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This is a walkthrough for the month of June in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). Read on to see a day-to-day guide to the June schedule, the best social links to pursue, the best social stats to raise, and the best days to clear Tartarus!
List of Contents
Previous Month | Next Month |
May | July |
June 1 | After School Activity Social Link: Emperor Social Link 4 P1: What is it? Did you need something from me? A1: Looks like you're hard at work. (✦✦✦). Evening Activity Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth (Charm ✦✦) |
June 2 | Morning Activity Morning Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦) After School Activity Social Link: Temperance Social Link 2 P1: It will be my first time going. Will you maybe, how do you say, show me the ropes? A1: Sure, let's go.(✦✦) P2:I love the culture of Nihon! Japan is sugoi-amazing! A2: I totally agree.(✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Courage rank up to Tough |
June 3 | After School Activity Social Link: Temperance Social Link 3 P1: You have gotten much better at this, Protagonist-dono! Subarashii-wonderful! A1: Any Answer (✦✦) P2:I would like to make something Japanese, but what? A2: How about a kimono?(✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Special Hagakure Bowl at Hagakure Ramen (Charm ✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Charm rank up to Smooth |
June 4 | After School Activity Social Link: Justice Social Link 3 P1: ...Do they not know where they are!? A1: They have no shame. (✦✦) P2: We should notify the student council president right away, and discuss this at our next meeting! A2: I agree.(✦✦) Evening Activity Gardening: Harvest Tomatoes Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 5 | After School Activity Gardening: Buy a Buff Potato Sprout Social Link: Magician Social Link 5 P1: Yeah, good-looking people just flock together, y'know?. It's like a law of attraction. A1: Okay... (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Ghost Story: Rewarded with Cielo Mist ① There were three victims. ② They hung out together Gardening: Plant the Buff Potato Sprout Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦) |
June 6 | After School Activity Social Link: Justice Social Link 4 P1: Why am I still shaking? A1: I'm here for you. (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Pre-requisite: Talk and give 20'000¥ to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall Social Stat: Eat Mystery Burger in Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦) |
June 7 | Morning Activity Tanaka: Buy Perfume Set (Optional) Message: Accept Kazushi's message and ask him "You prefer bread?" (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 8 | Whole Day Activity Full Moon: Empress and Emperor Boss Fight |
June 9 | After School Activity School Clinic: Drink Mysterious Concoction (Courage ✦) Social Link: Chariot Rank 4 P1: She made the appointment without telling me, so... there was nothing I could do! A1: That really sucks.(✦✦✦) Evening Activity Pre-requisite: Talk and give 10'000¥ to Tanaka in Paulownia Mall Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦) |
June 10 | Morning Activity Morning Class: Stay awake (Academics ✦) After School Activity Social Link: Emperor Social Link 5 P1: ...Bunch of neanderthals. A1: They're the worst. (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat the Mystery Burger at Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Courage rank up to Fearless |
June 11 | After School Activity Social Link: Chariot Social Link 5 P1: Man... I keep running into you at the weirdest times. A1: Back from the hospital?(✦✦) P2: You gotta be kidding... Why can't I... stand up!? A2: Take my shoulder!(✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth (Charm ✦✦) |
June 12 | After School Activity Social Link: Moon Social Link 3 P1: So, do you "get me," hm? Who am I? Go on, I wanna hear it come out of your mouth! A1: The gourmet king. (✦✦✦). Evening Activity Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦) Social Link: Death Social Link 1 |
June 13 | After School Activity Social Link: Hanged Man Social Link 4 P1: They really do care about me! A1: That's great news. (✦✦✦). Evening Activity New Content: Theurgy Tutorial |
