Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

November Walkthrough and Activities Guide

Persona 3 Reload - November Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for the month of November in Persona 3 Reload (P3Reload). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the November schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!

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November Activities and Social Link Walkthrough

Arcanas to Bring for November

Priestess Empress Emperor
Fortune Temperance Star
Sun - -

November Daily Schedule

November 1 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Myohou Muramasa set (Optional)
Gardening: Harvest Golden Tomatoes and plant another Golden Tomato Sprout
Social Link: Sun Social Link 7
P1: ...That’s as far as I’ve written. I haven’t decided on an ending yet.
A1: It sounds really depressing. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk Koromaru with Yukari
November 2 After School Activity
Social Link: Emperor Social Link 7
P1: About the smoker’s punishment, I mean.
A1: It seems too harsh. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Social Link: Fool Social Link 6
Dormitory Computer: Use Assassin Note to get guaranteed Distress from back strikes.
November 3 Whole-day Activity
Full Moon: Strega and Hanged Man Boss Fight
November 4 Morning Activity
Social Link: Death Social Link 10
Evening Activity
Social Link: Fool Social Link 7
November 5 Evening Activity
Buy Items: Buy Ninja Fansite Note from the Suspicious Man in Club Escapade.
Dormitory Computer: Use Ninja Fansite Note
November 6 After School Activity
① Accept Request 96 then talk to the Friendly Student near the Persimmon Tree to get the prompt to buy Kansai
② Go to Inari Shrine for Sushi
③ Go to the Faculty Room and talk to Mr. Odo
④ Accept Request 92 and clean the Restroom in Port Island Station (Scrub Harder x2)
Social Link: Temperance Social Link 7
P1: I will show him a kimono! When he sees it, he will understand the beauty of Nihon!
A1: That's a great idea. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Messages: Elizabeth will inform you that Tartarus has expanded
① Accept Request 94 then talk to Koromaru to get Gourmet Dog Food
② Accept Request 95 then talk to Ken to get Featherman R Figure
Dormitory Computer: Use History Website Note
November 7 Day-time Activity
Afternoon Class:
Question: What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today?
Answer: The Upanishads. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Linked Episode: Junpei Linked Episode 3 (Academics ✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Walk with Koromaru (Star Social Link ✦✦✦)
November 8 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Kazushi, Kenji, or Bebe's invitations
Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Japanese Doll Set
Linked Episode: Buy White Flowers in Rafflessia for Junpei's Linked Episode 4
Social Link: Sun Social Link 8
P1: ...Just give me a minute... so I can... calm down...
A1: Take as long as you need. (✦✦)
P2: It’s not going to cure me anyway, right?... It just helps eases my pain and suffering...
A2: Why did you stop? (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Give the White Flowers to Junpei
Dorm-life: Walk with Koromaru (Strength Social Link ✦✦✦) (Optional)
November 9 Morning Activity
Story: Ryoji Introduction
Afternoon Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Mental Instructor Note
November 10 After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Social Link: Fortune Social Link 7
P1: It's like he's suddenly trying to be more understanding. It's weird.
A1: Do you want to be a doctor? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Linked Episode: Ken Linked Episode 3 (Charm ✦)
November 11 After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Social Link: Fortune Social Link 8
P1: Can you remember your name?
A1: It's okay, I'm fine. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read Yakuza Novels with Aigis 3 (Charm ✦)
Characteristic: Phys Boost on Aigis
November 12 Day-time Activity
Afternoon Class:
Question: What was she describing with such a sparse line?
Answer: Her favorite time in winter. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Linked Episode: Ryoji Linked Episode 1
Evening Activity
Buy Items: Buy 5 Dating Site Note from Suspicious Man
Dormitory Computer: Use Dating Site Note on Fuuka (Priestess ✦✦)
November 13 After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Social Link: Magician Social Link 10
P1: Man, it's always a blast hanging out with you. That said... I still want a girlfriend!
A1: Want me to find you a girl? (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Dating Site Note on Yukari (Lovers ✦✦)
November 14 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Social Link: Strength Social Link 10
P1: I know they were kind of a handful, but they also have an endearing side to them, don't you think?
A1: Yeah. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Read Baseball Manga with Junpei 2 (Courage ✦)
November 15 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Fuuka's or Yukari's invitations
After School Activity
Tanaka: Buy Sid's Jacket Set (Optional)
Social Link: Star Social Link 8
P1: Hmmm...
A1: Do it! (✦✦✦)
P2: In the end, maybe it was my fault the team couldn't work together.
A2: It sure was. (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Mindful Boot Camp
