Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Chidori Yoshino Profile and Voice Actor

Persona 3 Reload - Chidori
Chidori is a character and a member of Strega in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on for details on Chidori's character profile and voice actor, persona, and whether or not you can save them.

Chidori Profile and Voice Actor

Character Overview

Hanged Man
JP Voice Actor
Miyuki Sawashiro
EN Voice Actor
Merit Leighton

Member of Strega

Persona 3 Reload - Member of Strega
Chidori is a member of Strega, a trio of rogue Persona users who use the Dark Hour for their own personal benefits. The three carry out assassinations and illegal activities through the use of an internet website called Revenge Request.

Chidori Persona

Uses Medea

Chidori's Persona is Medea of the Hanged Man Arcana. It does not transform into another Persona over the course of the story.

Can You Romance Chidori?

You Cannot Romance Chidori

Persona 3 Reload - You Cannot Romance Chidori
You cannot romance Chidori as she is romantically linked to Junpei, one of the protagonist's party members.

Can You Save Chidori?

This section uses information based on Persona 3 Portable.

Only Possible in Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable

Persona 3 Reload - Only Possible in Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable
It is possible to revive Chidori when you fulfill certain requirements in Persona 3 FES and in Persona 3 Portable.

The protagonist must speak with Junpei and tell him to see Chidori every time at the following days: November 6th, 11th, 14th, and 22nd. If these conditions are met, Chidori will be revived on January 21st.

It is not yet confirmed if you can save Chidori in Persona 3 Reload.

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