freeze Spray Deals 50 Ice damage to all foes. Low chance of inflicting Freeze. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (5/17)
Fried Bread Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Store
Frigid Magatama Severe Ice damage to a single enemy. Elizabeth's Request #86
Fuuka's Cookie Fully restores a party member's HP. Spend Christmas Day with Fuuka
Gale Magatama Severe Wind damage to a single enemy. Elizabeth's Request #80
Garula Gem Deals 100 Wind damage to one enemy. Elizabeth's Request #63, Common Chest
Guard Incense I Raises a Persona's Endurance by 1. Can be used on an ally's Persona Get Top 1 in the Exam
Guard Incense II Raises a Persona's Endurance by 2. Can be used on an ally's Persona Mayoido Antiques, Score Top 1 in July Exams
Guard Incense III Raises a Persona's Magic by 3. Can be used on an ally's Persona Get Top 1 on October Exam
Halloween Candy Restores 20 HP to one ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (10/25)
Handmade Keychain Automatically prevents the protagonist from being killed via instant death attacks once. Spend Christmas Day with Chihiro
Health Supplement Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (6/7)
Healthy Tomato Restores 100 HP to one ally Grow from a Healthy Tomato Sprout alone
Hiranya Mandarin Cures all ailments besides KO Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (12/06)
Hogyoku Apple Restores HP to all allies. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (12/06)
Homunculus Takes the hit for one instakill attack Mayoido Antiques, Rare Chest
Imperial Sweets Set Restores 50 HP to all party members. TBD
Instant Curry Restores 50 SP to 1 ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/12, 10/18)
Instant Ramen Restores 100 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (10/18)
Iron-Athlete Meal Increases all allies' Attack for 3 turns Cook a meal with Akihiko
Isotope Soda Restores 10 SP to one ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/9)
Jumbo Juice Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Kyoto Inn
Kamimusubi Water Restores 200 HP to all party members. TBD
Konpeito Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Kyoto Inn Gift Shop
Kouga Gem Deals 100 Light damage to one foe TBD
Lagging Sutra Decreases Accuracy/Evasion of all foes for 3 turns Mayoido Antiques
Large Soul Spinach Restores 50 SP to 1 ally. Grow a Soul Spinach Sprout with Fuuka.
Life Stone Restores 30% of maximum HP to 1 ally. Get from random chests.
Luck Incense II Raises a Persona's Luck by 2. Can be used on an ally's Persona Mayoido Antiques
Luxe Night Tea Restores 200 HP to one ally. Have tea with Mitsuru
Luxury Chocolate Restores 30 SP to 1 ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (5/3) for 2980 Yen
Mabufu Gem Deals 50 Ice damage to all foes. Low chance of inflicting Freeze. Common Chest
Mad Bull Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Dormitory, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/9)
Maeiha Gem Deals 50 Dark damage to all foes. TBD
Magaru Gem Deals 50 Wind damage to all foes. Common Chest
Magic Incense I Raises a Persona's Magic by 1. Can be used on an ally's Persona. Get Top 1 in the Exam
Magic Incense II Raises a Persona's Magic by 2. Can be used on an ally's Persona Mayoido Antiques, Score Top 1 in July Exams
Magic Incense III Raises a Persona's Endurance by 3. Can be used on an ally's Persona Get Top 1 on October Exam
Magic Mirror Repels enemy magic attacks once. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #99, Rare Chest
Makaracone Reflects magic damage once for 1 ally. Buy from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/19) for 14800
Makouha Gem Deals 50 Light damage to all foes. TBD
Maragi Gem Deals light Fire damage to all enemies. Common Chest
Mazio Gem Deals medium Elec damage / Shocks all enemies. Common Chest
Me Patra Gem Dispels the party's Panic
and Distress.
Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Meaty Soul Spinach Restores 100 SP to 1 ally. Grow a Soul Spinach Sprout with Aragaki.
Medical Powder Restores 100 HP to one ally. Aohige Pharmacy, Elizabeth's Request #18, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/26), Common Chest
Medicated Patch Revives an ally and fully restores their HP. Spend Christmas Day with Yuko
Medicine Restores 50 HP to one ally. Aohige Pharmacy, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (6/7), Common Chest
Mega Protein Restores 50 HP to one ally. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (6/14)
Megido Gem Deals medium Almighty damage to all enemies. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #97, Common Chest
Megidolaon Gem Deals high Almighty damage to all enemies. Mayoido Antiques, Dropped by World Balance
Melon Bread Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Vendor, Hierophant Rank 2
Mibu Cracker Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Kyoto Inn Gift Shop
Mind Supplement Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (12/13)
Moonkist Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Dormitory
Muscle Drink In battle
restores 150 HP to one ally. Low chance of a side effect.
Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Nama-yatsuhashi Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Kyoto Inn Gift Shop
Nastea Restores 10 HP to one ally. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Strip Mall
