Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Cocytus Door Complete Guide and Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for the Cocytus Door in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to see a complete guide to the shadows and bosses, what you can unlock, and other tips to clear the door!

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Malebolge Caina

Cocytus Walkthrough

1 Junpei and Koromaru will join the roster of your available party members. Choose your party for now and proceed to head inside the Cocytus door.
2 Similar to Tartarus, the dungeons here are randomly generated, so make your way down to B8.
3 Once you reach B8, Fuuka will warn you that there are powerful enemies at the floor below. Use the teleporter and regroup as needed.
4 Once ready, head down to B9 and you need to fight another set of bosses. This time it's a Cowardly Maya, a Crying Table, and a Wondrous Magus.
► Cowardly Maya, a Crying Table, and a Wondrous Magus Boss Fight Guide
5 After beating the Guardian Boss, you will unlock a door that lets you travel back and forth to the Desert of Doors and B9 of Cocytus. Use this chance to recoup and prep for the next stretch.
6 From B9, head down and you need to go down another set of randomly generated dungeons, so make your way down up to B15.
7 At B15, you will see another giant door, head towards it to open it and you get a glimpse of Ken's life right after his mother's death. Confused, the group decides to regroup for now.

List of Bosses in Cocytus

Guardian Bosses
Cowardly Maya, Crying Table, and Wondrous Magus
Monad Bosses
Phantom Mage Elegant Mother
Red Sigil

Click the names above to skip to a certain boss.

Cocytus Guardian Bosses

Cowardly Maya, Crying Table, and Wondrous Magus

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Cowardly Maya, Crying Table, and Wondrous Magus
There are no gimmicks in this fight, just target each enemy’s weakness and then go for an All-Out Attack. It's best to bring Ken and Koromaru as they can both cover the elemental weaknesses of at least two enemies without being weak to theirs.

The most threatening enemy is the Wondrous Mage, as it can use Concentrate. Akihiko is not recommended for this fight, as he’s weak to Ice and can fall quickly to concentrated Ice attacks.

Cocytus Guardian Boss Guide

Cocytus Monad Bosses

Phantom Mage

Phantom Mage
Phantom Mage is one of the Monad Door bosses located in Cocytus. They have a weakness to Wind and specialize in Light. Bring characters like Yukari and Metis, while also avoiding equipping Personas weak to Light to make this fight is significantly easier.

Phantom Mage (Cocytus) Boss Guide

Elegant Mother

Elegant Mother
Elegant Mother is another one of the Monad Door bosses in this area. They're accompanied by a Muttering Tiara and Maniacal Book during this fight, so make sure to take care of them first.

This boss will also drop the Lady's Stool required to complete Elizabeth Request 30!

Elegant Mother (Cocytus) Boss Guide

Red Sigil

Red Sigil
Red Sigil is the last boss you can encounter in this area's Monad Doors. It's fought alongside a Blue Sigil that casts buffs, debuffs, and Ice Attacks. Besides that, the Red Sigil likes to use Fire Attacks and Provoke, so make sure to bring Dis-Rages to cure any Enraged allies.

Red Sigil (Cocytus) Boss Guide

List of Regular Shadows in Cocytus

List of All Shadows and Weaknesses

Shadow Weak Resist Null Drain Repel
Blue Sigil
Slash Image
- -
Ice Image
Curse Dice
Electric Image Light Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Dark Image
- -
Dancing Hand
Fire Image
Wind Image
- -
Dogmatic Tower
Strike Image
Fire Image Light Image Dark Image
- - -
Elegant Mother
Light Image
Ice Image
Wind Image
Dark Image
Heat Balance
Wind Image Electric Image
Fire Image Ice Image
- - -
Imprudent Maya - - - - -
Laughing Table
Wind Image
Electric Image Pierce Image
- - -
Maniacal Book
Wind Image
Ice Image
Light Image
- -
Muttering Tiara
Wind Image
Fire Image
- - -
Obsessed Cupid
Dark Image Slash Image
Light Image
- -
Precious Hand
Fire Image
- - - -
Steel Gigas
Electric Image
Strike Image
- - -
Trance Twins
Electric Image Light Image
Ice Image
- - -
Tranquil Idol
Wind Image Pierce Image
Electric Image Light Image
Fire Image
- -
Venus Eagle
Ice Image Pierce Image
Wind Image Slash Image
- - -

Tips and Tricks for Exploring Cocytus

Party Member Ranking

Rank Character Explanation
1 Persona 3 Reload - KenKen On top the usual Kouga, Arrow Rain, and Mahamaon, Ken will gain access to Mediarahan making him an amazing all-rounder.
His characteristic on top of the limited resources is still amazing for quickly building up his Theurgy Gauge.
2 Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Since Koromaru and Junpei get introduced here, a lot of enemies here are weak to Dark and Fire skills. Koromaru can also learn Maragion along the way. Mamudoon will help you bypass some enemies and give you some room to breathe.
3 Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Still the mainstay main healer but Ken does overshadow her since he also has Pierce attacks. Great endurance which helps her tank some hits from the boss.
4 Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei Kit is focused around Physical but you don't have Ambush to make use of the Technicals yet. If you have any party member with Revolution, he can pull his own weight.
5 Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Still mostly used for picking off enemies and hitting Ice weaknesses. Gets Garula along the way making her a convenient pick if you don't have Yukari in your party.
6 Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko Again, a lack of available buffs makes Akihiko's Theurgy hard to charge. Still, keep him sufficiently levelled since the limited resources will have you swapping party members around.

Save Your Twilight Fragments

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Linked Episode
After beating the bosses in B9, you will have access to four locked chests. Two of these contain the items for Junpei's and Akihiko's Linked Episodes, so make sure to allot 2 Twilight Fragments for these.

How to Farm Twilight Fragments and All Locations

New Monad Doors

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - New Monad Doors
Cocytus will introduce you to the new Monad Doors where you can pick a route to battle. The difficulty will scale from left to right, left being the easiest and right being the hardest and the harder the door, the better the rewards.

Make sure to look at your team's current status and available SP before you choose which door. The easiest one will still drop an Arcana Card for Shuffle Time, so there's no shame in choosing it.

List of All Monad Bosses

Pick Up Some Dis-Poisons at the Medicine Shop

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Dis-Poison
Before heading down, make sure to have some Dis-Poisons on hand due to the Elegant Mother Monad Boss and the Crying Table boss. Yukari still has Patra which can't cure Poison but can remove Charm and Rage.

Status Ailments Guide

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