Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

May Walkthrough and Activities Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - May Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of May in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the May schedule, reaching the highest score in the exam, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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April June

May Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

May 1 After School Activity
Cutscene: Akihiko Hospital visit
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased in Game Parade (Courage ✦✦)
May 2 After School Activity
① Talk to Chihiro and say "Let's hang out." This should unlock her Social Link
② Fuse Omoikane and Forneus to get Valkyrie, then summon the two again.
Social Link: Strength Rank 2
P1: Also, I wasn't really in the mental state to do this alone today.
A1: What happened? (✦✦✦).
P2: But come on, it's way too early to worry about the future, isn't it? We're still just teenagers!
A2: That's true (✦✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
May 3 Day-time Activity
Tanaka's: Do not buy the Rose Bouquet Set.
Pre-requisite: Fuse any Lover Arcana Persona to your Valkyrie to get Onmoraki (Hermit), then summon Valkyrie back.
Social Link: Hermit Rank 2
P1:u remember me rite? =O
A1: Of course. (✦✦✦).
P2: hmmm… what kinda people r we, playing inside on such a beautiful day?
A2: Sunshine is overrated. (✦✦).
Evening Activity
Buy Items:Buy SP Items from the Vending Machines (Optional)
Social Stat: Use Digital Cram School in Dormitory Computer (Academics ✦✦)
Social Stat Rank: Academics rank up to Average
May 4 Morning Activity
Message: Do not accept Miyamoto's invitation.
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Hermit Social Rank 3
P1:so ummmmm…… i’m drunk! xD
A1: Oh really?! o_O (✦✦).
P2: but lately i cant get motivated to get ne work done @ work. =/
A2: You don't like your job? (✦✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Use Language Made Easy in Dormitory Computer (Academics ✦✦)
May 5 Morning Activity
Message: Do not accept Kenji's invitation.
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Hermit Social Rank 4
P1:Its like all she cares about is marrying me off to some dude >=/ whys it her problem?
A1: Let's plan our wedding, then. (✦✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Use TypinGhoul in Dormitory Computer (Courage ✦✦)
May 6 Morning Activity
Morning Recitation
Question: What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for the train?
Answer: A pantograph (Charm ✦) :
After School Activity
① Buy Weird Takoyaki and give it along with a Mad Bull to Maiko in Naginaki Shrine.
Social Link: Strength Social Rank 3
P1:Sorry you got dragged into that.
A1: Don't worry about it. (✦✦).
P2: They called you my boyfriend. That must have made you feel awkward, huh?
A2: I’m honored. (✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Use Animal Othello in Dormitory Computer (Courage ✦✦)
Social Stat Rank: Courage rank up to Determined
May 7 After School Activity
Social Link: Justice Social Rank 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Use Lessons in Etiquette in Dormitory Computer (Charm ✦✦)
May 8 After School Activity
Social Link: Hierophant Social Rank 3 (Unlocks Temperance)
P1:I don't see it anywhere...
A1: Looking for something? (✦✦).
P2: I’m looking for my glasses-Er, not my glasses - my wallet! I can’t seem to find it...
A2: Can I help? (✦✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Use Virtual Diet in Dormitory Computer (Charm ✦✦)
May 9 Whole Day Activity
Story: Priestess Arcana Boss Fight
Social Link: Fool Social Rank 3
May 10 Day-time Activity
Buy Items: Buy SP Items from Vending Machines
Tanaka: Do not buy the Antibiotic Gel set
Social Link: Hermit Social Link 5
P1:Mr. E is such a stupid eh so bee!! t(-_-t)
A1: Do you mean S.O.B.? (✦✦).
P2: …oh noes! u can’t figure out what my job is can u? O_o
A2: Are you a teacher? (✦✦).
Evening Activity
Before Tartarus:
① Take the 12th Request then talk to Yukari to obtain the Pine Resin.
② Take the 13th request then talk to Junpei and obtain a Handheld Game Console.
③ Take the 8th Request, then get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune Teller in Club Escapade, then go to Tartarus after doing so.
During Tartarus:
① Open the locked chests in the 17th and 36th floor for equipment upgrades
After Tartarus:
① Reach Level 20
② Reach Floor 43
③ Have 90'000+¥
④ Have appropriate Social Link Personas
May 11 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
School Clinic: Drink Mysterious Concoction (Courage ✦)
Sell Materials: Sell all Tartarus Materials, equivalent to 90'000¥+
Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Command Room: Watch the Video Recording
