Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Social Link Guide - All Social Links and How to Unlock

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

A list of all the Social Links and how to start and complete them in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn all dialogue choices to max Social Links fast, start date unlock conditions of each Social Link, a full list of romanceable Social Links, and their availability schedules!

All Social Link Dialogue Choices and Guides

All Social Links
Fool ArcanaS.E.E.S. Magician ArcanaKenji Priestess ArcanaFuuka Empress ArcanaMitsuru
Emperor ArcanaHidetoshi Hierophant ArcanaBunkichi Lovers ArcanaYukari Chariot ArcanaKazushi
Justice ArcanaChihiro Hermit ArcanaMaya Fortune ArcanaKeisuke Strength ArcanaYuko
Hanged Man ArcanaMaiko Death ArcanaPharos Temperance ArcanaBebe Devil ArcanaTanaka
Tower ArcanaMutatsu Star ArcanaMamoru Moon ArcanaNozomi Sun ArcanaAkinari
Judgement ArcanaNyx Aeon ArcanaAigis

S.E.E.S. (Fool) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Fool Social Link
Start Date
April 18
Days Available
Available everyday as the story progresses.

The Fool Social Link unlocks on April 18 and ranks up automatically as you progress through the story.

Fool Arcana (S.E.E.S.) Social Link and Start Date

Kenji Tomochika (Magician) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Magician Social Link
Start Date
April 22
Days Available
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Classroom 2F

The first Social Link you can unlock is the Magician. Similar to the Fool, this Social Link unlocks automatically on April 22 but must be progressed manually by spending time with Kenji on his available days.

Magician Arcana (Kenji) Social Link and Start Date

Fuuka Yamagishi (Priestess) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Priestess Social Link
Start Date
June 19
Courage Rank 6: Badass, Started Fortune Social Link
Days Available
Monday, Friday, Saturday
2nd Floor Hallway

Fuuka's Social Link is only available once you have the maximum rank in Courage (Badass) and have started the Fortune Social Link.

Once you have fulfilled those prerequisites, you can start her Social Link on June 19.

Priestess Arcana (Fuuka Yamagishi) Social Link and Start Date

Mitsuru Kirijo (Empress) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Empress Social Link
Start Date
November 21
Academics Rank 6: Genius
Days Available
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Faculty Office Entrance

Mitsuru's Social Link can be started as early as November 21, provided that the protagonist's Academics is at rank 6 (Genius).

Empress Arcana (Mitsuru Kirijo) Social Link and Start Date

Hidetoshi Odagiri (Emperor) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Emperor Social Link
Start Date
April 27
Join the Student Council
Days Available
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Everyday (Past January)
Student Council Room on the 2nd Floor

Hidetoshi's Social Link has no prerequisites and can be started on April 27. Simply join the student council when Mitsuru asks you on that day.

Emperor Arcana (Hidetoshi Odagiri) Social Link and Start Date

Bunkichi and Mitsuko Kitamura (Hierophant) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Hierophant Social Link
Bunkichi and Mitsuko
Start Date
April 25
Obtain the Persimmon leaf at the tree from 1F Corridor in Gekkoukan High.
Days Available
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Bookworms Used Books in Iwatodai Strip Mall

Bunkichi and Mitsuko's Social Link is available once you obtained the Persimmon Leaf at the tree near the 1F Corridor of the school. Afterwards, you can start their Social Link on April 25.

Hierophant Arcana (Bunkichi and Mitsuko) Social Link and Start Date

Yukari Takeba (Lovers) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social Link
Start Date
July 25
Charm Rank 6: Charismatic
Days Available
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Classroom 2F

Yukari's Social Link requires you to have the maximum rank 6 (Charismatic) in Charm before you can start it on July 25.

Lovers Arcana (Yukari Takeba) Social Link and Start Date

Kazushi Miyamoto (Chariot) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Chariot Social Link
Start Date
April 23
Join any Sports Club
Days Available
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Classroom 2F

Kazushi's Social Link is available once you join the Track and Field club, and it can be started as early as April 23.

Chariot Arcana (Kazushi Miyamoto) Social Link and Start Date

Chihiro Fushimi (Justice) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Justice Social Link
Start Date
May 7
Speak to her three times, Started Emperor Social Link
Days Available
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
2nd Floor Hallway

Chihiro's Social Link is available once you speak with her three different times throughout the week. You may also need to join the student council and have rank 1 with the Emperor social link. Once you complete this prerequisite, you can start the Social Link as early as May 7.

