Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Empyrean Door Complete Guide and Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for the Empyrean Door in Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Episode Aigis DLC. Read on to see a complete guide to the shadows and bosses, what you can unlock, and other tips to clear the door!

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Empyrean Walkthrough

No. Objectives
1 Enemies in the area are weak to Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Darkness, and Strike. With how late the game goes, you can pretty much draft any party members as long as you cover the missing elemental attacks your party can't provide but we still recommend Yukari, Metis, and Akihiko for the first layer as these three can cover the 4 main elements with their kit.
2 Push your way until B8 and change your current roster to be more physical damage focused. Head to B9 to encounter the Musha Squad which has several immunities to elemental attacks but all will have no resistance to any physical damage attacks.
► Onnen, Kaiden, and Tenjin Musha Boss Fight Guide
3 Enemy weaknesses range from all elemental types in this layer. Metis and Akihiko are great options as there are few enemies that negate strike damage. Yukari is also a great healer due to her SP conservative playstyle as well as the layer having few enemies weak to wind.
4 Push your way until B18 to find your next checkpoint. At the next floor, you'll fight Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops. Both have no weaknesses and both can nullify your Fire, Ice, and Wind attacks.
► Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops Boss Fight Guide
5 Enemies in the next layer will have Fire, Ice, Electric, Light, Slash, and Pierce weaknesses. Ken will be strong as a healer in this layer while Mitsuru will also prove invaluable not just because of her ice attacks but also her ailments against enemies with no weaknesses. Koromaru or Jumpei are both great choices as the last member to deal fire damage.
6 Head to B26 to find your last checkpoint and prepare for an upcoming boss fight.
► ??? (Shadow Makoto) Boss Fight Guide

List of Bosses in Empyrean

Guardian Bosses
Onnen, Kaiden, and Tenjin Musha Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops
??? (Shadow Makoto)
Monad Bosses
Intrepid Knight Phantom King
Reckoning Dice Fanatic Tower

Click the names above to skip to a certain boss.

Empyrean Guardian Bosses

Onnen Musha, Kaiden Musha, and Tenjin Musha

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Empyrean Musha Boss

All three Musha collectively resist all elemental attacks but take normal damage from physical skills. That said, it's best to use a team with strong physical attackers like Akihiko, Metis, and Junpei to inflict damage. Since none of the Musha uses elemental moves frequently, their weaknesses won't matter much in this fight.

Onnen, Kaiden, and Tenjin Musha Boss Guide

Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops Boss
For this fight, it's best to bring Akihiko, Ken, and Koromaru to your team since both enemies are vulnerable to electric, light, and dark skills. At this level, Koromaru and Ken should have learned Debilitate and Heat Riser respectively, which you can use on Akihiko to enhance his electric attacks.

With Ken as support, he can also spend the rest of his turns casting Makarakarn on Akihiko to reflect Neo Minotaur's Ice attacks.

Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops Boss Guide

??? (Shadow Makoto)

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Neo Minotaur and Rebellious Cyclops Boss

Shadow Makoto can switch his affinities based on what Persona he has currently equipped. Pay attention to what Persona he's currently on before attacking him.

Note that while the Protagonist will also copy the weakness of whichever Persona it has, it cannot be downed by the respective spell but will take increased damage from it.

??? (Shadow Makoto) Boss Guide

Monad Door Bosses

Intrepid Knight

Intrepid Knight
Intrepid Knight is one of the Monad Door bosses you can encounter in Empyrean. It's fought alone, but it uses a myriad of skill types such as Mabufudyne, Poison Arrow, and Marakunda so make sure to prepare accordingly.

Intrepid Knight (Empyrean) Boss Guide

Phantom King

P3R Episode Aigis - Phantom King
Phantom King is one of the Monad Door bosses you can encounter in Empyrean. It's fought alone, and uses Light and Dark skills, like Mamudoon, Makougaon and Maeigaon. Use precaution to avoid getting instakilled by this boss!

Phantom King (Empyrean) Boss Guide

Reckoning Dice

Reckoning and Platinum Dice
Reckoning is another Monad Door boss that you can ecounter inside Empyrean. It's accompanied by a Platinum Dice that both debuff and attack you with Physical-boosted skills so make sure to deal with that first.

Reckoning Dice (Empyrean) Boss Guide

Fanatic Tower

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Fanatic Tower

Fanatic Tower is vulnerable to Pierce attacks so bringing Yukari, Aigis, and Ken to auto-attack is great to down Fanatic Tower for an All-Out Attack.

Saturnus' Inferno and Fire Amp can help eliminate Doom Sword quickly. Inferno and a Pierce auto-attack from Aigis or Yukari can initiate an All-Out Attack quickly.