Social Stat: Eat Prodigy Platter at Wakatsu to get the Seafood Course Prompt (Knowledge ✦✦)
May 12 After School Activity
Link Episode: Junpei 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Study in your Room (Academics ✦)
May 13 Day Activity
Afternoon Recitation:
Question: Which tool did he use in his experiments?
Answer: The Pendulum (Charm ✦) Social Stat Rank: Charm rank up to Confident
After School Activity
Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 2
P1: My tummy's grumbling! Can we go to Wilduck?
A1: Sure, let's go.(✦✦✦).
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat the Prodigy Platter at Wakatsu Restaurant (Academics ✦✦)
May 14 After School Activity
Social Link:Hierophant Social Link 4
P1:My wife just headed out to Gekkoukan
A1: I should go too. (✦✦✦)
P2:Do you know anything about this, Protagonist-chan?
A2: I'm worried.(✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat:Eat the Seafood Full Course at Wakatsu Restaurant (Academics ✦✦)
May 15 Day Activity
Afternoon Class:
Question: What's the other name for "May Sickness"-the more casual one?
Answer: May Blues (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link:Hierophant Social Link 5
P1:We've been feeling a bit guilty for troubling you about the persimmon tree...
A1: I wouldn't worry about it. (✦✦)
P2:Why now...? Why do they want to cut it down now?
A2: Any Answer (✦✦):
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Group Study with Mitsuru and Akihiko (Academics ✦✦)
May 16 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 3
P1: Oh! Do you think he'll come home and see me?
A1:Don't worry, he'll be there. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Group Study with Yukari and Junpei (Academics ✦✦)
May 17 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy The Blinding Flashlight Set (Optional)
Social Link: Hermit Social Link
Evening Activity
Group Study: Study with the Team (Academics ✦✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Academics rank up to Above Average
May 18 Whole-Day Activity
Exams: The protagonist finds that all questions are familiar
May 19 Whole-Day Activity
Question: What is the other common expression used to describe "May Sickness"?
Answer: May Blues
May 20 Whole-Day Activity
Question: Which of the following did Léon Foucault use in his experiment on the rotation of the Earth?
Answer: A pendulum
May 21 Whole-Day Activity
Question: Which of the following is generated by a pantograph?
Answer: Electricity
May 22 Whole-day Activity
Question: During which historical period were middens most commonly used?
Answer: Jomon
May 23 Morning Activity
Exams: Last day of the exams
After School Activity
Social Link: Justice Social Link 2
P1: Sorry to drag you along while I go shopping...
A1:Don’t worry about it. (✦✦✦)
P2: ...Um, do you read much, Makoto-san?
A2: I read the classics / I read manga. (✦✦)
P3: Is it boring to hang around with, um... someone like me?
A3: I'm having fun. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
May 24 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Kenji or Kazushi's invitation.
Tanaka: Buy the All-Purpose Apron Set (Optional) Social Link: Hermit Social Link 6
P1: actually, i only went cuz i was so pissed at that bastard! >=/
A1: What bastard? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat the Mystery Burger in Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦)
May 25 Day Activity
Exam Scores: Top scorer (Charm ✦✦)
Afternoon Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Exam Reward: Talk to Mitsuru to get Stat Incenses and a Proto-choker
Social Link: Emperor Social Link 2
P1:Some students feel the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re recruiting supporters…
A1: Sounds like nonsense. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Gardening: Plant a Healthy Tomato Sprout
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course (Academics ✦✦)
May 26 After School Activity
Social Link: Temperance Rank 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦)
May 27 After School Activity
Social Link: Emperor Social Link 3
P1: What!? You can't decide something like that without talking to the president first!
A1: Any option (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Pork Ramen at Hagakure Ramen (Charm ✦✦) to unlock Special Ramen
May 28 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Chariot Social Link 3
P1: It's just, um... My anemia's acting up...
A1: Are you going to be okay? (✦✦)
P2: I tried medicine, I tried wrapping it, but the pain won't stop.
A2: Will it heal? (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course (Academics ✦✦)
May 29 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Social Stat: Magician Social Link 4
P1: I'm gonna ask Ms. Kanou out! Like, right now!
A1: Good luck! (✦✦✦)

