Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

List of All Skills

Persona 3 Reload - List of All Skills
Skills are spells that Personas can learn and use in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Learn all the types of skills, how to learn new skills as well as an explanation on what skills are.

Types of Skills

Physical Skills

Physical Skills are skills that consume a percentage of a character's HP instead of SP.

These skills use the Slash, Strike, and Pierce affinities that some enemies are weak to.

List of Physical Skills

Magic Skills

Magic Skills are skills that use a character's SP to execute the skill. These skills use Fire, Ice, Electricity, Wind, Light, and Dark affinities to deal additional elemental damage to foes.

Most Personas have an affinity with a certain element and in turn, is also weak to some elements. Consider the elemental advantage and disadvantage when forming your team.

List of Magic Skills

Recovery Skills

Recovery Skills are special types of skill that can recover characters' HP or heal them from status effects.

List of Recovery Skills

Buffs and Debuffs

These skills, also known as Enhance skills, refer to buffs that enhance your allies and debuffs that decrease a certain stat of an enemy.

List of Buff and Debuffs

Status Ailment Skills

Status Ailment Skills inflict status effects against enemies. This can range from Fear, Panic, Poison, Dizzy, and Down.

List of Status Ailment Skills

Passive Skills

Passive Skills are special skills that are always active on your Persona and do not consume SP or HP. They can change the user's resistances, increase an element's power and many more.

List of Passive Skills

Unique Skills

Unique Skills refer to skills from the above that are exclusive to a specific Persona.

List of Unique Skills

Special Skills

Special Skills are skills that have special effects like setting your HP to 1 but healing all your allies or escaping from a battle.

List of Special Skills

Navigator Skills

Navigator Skills are skills used by the party's Navigator (Mitsuru and Fuuka) to aid the party in battle or in Tartarus.

List of Navigator Skills

Almighty Skills

Almighty Skills are skills that inflict non-elemental affinity attacks. These skills cost SP and may inflict instant kill to one foe of all foes.

List of Almighty Skills

How to Learn New Skills

Level Up Personas

Personas can learn skills automatically upon reaching certain levels.

For the Protagonist's case, a Persona needs to be with the them so they can level up.

All Personas and How to Unlock (P3R)

Companions Learn New Skills Automatically

Party members of S.E.E.S learn new skills automatically as you progress through the game. For example, Akihiko's Zio line will get replaced by stronger version of the said spell.

List of Characters

Learn Via Skill Cards

A Persona can learn a new skill that they can't normally obtain by using Skill Cards which are items that grants skill. Skill Cards may have a chance to appear when you activate Shuffle Time.

Duplicate Skill Cards in Naganaki Shrine

In Persona 3 Reload, players can now duplicate or clone their skill cards by going and interacting the Inari Shrine.

Naganaki Shrine Guide

What Are Skills?

Skills are Commands that Costs HP or SP

Persona 3 Reload - Aigis Skill
Skills are commands that players can execute that can deal damage or give various effects and is similar mechanically to magic in other JRPGs.

They usually cost a portion of your HP or SP depending on what type of skill it is. The stronger the skill is, the more energy it consumes.

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