Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Yukari Takeba (Lovers) Social Link Guide (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social Link
The Lovers Arcana, represented by Yukari, is a Social Link in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to learn how to start Yukari's (Lovers) Social Link, social stat requirements, schedule, gifts, unlocks, romance options, and the best choices for every Social Link event!

Yukari Related Guides
Persona 3 Reload - YukariCharacter Profile Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social LinkSocial Link

How to Start the Yukari (Lovers) Social Link

Increase your Charm Rank to Charismatic

As early as June 24, Yukari's Social Link is available. You can find Yukari in Classroom 2F of Gekkoukan High School.

Despite being early to access, you cannot progress her Social Link as she shoots your attempt down. The protagonist must have max rank in Charm (Charismatic) to begin ranking up the Lovers Social Link!

How to Reach Charismatic Charm Level

Activities that Increase Charm
• Eat at Hagakure Ramen
• Drink coffee at Chagall Cafe
• Spend time at the Arcade (Monday and Thursday)

These are some of the best ways to increase your Charm. Be sure to do this to start Yukari's Social Link!

How to Increase Charm

Yukari (Lovers) Social Link Choices Guide

Jump to a Section!
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10

Note: All responses marked with (✦) gives +1, (✦✦) gives +2 points, and (✦✦✦) gives +3 points to increase S-Link rank. It is also recommended to bring a Lovers Persona for an additional point.

Rank 1 to 2

Prompt 1
I think I'll go with the gerberas. What color do you think should I get?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Cute pink. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Pure white. - -
3. Bright red. - -
4. What's a gerbera? - -
Prompt 2
Oh wait, you've never seen my room, have you? Well then, why am I even asking you?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's mean. +1 ✦✦
2. Invite me over, then. - -

Rank 2 to 3

Prompt 1
I guess my mom's no different.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. What makes you say that? - -
2. ...... - -

Rank 3 to 4

Prompt 1
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Who was that? - -
2. What was that about? - -
3. Are you okay? +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦

Rank 4 to 5

Prompt 1
What should I do?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Look around - -
2. Wait here - -
Prompt 2
Did something happen...?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Go look for her - -
2. Wait a bit longer - -
Prompt 3
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'll take you on. - -
2. I'll call the police. - -
3. What's going on? - -
Prompt 4
Huh? Who the hell are you?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Her boyfriend. - -
2. Her friend. - -
3. Just a passerby. - -
Prompt 5
I didn't need your help!
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'm sorry. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. It's okay to rely on others. - -
3. You're a girl, so... - -

Prompt 5 Can Reverse the Social Link

If you choose the last option for Prompt 5, Yukari will find it offensive that it reverses her Social Link with you.

Rank 5 to 6

Prompt 1
Thanks for your help back then. I really appreciate it.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. You're quite welcome. +1 ✦✦
2. Anytime. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
3. Thank you, too. - -
Prompt 2
Wouldn't that be annoying, Makoto-kun? Y'know, if people assumed we were dating...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I wouldn't mind. +1 ✦✦
2. Yeah... - -

Rank 6 to 7

Prompt 1
We could have lunch outdoors. Maybe we’ll even see a deer or something. Whaddya think?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Sounds good. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Let's go with everyone. - -
3. Let's go just the two of us. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
4. No thanks. - -

Rank 7 to 8

Prompt 1
I know! Why don't you come help me pick something out, Makoto-kun?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Alright. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. Im too lazy. - -
Prompt 2
I told her we could meet up and talk about her remarriage. I'm nervous just thinking about it...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Will you let her do it? - -
2. Do you want to see her? - -

Rank 8 to 9

Prompt 1
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Hello? - -
2. .... +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
3. If it's nothing, I'm leaving. - -
Prompt 2
What do you really think of me?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I love you. (Romance) - -
2. You're a precious friend. (Platonic) - -

Rank 9 to 10

Prompt 1
(Romance) Wait, I didn't mean it like that! Don't get the wrong idea, okay!?
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Too late. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
2. I didn’t hear anything. +2 ✦✦✦ ✦✦
Prompt 2
(Platonic) He was with his mother today, huh...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. That's a relief. - -
2. What's wrong? - -
Prompt 3
(Platonic) Gee, what should I do? If only someone would come with me...
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. I'll go. - -
2. Good luck. - -
3. What's the magic word? +1 ✦✦
Prompt 4
(Platonic) So I was just thinking, maybe it could help you in some way too.
Response W/ Arcana W/O Arcana
1. Can I really have this? - -
2. That's intense. - -

Yukari (Lovers) Social Link Overview

Lovers Start Date and Requirements

Persona 3 Reload - Lovers Social Link
Arcana VI. Lovers
Start Date July 25
Pre-Requisites Charm Rank 6: Charismatic
Days Available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Location Classroom 2F

Yukari (Lovers) Best Gifts

Best Gifts ・Rose Bouquet
・ Jack Frost Doll

List of Gifts

Yukari (Lovers) Unlocks

Persona Arcana
Cybele Lovers
Starting Level

Completing the Lovers Social Link rewards you with a Yukari's Strap, which lets you perform a fusion of the Ultimate Persona of the Lovers Social Link!

How to Fuse Cybele

Can You Romance Yukari (Lovers)?

Romance Possible Upon Reaching Rank 9

Players can romance Yukari, the Lovers Arcana, upon reaching Rank 9 at her Social Link. You will know you will enter into a relationship when the game prompts you to be careful of what you say.

Romance Guide

Reverse Social Link

Rank 4-5 will present the opportunity to Reverse Yukari's Social Link. Reverse Social Links happen when you pick a very offensive answer for a romanceable Social Link, causing them to have a negative impression on you. This will stop your progress on their Social Link temporarily.

How To Fix a Reverse Social Link

Fixing a reversed Social Link involves talking to the offended person, in this case Yukari, 3 times on 3 separate Social Link days. On the fourth day of you talking to them, you can continue your Social Link once more.

Otherwise, you can use the Rewind function to restart the day and redo the Social Link rank to pick the correct answer.

How to Fix Reversed Social Links

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Social Links.png

Social Links Guide and How to Start Them

All Social Links

All Social Links
Fool0. Fool MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess EmpressIII. Empress
EmperorIV. Emperor HierophantV. Hierophant LoversVI. Lovers ChariotVII. Chariot
JusticeVIII. Justice HermitIX. Hermit FortuneX. Fortune StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon SunXIX. Sun
JudgementXX. Judgement AeonXXI. Aeon


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