Evening Activity
Link Episode: Akihiko 1 (Iwatodai Station)
May 30 After School Activity
① Talk to the Chubby Student in Paulownia Mall
② Have an Odd Morsel in your Inventory
Gourmet Quiz:
① Pheromone Coffee
② Red
③ Hagakure Bowl
Social Link: Moon Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
May 31 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept invitations from Yuko and Chihiro
Day Activity
Tanaka: Buy Health Sandals Set (Optional)
Social Link: Moon Social Link 2
P1: Well? Would you wanna be... my younger brother?
A1: Sure, why not. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course (Academics ✦✦)

May Quiz and Exam Answers

Classroom Answers

Date Question
May 6 Q: What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for the train?
A: A pantograph
May 13 Q: Which tool did he use in his experiments?
A: The Pendulum
May 15 Q: What's the other name for "May Sickness"-the more casual one?
A: May Blues


Date Question
May 19 What is the other common expression used to describe "May Sickness"?Q:
A: May Blues
May 20 Q: Which of the following did Léon Foucault use in his experiment on the rotation of the Earth?
A: A pendulum
May 21 Q: Which of the following is generated by a pantograph?
A: Electricity
May 22 Q: During which historical period were middens most commonly used?
A: Jomon

All May Social Links

All May Social Links
MagicianI. Magician EmperorIV. Emperor HierophantV. Hierophant ChariotVII. Chariot
JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit StrengthXI. Strength Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man
TemperanceXIV. Temperance MoonXVIII. Moon

Persona Arcanas for May

Magician Chariot Strength
Hierophant Emperor Justice
Hermit Hanged Man Temperance
Moon - -

Persona 3 Month of May Tips

Get Spirit Drain

Sustains your whole run with an abundance of SP, making it able to spam out elemental weaknesses and all-out attacks. Also, Media can be used repeatedly, giving you leeway to use strong Physical Attacks.
List of All Skills

Finish the Requests Early

It is recommended to finish Elizabeth's requests as early as possible. Along with heling finances, the requests provide you with upgrades to your equipment as well, making the crucial Tartarus run easier.
List of All Elizabeth's Requests

Reach Level 20

Reaching Level 20 lets you unlock more Persona slots, making it more easy and affordable managing your Personas for Social Links. While it is a grind, it comes with the required money and saves you from micro-managing your finances later during May and early June!
How to Level Up Fast

Have a Persona with Kouha

Most Shadows in the Arqa Block have a weakness to Light. Also, the Wealth hand that frequents this area has a weakness to Light.
How to Fuse Archangel

Do Not Open Every Locked Chest

Sometimes, the locked chests give out unnecessary items during the early stages. It is recommended to save before spending your Twilight Fragments for locked chests. Make sure to have 3 Twilight Fragments to get Jozomaru at the 36th Floor in Arqa Block
How to Farm Twilight Fragments and All Locations

Use SP Items on Yukari

Since you have Spirit Drain, you can reserve SP Items for Yukari's magic intensive Persona. This lets you have Wind coverage for the whole Arqa Block, which enemies such as Heat Balance and Soul Dancers are weak to.
List of All Consumable Items

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Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

Walkthrough By Month
April May June
July August September
October November December


22 Anonymousabout 1 year

is there any benefit to start Tartarus on 5/10 without waiting for the forth member to join in?

21 Anonymousabout 1 year

May 30th: Have odd moursel...but i never found one? all places says its in early tower floor chests. but chests dont respawn? so how do u get it?


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