Justice Arcana (Chihiro Fushimi) Social Link and Start Date

Maya (Hermit) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Hermit Social Link
Start Date
April 29
Days Available
Monday (Holidays), Tuesday (Holidays), Wednesday (Holidays), Thursday (Holidays), Friday (Holidays), Saturday (Holidays), Sunday (Holiday and Non-Holiday)
Laptop at the Protagonist's room

Maya's Social Link is available once the protagonist receives a copy of the MMORPG game, Innocent Sin Online from Junpei and can be started on April 29.

Unlike the other Social Links, she is only accessible through the protagonist's laptop in his room and cannot be invited to do other activities with.

Hermit Arcana (Maya) Social Link and Start Date

Keisuke Hiraga (Fortune) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Fortune Social Link
Start Date
June 17
Join the Art Club
Days Available
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Art Club Room

Keisuke's Social Link is available once you join the Art Club and can be started on June 17.

Fortune Arcana (Keisuke Hiraga) Social Link and Start Date

Yuko Nishiwaki (Strength) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Strength Social Link
Start Date
April 24
Walk Yuko home in Rank 1 and 2 of the Chariot Social Link.
Days Available
Wednesday, Saturday
2nd Floor Hallway

Yuko's Social Link requires you to walk her home during Rank 1 and Rank 2 of the Chariot Social Link. She will refuse the first two times, but this unlocks her Social Link and will be available on April 24.

Strength Arcana (Yuko Nishiwaki) Social Link and Start Date

Maiko Oohashi (Hanged Man) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Hanged Man Social Link
(Hanged Man)
Start Date
May 6
Purchase Mad Bull from the dorm vending machine and Weird Takoyaki from Iwatodai strip mall
Days Available
Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
Playground near Naganaki Shrine

Maiko's Social Link requires you to purchase the Mad Bull from the dorm's second floor vending machine for 120 Yen and the Weird Takoyaki from Octopia at the Iwatodai Strip Mall for 400 Yen. You can then start her Social Link on May 10 after you give these items to her.

Hanged Man Arcana (Maiko Oohashi) Social Link and Start Date

Pharos (Death) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Death Social Link
Start Date
June 12
Days Available
Available everyday as the story progresses.

Pharos's Social Link has no prerequisites and ranks up from time to time as you progress through the game. The Social Link will automatically reach its max limit once you defeat the Hanged Man boss.

Death Arcana (Pharos) Social Link and Start Date

Bebe (Temperance) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Temperance Social Link
Start Date
May 26
Academics Rank 2: Average, Rank 3 in Hierophant Social Link
Days Available
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
2nd Floor Hallway, Home Economics Room

Bebe's Social Link requires you to have Rank 2 (Average) in Academics and have Rank 3 in the Hierophant Social Link. After obtaining those prerequisites, you can start his Social Link on May 29 by reading the door to the Home Economics room in 1F of Gekkoukan High.

Temperance Arcana (Bebe) Social Link and Start Date

President Tanaka (Devil) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Devil Social Link
Start Date
Any Date after Rank 4 in Hermit
Charm Rank 4: Smooth, 40,000 yen.
Days Available
Tuesday (Night), Saturday (Night)
Paulownia Mall

Tanaka's Social Link requires to you have Rank 4 (Smooth) in Charm and at least 40,000 Yen as you will have to initially give him 20,000 Yen, and then 10,000 Yen over the next two days he is available. Tanaka will become available any Tuesday or Saturday night after the 4th rank of Hermit

Devil Arcana (President Tanaka) Social Link and Start Date

Mutatsu (Tower) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Tower Social Link
Start Date
Any Date after Rank 4 in Strength
Rank 4 at Strength Social Link, Courage Rank 4: Tough, Talk to Yuko.
Days Available
Thursday (Night), Friday (Night), Saturday (Night), Sunday (Night)
Club Escapade in Paulownia Mall

To start Mutatsu's Social Link, you need to have Rank 4 (Tough) in Courage, reached Rank 4 on Strength Social Link, and have talked to Yuko on prior days. You can then start the Social Link anytime he is available in Club Escapade after fulfilling the prerequisites.

Tower Arcana (Mutatsu) Social Link and Start Date

Mamoru Hayase (Star) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Star Social Link
Start Date
August 2
Courage Rank 4: Meet Mamoru at the sports meet on August 2.
Days Available
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Iwatodai Strip Mall

You can start Mamoru's Social Link on August 2 after speaking to him at a sports meet. He can be found at the Iwatodai Strip Mall everyday.