November 16 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
Requests: Go to the Faculty Room again
Social Link: Priestess Social Link 9
P1: ......
A1: I love you, Fuuka (✦✦✦ and Relationship Start)
P1.1 (Non-romance): ......
A1.1: We'll always be friends.
P1.2 (Non-romance): But... I think it'd be fun to cook with friends.
A1.2: Sure. (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Dating Site Note on Fuuka (Priestess ✦✦)
November 17 Whole-day Activity
Missable Events:
① Buy some or all of the Souvenirs for Ken
② Buy all Drinks from the Vending Machines on the 2nd and 3rd floor (Missable Request)
③ Talk to some of the Social Links and people
November 18 Whole-day Activity
Linked Episode: Agree to Hang-out with Ryoji for his 2nd Linked Episode
Missable Events: Talk to some of the Social Links and people
November 19 Whole-day Activity
Linked Episode: Ryoji Linked Episode 2
Missable Events: Talk to some of the Social Links and people
P1: What the hell should we do!?
A1: We'll hide in the steam.
P2: Mitsuru and Aigis are probably close, too. Can't afford to be careless here. But now what?
A2: Use the duck as a red herring.
P3: We'll never make it if we just run out into the open like that!
A3: Just follow my lead.
November 20 Evening Activity
Gardening: Harvest the Golden Tomato Sprout and plant another one
Dorm-life: Walk Koromaru with Ken (Optional)
November 21 Morning Activity
Morning Class: Stay Awake (Academics ✦)
After School Activity
① Go to the Faculty Room again to finally get Kanetsugu's Helm
② Give Friendly Student 5'000 Yen to get Oden Juice (Missable Request)
③ Accept Request 93 and water the middle flowerbed at the rooftop
Social Link: Empress Social Link 1
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Tend the Garden with Fuuka 3
Characteristic: Weakness Mitigator on Fuuka
November 22 Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Garnet set (Optional)
After School Activity
Social Link: Sun Social Link 9
P1: So... I'd like you to celebrate with me. As of today, I am a free individual.
A1: You finished your story? (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Make Coffee with Ken
Dark Hour
Story: Chidori Boss Fight
November 23 Day-time Activity
Draw Fortune: Draw a Fortune for Hidetoshi (Emperor ✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dormitory Computer: Use Mental Image Training
November 24-26 Whole-day Activity
Career Experience: Work in Wilduck Burger
November 27 Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Brush Koromaru
November 28 Morning Activity
Messages: Elizabeth will inform you that there are new missing people in Tartarus
After School Activity
Social Link: Empress Social Link 2
Evening Activity
Social Link: Fool Social Link 9
Before Tartarus: Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune-Teller in Club Escapade
① Rescue the missing person in the 177th and 196th Floors
② Have 100'000+¥ (Including Materials and Consumables) and be Level 68+
③ Reach Floor 198th
④ Clear the Monad Passage Bosses on Floor 197st (Optional)
⑤ Have appropriate Social Link Personas for December
November 29 Morning Activity
Messages: Do not accept Bebe's invitation
Day-time Activity
Tanaka: Buy Shoes of Bane set (Optional)
Police Station:
① Sell all materials
② Get rewards from rescuing the missing people
Social Link: Star Social Link 9
P1: So uh, the big meet for that scholarship was yesterday.
A1: Did you win? (✦✦)
P2: I got first place, of course!
A2: Congrats, man! (✦✦)
P3: Kinda makes me feel empty inside.
A3: What will you do now? (✦✦)
P4: Go ahead and order extra noodles. It's on me.
A4: Thanks! (✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Make Coffee with Ken 2
November 30 Morning Activity
Morning Class:
Question: In the poem that Genji, the protagonist, sends to her, what did he compare her to?
Answer: The cherry blossom. (Charm ✦)
After School Activity
Social Link: Emperor Social Link 8
P1: ...So, you heard all that.
A1: It wasn't me (✦✦✦)
Evening Activity
Dorm-life: Make Tea with Mitsuru

November Classroom Answers

Date Question
November 7 Q: What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today?
A: The Upanishads.
November 12 Q: What was she describing with such a sparse line?
A: Her favorite time in winter.
November 30 Q: In the poem that Genji, the protagonist, sends to her, what did he compare her to?
A: The cherry blossom.

All November Social Links

All November Social Links
Fool0. Fool MagicianI. Magician PriestessII. Priestess
EmpressIII. Empress EmperorIV. Emperor FortuneX. Fortune
StrengthXI. Strength DeathXIII. Death TemperanceXIV. Temperance
StarXVII. Star SunXIX. Sun -

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Persona 3 Reload All Months Guide

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October November December


12 Anonymousabout 1 year

Requests are all over the place in this guide. It was impossible to get the chilled thing on september when the guide said so, had to wait almost until the end of the month. You have no request for the sushi here, you have no request to water plants either, and I've done far more requests than the guide has told me to do

11 Fathomabout 1 year

Prior to meeting Ryogi, equip your favorite persona because afterwords you are rewarded with +1 to your currently equipped persona's stats.


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