New World

Where to Find Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair and How to Use

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This is a guide on Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair, a crafting recipe in New World. Read on to see the basic information of this particular recipe, including how to get the recipe itself and its uses!

Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair IconRecipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair Cooking Recipe Uncommon 5
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.3
Salvage to learn this recipe. Increase Focus by 24 and Strength by 16 for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.

How to Get Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair

Obtained from Containers Across Aeternum

Obtained from Provision Containers.

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair

Salvage to Learn the Recipe

You can salvage the Recipe: Butter Poached Oysters on Angel Hair to learn its recipe. Select the item from the tooltip menu and press Salvage. You can also hold the S key and press the left-click mouse button to salvage the item.

Learning the recipe allows you to craft the item using the respective crafting station. Note that you can learn recipes even if you have not reached the required trade skill to craft the item.

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