Star Arcana (Mamoru Hayase) Social Link and Start Date

Nozomi Suemitsu (Moon) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Moon Social Link
Start Date
Any Date after Kenji mentions "Gourmet King"
Charm Rank 2: Unpolished, Kenji mentions "Gourmet King" during Magician Social Link, Finish the Gourmet Quiz, Find an Odd Morsel
Days Available
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Paulownia Mall

Nozomi requires you to progress the Magician Social Link, a Charm Rank of Unpolished, perfectly answering the Gourmet Quiz, and an Odd Morsel. After that, you can start Nozomi's Social Link and can be started on any date he is available after Kenji mentions him.

Moon Arcana (Nozomi Suemitsu) Social Link and Start Date

Akinari Kamiki (Sun) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Sun Social Link
Start Date
August 23
Academics Rank 4: Smart, Meet Akinari during Rank 3 of Hanged Man Social Link, Find the Red Fountain Pen
Days Available
Naganaki Shrine

Akinari's Social Link requires you to reach Rank 4 (Smart) in Academics and have met him during the Rank 3 Hanged Man Social Link event; after which you will need to find his Red Fountain Pen. After completing those prerequisites, you can start his Social Link on September 6.

Sun Arcana (Akinari) Social Link and Start Date

Nyx Annihilation Team (Judgement) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Judgement Social Link
Nyx Annihilation Team
Start Date
December 31
Complete the Fool Social Link on December 31.
Days Available
Available everyday as the story progresses.

The Nyx Annihilation Team Social Link becomes available once you maxed out the Fool Social Link on December 31.

Judgement Arcana (Nyx Annihilation Team) Social Link and Start Date

Aigis (Aeon) Social Link

Persona 3 Reload - Aeon Social Link
Start Date
January 8
Days Available
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Classroom 2F

Aigis's Social Link has no prerequisites and can be started on January 8.

Aeon Arcana (Aigis) Social Link and Start Date

All Romanceable Social Links

Possible Romance Options

All Romanceable Social Links
Persona 3 Reload - FuukaFuuka Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari
Persona 3 Reload - ChihiroChihiro Persona 3 Reload - YukoYuko Aigis White Icon Aigis

There are 6 possible romance options available in Persona 3 Reload. You will be able to romance these characters once you reach Rank 9 on their respective Social Link.

Romance Guide

All Missable Social Links

Missable Social Links via Tartarus

Social Links Missed via Tartarus
Bunkichi and Mitsuko (Hierophant)
Hanged Man
Maiko (Hanged Man)

There is a possibility for the Bunkichi and Maiko social links to be gone if you do not start them on time. This is because they can get lost in Tartarus, and if you do not rescue them, then you can no longer progress their social links.

Missable Social Links via Stat Requirements

Social Link Stat Requirement
Fuuka (Priestess)
Requires Rank 6 Courage
Mitsuru (Empress)
Requires Rank 6 Academics
Yukari (Lovers)
Requires Rank 6 Charisma
Bebe (Temperance)
Requires Rank 2 Academics
Tanaka (Devil)
Requires Rank 4 Charm
Mutatsu (Tower)
Requires Rank 4 Courage
Mamoru (Star)
Requires Rank 4 Courage
Nozomi (Moon)
Requires Rank 2 Charm
Akinari (Sun)
Requires Rank 4 Academics

The list above shows all the social links you can miss due to stat requirements. You would need to reach a certain rank in a particular social stat to begin their social links.

Social Stats Guide

Best Social Links to Max Out First

Social Link Weekly Schedule
Mon Fuuka → Yukari
Tue Bebe → Kazushi
Wed Keisuke → Hidetoshi → Maiko
Thur Chihiro → Kazushi → Mitsuru
Fri Bebe → Hidetoshi → Fuuka → Mamoru / Nozomi
Sat Yuko → Chihiro → Mitsuru
Sun Dates → Akinari

The list above shows all the social links in a schedule ranked from easiest to hardest to complete. With the ones on the right not needing much or any social stats to progress. Since time is limited, complete the Social Links with little to no requirements first while leveling up your Social Stats at night.

While Aigis is also important, you should have maxed out all other Social Links by the time you unlock her Rank 1. Prioritizing Social Links is important in game if you want max out all of them to unlock one of the best Personas in the game.

Best Social Links to Max First

How to Level Up Social Links Fast

  1. Have a Persona with the Corresponding Arcana in Your Roster
  2. Choose the Right Dialogue Options
  3. Hangout on Sundays
  4. Go to the Film Festival with Your Friends

Have a Persona with the Corresponding Arcana in Your Roster

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Persona

You will receive an Arcana Bonus if you have a Persona that matches the Arcana of the Social Link you will spend time with.

For example, if you have a Lovers Persona with you, then you will gain more approval points whenever you pick the right dialogue choices.