Fanatic Tower Boss Guide

List of Regular Shadows in Empyrean

List of All Shadows and Weaknesses

Shadow Weak Resist Null Drain Repel
Amenti Raven
Wind Image
Dark Image
- -
Fire Image
Amorous Snake
Ice Image
- -
Fire Image
Light Image
Battle Wheel
Fire Image
Light Image
Ice Image
Change Relic
Pierce Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image Light Image Dark Image
- -
Chaos Cyclops - -
Light Image Dark Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image
Crazy Twins
Wind Image
Light Image
Electric Image
Divine Mother
Dark Image
Fire Image Ice Image
- -
Light Image
Divine Mother
Fire Image
Strike Image Pierce Image
- -
Slash Image
Emperor Beetle - -
Ice Image Pierce Image
- -
Eternal Eagle
Ice Image Pierce Image
- -
Electric Image
Eternal Sand
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Light Image Dark Image
Wind Image Electric Image
Fire Image Ice Image
Gracious Cupid
Strike Image
Fire Image
- -
Grudge Tower - -
Light Image Dark Image
Fire Image Ice Image
Glorious Hand - - - - ALL
Hallowed Turret
Dark Image
Pierce Image
- -
Light Image
Intrepid Knight -
Pierce Image
Light Image Dark Image
Wind Image
Jotun of Grief
Pierce Image
Slash Image
Wind Image
Strike Image Electric Image Dark Image
King Castle
Dark Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Light Image
- -
Mad Cyclops
Light Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image
- - -
Mighty Cyclops - -
Light Image Dark Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Minotaur I -
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Light Image Dark Image
- -
Namean Beast
Fire Image
Strike Image Ice Image
- -
Natural Dancer
Electric Image
Ice Image Slash Image
- -
Phantom King
Light Image
Fire Image Ice Image Wind Image Electric Image
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
- -
Platinum Dice
Electric Image
Slash Image
Pierce Image
- -
Rampage Drive
Ice Image
Wind Image
Electric Image
Pierce Image
Reckoning Dice
Electric Image
- -
Strike Image Pierce Image Slash Image
Sleeping Table
Electric Image
Wind Image Light Image
Slash Image

Tips and Tricks for Exploring Empyrean

Party Member Ranking

Rank Character Explanation
1 Persona 3 Reload - MetisMetis Good amount of enemies are susceptible to Physical skills and you do need to focus on funneling a lot of levels for her while you still have your party. Try to at least get Akasha Arts on her.
2 Persona 3 Reload - JunpeiJunpei Shines exceptoinally well here especially when paired with Mitsuru. Try to look for gear with a ton of Luck so he can Crit more.
3 Persona 3 Reload - AkihikoAkihiko Go back to Be Blue V if you don't have Shock Boost on him. His main role is to apply Shock to enemies so you and the rest of the team can just down enemies with Crits.
4 Persona 3 Reload - MitsuruMitsuru Again, a good chucnk of enemies and bosses here are susceptible to ailments on top of not much resistances to Physical skills. This area has enemies with no weaknesses so your only bet is via Crits.
5 Persona 3 Reload - KenKen Fares better than Yukari since he has an option of Arrow Rain and Cruel Attack as damaging options. Best used for Tetrakarn or Divine Intervention so you can mitigate damage from hard hitting bosses.
6 Persona 3 Reload - KoromaruKoromaru Can work exceptionally well with Mitsuru for guaranteed Crits thanks to his Virus Breath on top of Power Howling to further increase damage. His Strike and Slash skills will get noticably weaker at this point though.
7 Persona 3 Reload - YukariYukari Only slotted in your team for healing and cleansing status ailments. A lot of enemies here either carry Zio skills or are just immune or resist Wind.

Enemies are Still Susceptible to Ailments

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Crit Status Condition
If you scan an enemy and notice they don't have a weakness, they are usually susceptible to certain ailments which can help you down them with Critical hits especially with Mitsuru's Characteristic.

Status Ailments Guide (P3R)

Try to Focus on Levelling Metis Up

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Focus on Metis Levels
After the Empyrean Final Boss, you will be immediately whisked away leaving you with just Metis as your only party member. Make sure she's sufficiently leveled to atleast Level 72 where she gets Akasha Arts.

Be Mindful of Personas You Will Bring to the Last Boss

Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis - Ceasar Electric Immune Persona
Since the last boss here will copy your party member's Personas, you need to keep in mind what skills they have and make sure your Personas can Null or Reflect it. This will also save you the headache once you get to Colosseo Purgatorio.

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