June 14 | Morning Activity Messages: Do not accept invitations from Kenji and Kazushi Day Activity Tanaka: Buy the Brand Watch Set (Optional) Buy Items: Buy Rose Boquet for Request (Optional) Social Link: Hermit Social Link 7 P1: …do men only want younger women? b honest ・_・ A1: Well, yeah. (✦✦✦). P2: she even stuffs her bra!! lol A2: She um… what? (✦✦). Evening Activity Before Tartarus: ① Take the 27th Request then talk to Mitsuru to obtain the Fencing Epee. ② Take the 28th request then talk to Akihiko and obtain Protein Powder. ③ Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune Teller in Club Escapade, then go to Tartarus after doing so. After Tartarus: ① Reach Level 25+ ② Reach Floor 69 ③ Have 90'000+¥ ④ Have appropriate Social Link Personas |
June 15 | Day Activity Afternoon Class: Question: Which phrase means, "able to see things for what they really are"? Answer: Keen eye (Charm ✦) After School Activity Requests: Get the Potent Medicine in the School Clinic (Optional) School Clinic: Drink Mysterious Concoction (Courage ✦) Sell Materials: Sell all Tartarus Materials, equivalent to 90'000¥+ Social Link: Chariot Social Link 6 P1: I want to win, so I have to practice. A1: Show some guts, man! (✦✦). P2: I promised I'd win at next year's meet and become the number one athlete in Japan. A2: Why go so far? (✦✦). P3: That's why I have to win this meet - so I can make it to nationals! A3: What about your knee? (✦✦). Evening Activity Requests:Give a Black Quartz to the Luxury Shopkeeper after accepting Request 29 (Optional) Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 16 | After School Activity Social Link: Magician Social Link 6 P1: I mean, getting into college is pretty important, don't ya think? You think about the future too, right? A1: I've got plans already. (✦✦✦). Evening Activity Pre-requisite: Give 10'000¥ to Tanaka to unlock his Social Link Social Link: Devil Social Link 1 |
June 17 | Day Activity Afternoon Class: Question: What early religious practice was the origin of magic? Answer: Shamanism (Charm ✦) After School Activity Buy Seeds: Buy Buff Potato Sprout (Optional) Art Club: Go to the Art Room found in the first floor to join the Art Club Social Link: Fortune Social Link 1 Evening Activity Gardening: Harvest the Potato Sprout you plant another one (Optional) Social Stat: Play You're the Answer (Academics ✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Academics rank up to Smart |
June 18 | Morning Activity Missing Person: Elizabeth will inform you about the missing person mechanic After School Activity Social Link: Fortune Social Link 2 (Bring Fortune Persona) Evening Activity Social Stat: Play Highschool of Youth (Charm ✦✦) |
June 19 | After School Activity Social Link: Magician Social Link 7 P1: I can't eat... A1: What happened? (✦✦). P2: I saw a magazine in Emiri's room. Guess what it was called. A2: Bride-To-Be? (✦✦). P3: You think that's a good plan? A3: Congrats! (✦✦). Evening Activity Social Stat: Play House of the Deceased (Courage ✦✦) |
June 20 | Day Activity Cutscene: Koromaru Introduction Evening Activity Social Link: Devil Social Link 2 (Bring Devil Persona) P1:"Placebo"! The stress is on the middle syllable. A1:"Placebo." (✦✦✦). P2: These are just a faction of our unique line of products A2: Wow. (✦✦). |
June 21 | Day-time Activity Tanaka: Buy Amenity Suit Set (Optional) Messages: Accept Chihiro's invitation P1:I-I was afraid that I might see that guy from before who tried to, um... A1: I'd help you again.(✦✦✦). Evening Activity Command Room: Watch the new video (Optional) Social Stat: Eat Mystery Burger in Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦) |
June 22 | Day Activity Afternoon Class: Question: What else do people call this curve? Answer: Witch of Agnesi (Charm ✦) After School Activity Social Link: Chariot Social Link 7 P1: I know you didn't say anything. I just think he can tell something's up. A1: How's your knee? (✦✦). P2: Otherwise, I won't be able to keep my promise to my nephew! A2: You have to get tougher! (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Mystery Burger in Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦) |
June 23 | After School Activity Social Link: Fortune Social Link 3 P1: It really helped apply the paint to the canvas, so I'm sure that's the only reason the judges even noticed. A1: You've got talent. (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Mystery Burger in Wilduck Burger (Courage ✦✦) Social Stat Rank: Courage rank up to Badass (Max) |