Odd Morsel In battle
restores 150 HP to 1 ally. Low chance of a side effect.
Common Chest
Patra Gem Cures Distress / Confuse / Charm / Rage / Fear for one ally.. Aohige Pharmacy, Common Chest
Pickled Turnip Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Kyoto Inn Gift Shop
Plume of Dusk Miraculously restores party HP upon your death. Elizabeth's Request #78, Granted when starting Easy and Beginner mode.
Power Incense I Raises a Persona's Strength by 1. Can be used on an ally's Persona. Get Top 1 in the Exam
Power Incense II Raises a Persona's Strength by 2. Can be used on an ally's Persona Mayoido Antiques, Score Top 1 in July Exams
Power Incense III Raises a Persona's Strength by 3. Can be used on an ally's Persona Get Top 1 on October Exam
Precious Egg Fully restores an ally's SP. Mayoido Antiques, Chest on Floor 228, Elizabeth's Request #30, Common Chest
Protection Sutra Briefly raises entire party's defense. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #94
Purifying Rice Casts Hamaon on one enemy. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #92
Rancid Gravy In battle
restores 150 HP to 1 ally. Low chance of a side effect.
Common Chest in Tartarus
Revival Bead Revives 1 fallen ally with 50% HP. Aohige Pharmacy, Elizabeth's Request #3, Common Chest
Sappy Jelly Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Buy 5 Sappy Jellies with Antibiotic Gel from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities on 5/10 for 3980 yen.
Shock Magatama Severe Electric damage to a single enemy. Elizabeth's Request #65
Snuff Soul Restores 50 SP to one ally. Mayoido Antiques, Tanaka's Amazing Commodities 9/6, Common Chests, Rare Chests
SoBay Restores 10 HP to one ally. Vending Machine – Iwatodai Dormitory
Soma Fully restores party's HP and SP. Inari Sushi Fortune, Elizabeth's Request (#33, #41, #91), Common Chests
Soul Drop Restores 10 SP to one ally. TBD
Soul Spinach Restores 30 SP to 1 ally. Grow a Soul Spinach Sprout
Special Drink Fully restores an ally's HP and SP. Choose "Root for me, Yuko" at the Athletic Meet
Speed Incense I Raises a Persona's Agility by 1. Can be used on an ally's Persona. Get Top 1 in the Exam
Speed Incense II Raises a Persona's Agility by 2. Can be used on an ally's Persona Mayoido Antiques, Score Top 1 in July Exams
Speed Incense III Raises a Persona's Agility by 3. Can be used on an ally's Persona Get Top 1 on October Exam
Spring Cabbage Bowl Restores 100 HP Iwatodai Strip Mall - Umiushi Beef Bowls
Starvicks Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Port Island Station
Summer-Hot Bowl Increases all stats of one ally for 3 turns. TBD
Super Diet Food Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/5, 7/12, 7/19)
Sword of King Persona: Luck +2 & Strength +4. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #88, Dropped by Reckoning Dice in 211F
Sword of Knight Persona: Luck +1 & Strength +2. Mayoido Antiques
Sword of Page Persona: Luck +1 & Strength +1. Mayoido Antiques
Sword of Queen Persona: Luck +2 & Strength +3. Mayoido Antiques, Dropped by Intrepid Knight in 59F, Dropped by Hell Knight in 146F
Tarukaja Potato Raises one ally's Attack for 3 turns. Grow a Potato Sprout alone.
Tetracone Reflects physical damage once for 1 ally. Buy from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/19) for 14800
Traesto Gem Enables escape from a dungeon. Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #11, Rare Chest
Trafuri Gem Enables escape from most battles. Mayoido Antiques, Chest in Thebel Block
Twilight Fragment Used to unlock locked chests
or in 1F of Tartarus to heal your party.
Ultimate Tempura Fully restores HP to all allies. TBD
Umiushi Beef Bowl Restores 20 HP to one ally. Iwatodai Strip Mall - Umiushi Beef Bowls
Umugi Water Restores 100 HP to all party members. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (5/24)
V6 Restores 5 SP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Vending Machine – Kyoto Inn
Value Medicine Restores 50 HP to all party members. Aohige Pharmacy on 6/1
Vanish Ball Enables escape from most battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/17)
Veggie Supplement Restores 50 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)
Wand of King Persona: Luck +2 & Magic +4 Mayoido Antiques, Elizabeth's Request #90, Dropped by Mythical Gigas in 160F
Wand of Knight Persona: Luck +1 & Magic +2 Mayoido Antiques
Wand of Page Persona: Luck +1 & Magic +1 Mayoido Antiques
Wand of Queen Persona: Luck +2 & Magic +3 Mayoido Antiques
Weird Takoyaki Restores 100 HP to one ally. Low chance of a side effect. Octopia – Iwatodai Strip Mall
YABA Chocolate Cures one ally of Confuse/Rage/Charm/Distress/Fear Buy from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities (7/5)
Yakisoba Bread Restores 20 HP to one ally. Can only be used outside battles. School Store
Zionga Gem Deals 100 Electric damage to one foe. Low chance of inflicting Shock. Common Chest

What are Consumable Items?

Items that Give Various Effects

There are many items that players can consume that give different effects depending on the item. For example, there are items that can heal your HP or items that can restore your SP. There's also items that can deal elemental damage and many more.

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