Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

August Walkthrough and Activities Guide

Persona 3 Reload - August Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of August in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the August schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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August Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

Arcanas to Bring for August

Hierophant Chariot Strength
Hanged Man Devil Tower
Star Moon Sun

August Daily Schedule

August 1 Evening Activity
Social Link: Devil Social Link 8
P1: He said, "Thank you."
A1: Why would he say that? (✦✦✦)
August 2 Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦)
August 3 Morning Activity
Message: Elizabeth will inform you that two missing people are in Tartarus
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 8
P1: What do you wanna get?
A1: Hamburgers (✦✦)
P2: It was sad, but I listened to the whole thing. Did I do good?
A2: You're a good girl. (✦✦✦)
P3: Who do you think I should pick?
A3: Your dad. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Before Tartarus: Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune-Teller in Club Escapade
① Rescue the missing person in the 79th, and 84th Floors
② Have 100'000+¥ (Including Materials and Consumables) and be Level 35+
③ Reach Floor 92
④ Clear the Monad Passage Boss on Floor 91 (Optional)
⑤Have appropriate Social Link Personas
August 4 Day-time Activity
Gardening: Harvest Buff Potato and plant another one (Optional)
Police Station:
① Sell all materials
② Get rewards from rescuing the missing people
Messages: Accept invitation from Yuko
P1: Sure, I'm a team manager and all, but I dunno if I'm ready to be a coach... What do you think?
A1: You're very responsible. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Devil Social Link 9
P1: No matter how attractive she was, I was repulsed by her dedication to charity work.
A1: Are you going to donate? (✦✦✦)
August 5 Day-time Activity
Messages: Accept Kazushi's invitation
P1: Man, why do I even bother anymore? What's the point of going through all this pain just to win...?
A1: That's just who you are. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
August 6 Whole-day Activity
Full Moon: Chariot and Justice Boss Fight
August 7 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Bebe or Keisuke's invitations
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Star Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Social Link: Tower Social Link 2
P1: ...So, what’re you doin’ here, kid?
A1: None of your business. (✦✦✦)
P2: You don’t have to revere me, but at least show some proper respect.
A2: How should I address you? (✦✦)
Night Activity
Social Link: Death Social Link 5
August 8 Morning Activity
Tartarus: Elizabeth will inform you that Tartarus has expanded.
Day Activity
Requests: Accept and do Request 58 (Missable)
① Give the Bandages to the Fierce-looking Delinquent in Iwatodai Station Outskirts
② Give the Student Handbook to the Flustered Student in Port Island Station
③ Give the Irresistable Catnip to the Cat-Loving Boy in Iwatodai Strip Mall, then return to Elizabeth
Social Link Hanged Man Social Link 9
P1: Even if I'm gone... we'll still be friends right?
A1: Friends forever. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Devil Social Link 10
August 9 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Isotope Soda Set (Optional)
① Talk to the Thin Young Man (Akinari) in Naganaki Shrine
② Talk to Koromaru to find the red fountain pen
③ Do not spend time with him yet
Linked Episode: Junpei Linked Episode 2 (Charm ✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Tower Social Link 3
P1: How come you’re always alone when I see ya? Don’tcha got any friends?
A1: I don't have any friends. (✦✦✦)
August 10-14 Whole-day Activity
Summer School: Academics x4 (✦✦)
August 15 Morning Activity
Summer School: Last day of summer lessons (Academics ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk Koromaru with Aigis
August 16 Whole-day Activity
Summer Festival: Choose any girl you fancy
August 17 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Curse Paper Set (Optional)
Gardening: Harvest Potatoes and plant a Buff Potato Sprout (Optional)
Social Link: Moon Social Link 5
P1: Right, Protagonist-kun?
A1: That's right. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦)
August 18 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Moon Social Link 6
P1: I don't get it. I felt fine up until just a minute ago, then suddenly I felt sick.
A1: Are you sick? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use either the Umiushi Fan Book or Iwatodai Forum Note
August 19 Morning Activity
Missing People: Elizabeth will inform you that people have gone missing in Tartarus
Day-time Activity
Requests: Buy Umiushi Beef Bowl in Iwatodai Strip Mall
Social Link: Star Social Link 2
P1: That's why I have to make it big - it's for everyone who's been helping me.
A1: Sounds like a lot of pressure. (✦✦)
P2: By the way, who would you say is your biggest rival?
A2: Myself. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