June 24 | After School Activity Social Link: Fortune Social Link 4 P1: Did you... hear everything? A1: You're quitting art club? (✦✦) P2: I have my own dreams too, you know! Ugh, I can't stand it anymore! A2: Complaining to me won't help you. (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Special Hagakure Bowl at Hagakure Ramen (Charm ✦✦) |
June 25 | Day Activity Afternoon Class: Question: What's it called when the air bubbles in a whirlpool bath hit you and make you vibrate? Answer: The flutter effect (Charm ✦) After School Activity Social Link: Justice Social Link 5 P1: So, um... there was something I needed to ask you... A1: I'm all ears. (✦✦). P2: Is she in love right now!? A2: Yeah, she's in love. (✦✦✦) P3: Sorry for asking about such a weird topic. A3: Happy to help. (✦✦). P4: What should I do. A4: Hold her hand. (✦✦✦). Evening Activity Social Stat: Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 26 | After School Activity Social Link: Priestess Social Link 1 Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 27 | After School Activity Social Link: Priestess Social Link 2 (Bring Priestess Persona) P1: Maybe I should give him some food. What do you think, Protagonist-kun? A1: Sure. (✦✦✦) P2:I don't think I can do this alone. Can I... count on you to help? A2: Sure thing. (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Before Tartarus: Get a Rarity Fortune from the Fortune Teller in Club Escapade Tartarus: ① Rescue the missing person in the 50th, 56th, and 64th Floors (Required for a Missable Request) ② Finish Elizabeth Requests (Optional) ③ Have 90'000¥ and be Level 26+ ④ Have appropriate Social Link Personas |
June 28 | Morning Activity Message: Do not accept Fuuka's invitation Day-time Activity Tanaka: Buy Amronion Sprout Set (Optional) Police Station: Get rewards from rescuing missing people and sell materials you got in your Tartarus run Social Link: Moon Social Link 4 P1: Whew, that was way too close. If that toilet was just a bit further away... Ohhhh, boy. A1: Are you feeling sick? (✦✦✦) Evening Activity Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 29 | Morning Activity Morning Class: Question: What form of natural magic is used to find water sources? Answer: Dowsing (Charm ✦) After School Activity Social Link: Chariot Social Link 8 P1: You must know what's going on. A1: ..... (✦✦) Evening Activity Gardening: Harvest Potatoes, but do not plant anything yet (Optional) Social Stat: Eat Seafood Full Course in Wakatsu Kitchen (Academics ✦✦) |
June 30 | After School Activity Social Link: Magician Social Link 8 P1: H-Hey, man. Sorry to make you come here. I, um... Ah, damn it... A1: Are you in trouble? (✦✦✦) P2: And now she's being transferred to a school in Kyushu. What do I do!? A2: You should go with her. (✦✦) Evening Activity Gardening: Plant Amronion Sprout in the Garden (Optional) Social Link: Devil Social Link 3 P1: These days, even a grade-schooler knows how to buy stocks online. How about you? Interested in stock trading? A1: Maybe a little. (✦✦✦) |
Date | Question |
June 15 | Q: Which phrase means, "able to see things for what they really are"? A: Keen eye |
June 17 | Q: What early religious practice was the origin of magic? A: Shamanism |
June 22 | Q: What else do people call this curve? A: Witch of Agnesi |
June 25 | Q: What's it called when the air bubbles in a whirlpool bath hit you and make you vibrate? A: The flutter effect |
All June Social Links | ||
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Arcanas | ||
Magician | Priestess | Emperor |
Chariot | Justice | Hermit |
Fortune | Hanged Man | Temperance |
Devil | Moon | - |
During May 8, you will be fighting against the Empress and Emperor Arcana. Before that, however, you will be sent into the Arqa Block. Make sure to thoroughly explore to get the treasure whilst defeating the Shadows to get extra EXP and Shuffle Times; prioritize Money cards!
While there are not many Shadows weak to Curse here, the Precious Hand that frequents this area has a weakness to Curse. Bring a Persona that knows Eiha such as Gurulu!
Rare Shadows Weaknesses and Locations
All Episode Aigis Walkthroughs | |
Malebolge | Cocytus |
Caina | Antenora |
Ptolomea | Judecca |
Empyrean | Colosseo Purgatorio |
Walkthrough By Month | ||
April | May | June |
July | August | September |
October | November | December |
January |
June Walkthrough and Activities Guide
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I did not get max courage on the day specified, so instead I went to Karaoke on 6/25 instead of eating at Wakatsu which got me the rank up I needed.