All Lovers Personas

Choose the Right Dialogue Options

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links Guide - Choose the Right Dialogue

With that said, the best way to rank up your Social Links is by choosing the right dialogue options during their Social Link event. This can let you gain up to three approval points each time, as indicated by the yellow music note. This lets you keep progressing the Social Link without having to spend extra time to gain approval.

▲ Check The Dialogue Guides for Each Social Link Above ▲

Hangout on Sundays

Persona 3 Reload - Invite to Hangout on Sundays

Every now and then, one of your friends will ask to hang out with you on Sundays. This is a great opportunity to get three approval points so that you can rank up the next time you spend time with them.

Although, be aware that the Hermit and Sun Social Links are only available on Sundays, and you will have to manage the time you spend with them.

Go to the Film Festival with Your Friends

Persona 3 Reload - Film Festival Social Link

There will also be a Film Festival event during August that lets you watch films together with certain Social Links. This is an excellent way to spend your time since you can gain approval points and increase your social stats at the same time!

Film Festival Dates and Results

Social Link Rank Up Rewards

Bonus EXP When Fusing Persona

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links Guide - Fusion
You will receive bonus EXP when fusing Personas of the same arcana as your friend's social link! For example, if you are rank 5 in the Lovers Social Link and you fuse a Lovers Persona, then it will gain a significant amount of EXP as soon as you receive it!

Fusion Guide: How Does Normal and Triangle Fusion Work

The Ultimate Persona of the Arcana

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links Guide - Thanatos

Completing the Social Link (Rank 10) will reward you an item that lets you unlock and fuse the Ultimate Persona of that character's arcana. Ultimate Personas are incredibly powerful due to their stats and skillsets that let them push through the late game.

List of Social Link Ultimate Personas

Arcana Persona S. Link Item
Fool Susano-o N/A
Magician Futsunushi Handmade Choker
Priestess Scathach Headphones
Empress Alilat Motorcycle Key
Emperor Odin Cheap Light
Hierophant Kohryu Persimmon Fruit
Lovers Cybele Yukari's Strap
Chariot Thor Sports Tape
Justice Melchizedek Manga
Hermit Arahabaki Screenshot Data
Fortune Lakshmi Award Letter
Strength Atavaka Kids' Letter
Hanged Man Attis Bead Ring
Death Thanatos N/A
Temperance Yurlungur Money Pouch
Devil Beelzebub Thank-you Letter
Tower Chi You Reserve Tag
Star Helel Car Key
Moon Sandalphon Gourmet License
Sun Asura Worn Notebook
Judgment Messiah N/A
Aeon Metatron Charred Screw
All 22 Social Links Orpheus Telos Colorless Mask

List of All Personas

What are Social Links?

Experience a Character's Side Story

Persona 3 Reload - Social Link Side Stories

Social Links let you experience the side stories of the characters you spend time with. It is a chance to get to know more about them as you strengthen your relationship with each other outside of the main story.

Main Story Walkthrough

Spend Time with Characters to Progress

Persona 3 Reload - Spend Time with Characters

During most of your days, you will have free time after school and at night to do various activities such as spending time with characters. You will know they are available if they have a floating arcana card above them.

If you have enough approval points, doing so initiates a Social Link event where you can experience their story and progress to the next rank. Although, if you do not have enough approval, then you must spend time with them, even if it does not progress the Social Link, to get more approval points.

Best Social Links to Max First

Certain Social Links Need to be Unlocked

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links Need to be Unlocked

There are certain Social Links that need to be unlocked before you can start them. There are various pre-requisites you may need, such as reaching a specific date, or reaching a rank with a different Social Link, before you can start them.

Who is Your Favorite Social Link?

Yukari (Lovers) 117
Mitsuru (Empress) 229
Fuuka (Priestess) 70
Chihiro (Justice) 45
Kazushi (Chariot) 6
Kenji (Magician) 9
Hidetoshi (Emperor) 7
Bunkichi and Mitsuko (Hierophant) 20
Maya (Hermit) 19
Keisuke (Fortune) 2
Yuko (Strength) 53
Maiko (Hanged Man) 21
Bebe (Temperance) 15
Tanaka (Devil) 13
Mutatsu (Tower) 7
Mamoru (Star) 6
Nozomi (Moon) 6
Akinari (Sun) 153
Aigis (Aeon) 77

So many wonderful characters will offer their hand to you in friendship, but we want to know who your favorite Social Link is! Vote for them and discuss down below in the comments section about why you like them!

Comments Section

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2 Anonymousabout 1 year

Raise your hand if you screwed yourself over by finishing Moon and Hierophant way too early leaving most of the Social Links in school not finished aka Keisuke

1 Anonymousabout 1 year



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