August 20 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Moon Social Link 7
P1: Well? Did that just blow your mind?
A1: The world is ending? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link:Tower Social Link 4
P1: You should cut it. No, better yet, shave it all off... Give the bald look a try.
A1: Yeah, that might look cool. (✦✦✦)
August 21 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Star Social Link 3
P1: Maybe I should get some for them too?
A1: For your teammates? (✦✦)
P2:Our apartment's pretty small, though, so we're packed like sardines.
A2: Sounds like fun. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link:Tower Social Link 5
P1: High school kids don’t have much money, do they? At least, I never gave much to my son.
A1: I have enough. (✦✦)
P2: ...And I mean something you can buy with money. Not some crap like “love” or “a sense of humor”.
A2: No. (✦✦✦)
August 22 Day-time Activity
Linked Episode: Koromaru Linked Episode 1(Charm ✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Tower Social Link 6
P1: Ugh... I'm in bad shape...
A1: You should go home. (✦✦✦)
P2: It's times like these... ah... when it's hardest to be alone...
A2: Do you have any coworkers? (✦✦)
August 23 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Soul Spinach Sprout Set (Optional)
Social Link: Sun Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk Koromaru with Akihiko
August 24 Day-time Activity
Movies: Watch the movie with Yukari (Academics ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Koromaru (Academics ✦)
August 25 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Moon Social Link 8
P1: Look at me! I'm paper-thin now.
A1: No you're not. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read Science Fiction Novel with Fuuka (Social Point ✦) (Academics ✦)
August 26 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Kenji's invitation
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Hierophant Social Link 7
P1: Ah...
A1: What happened? (✦✦)
P2: They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher... They don't want it to be cut down.
A2: That's great. (✦✦)
P3: You must be the one who called on them for this, right, Makoto-chan?
A3: Any Answer (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
August 27 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Kenji's invitation
Day-time Activity
Social Link: Moon Social Link 9
Evening Activity
Social Link: Tower Social Link 7
P1: ...Hey! There’s a microphone over there. Bring it over, kid! I’ll perform a live sutra reading.
A1: You probably shouldn't. (✦✦✦)
August 28 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Star Social Link 4
P1: ...All right, just one more!
A1: What are you doing? (✦✦)
P2: Know what that means? If I do well enough, I might score a scholarship.
A2: That would be amazing! (✦✦)
P3: And maybe... this'll make my mom's life a little easier.
A3: Yeah, I bet it would. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦)
August 29 Morning Activity
Missing People: Elizabeth will inform you that people have gone missing in Tartarus
Day-time Activity
Gardening: Harvest the Potatoes and plant Soul Spinach Sprout
Social Link: Hierophant Social Link 8
P1: Who do you think it was? Here's a hint: "signature."
A1: Any Answer (✦✦)
P2: I have to tell my son the good news!
A2: Sure, let's go. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦)
August 30 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Fierce Sutra Set (Optional)
Social Link: Sun Social Link 2
P1: You’re… not like the others.
A1: ...Really? (✦✦)
P2: Dying isn't so bad, is it? What's the point of dragging out your time in this world, anyhow?
A2: You have a point. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦)
Social Stat Rank: Academics rank up to Genius (Max Rank)
August 31 Day-time Activity
Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 10
P1: Do you think I'll have a family of my own one day?
A1: I'm sure you will. (✦✦✦)
P2: Can we get married.
A2: Sure. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Activity: Dorm-life: Watch a DVD with Koromaru 2 (Academics ✦)

August Quiz Answers

Persona 3 Reload - Jack Frost IconHee-ho! There are no quizzes or exams during August, so enjoy your Summer!

All August Social Links And Choices

All August Social Links
HierophantV. Hierophant ChariotVII. Chariot StrengthXI. Strength
Hanged ManXII. Hanged Man DeathXIII. Death DevilXV. Devil
TowerXVI. Tower StarXVII. Star MoonXVIII. Moon
SunXIX. Sun - -

Persona 3 Month of August Tips

Get the Temperance Major Arcana

If you are able to complete the Monad Passage in Yabbashah, it is recommended to get the Temperance Major Arcana as soon as August 3.

While not fully necessary to complete this guide, this can be used to accelerate Academics gain for the month of September if you are running back on it!

Traverse the Monad Passage and How to Complete

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Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

Walkthrough By Month
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10 Anonymous11 months


9 Anonymous12 months

yep, useless to Watch the movie maxed courage


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