New World

Where to Find Amaranth Dyes and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Amaranth Dyes, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Amaranth Dyes, including how to get Amaranth Dyes and their uses!

Amaranth Dye Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Amaranth Dye IconAmaranth Dye Dye Common 1
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.1
Used to dye parts of clothing and armor.

How to Get Amaranth Dyes

Obtained as a Quest Reward

You can obtain Amaranth Dye from various quests across Aeternum.

Obtained Through Crafting

Item Req. Materials
Amaranth Dye IconAmaranth Dye
Water Icon Water x3
Strawberry Icon Strawberry x2
Carrot Icon Carrot x1

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Amaranth Dye can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Amaranth Dye’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Amaranth Dyes

Change the Color of an Armor

Amaranth Dye is a Dye. These items are used to change the color of an armor.

To dye an armor, click on the item and select Dye. You have the option to dye the primary, secondary, accent, and tint colors of each equipped armor. Select the chosen dye from the dropdown menu of each color and click the Confirm button to dye the armor.

Related Links

List of Resources

New World Dyes

Amaranth DyeAmaranth Dye Aurora Blue DyeAurora Blue Dye Autumn Moss DyeAutumn Moss Dye
Avocado DyeAvocado Dye Berry Pit DyeBerry Pit Dye Burnished Lilac DyeBurnished Lilac Dye
Buttered Rum DyeButtered Rum Dye Castle Aquamarine DyeCastle Aquamarine Dye Cinnamon DyeCinnamon Dye
Coarse Amethyst DyeCoarse Amethyst Dye Comet DyeComet Dye Cool Violet DyeCool Violet Dye
Copper DyeCopper Dye Corduroy DyeCorduroy Dye Crumbled Rock DyeCrumbled Rock Dye
Daisy Pink DyeDaisy Pink Dye Dark Tan DyeDark Tan Dye Dazzling Coral DyeDazzling Coral Dye
Deep Chocolate DyeDeep Chocolate Dye Deep Sea Green DyeDeep Sea Green Dye Delicate Sand DyeDelicate Sand Dye
Delicate Silver DyeDelicate Silver Dye Desert DyeDesert Dye Detritus DyeDetritus Dye
Distorted Amber DyeDistorted Amber Dye Dove Gray DyeDove Gray Dye Dust DyeDust Dye
Elderberry DyeElderberry Dye Field Peach DyeField Peach Dye Fjord DyeFjord Dye
Forest Lichen DyeForest Lichen Dye Frozen Basalt DyeFrozen Basalt Dye Grit DyeGrit Dye
Gunsmoke DyeGunsmoke Dye Harsh Violet DyeHarsh Violet Dye Harvest Barley DyeHarvest Barley Dye
Juniper DyeJuniper Dye Medium Carmine DyeMedium Carmine Dye Mineral Green DyeMineral Green Dye
Murky Water DyeMurky Water Dye Natural Gray DyeNatural Gray Dye Pale Cobalt DyePale Cobalt Dye
Paradise Vermilion DyeParadise Vermilion Dye Pesto DyePesto Dye Putrid Plum DyePutrid Plum Dye
Raw Sienna DyeRaw Sienna Dye Rich Vanilla DyeRich Vanilla Dye Rose Stone DyeRose Stone Dye
Rough Almond DyeRough Almond Dye Russet Brown DyeRusset Brown Dye Rusty Cream DyeRusty Cream Dye
Saddle Brown DyeSaddle Brown Dye Sea Clam DyeSea Clam Dye Seasoned Leather DyeSeasoned Leather Dye
Shadow Moss DyeShadow Moss Dye Smokey Malachite DyeSmokey Malachite Dye Soft Cyan DyeSoft Cyan Dye
Sovereign Purple DyeSovereign Purple Dye Spicy Pepper DyeSpicy Pepper Dye Starlight DyeStarlight Dye
Sublime Velvet DyeSublime Velvet Dye Summer Rasberry DyeSummer Rasberry Dye Sunset Slate DyeSunset Slate Dye
Swamp Grass DyeSwamp Grass Dye Tarnished Jade DyeTarnished Jade Dye Tarnished Obsidian DyeTarnished Obsidian Dye
Tranquil Willow DyeTranquil Willow Dye Tropical Mist DyeTropical Mist Dye Twine DyeTwine Dye
Verdun Green DyeVerdun Green Dye Viridian Green DyeViridian Green Dye Warm Slime DyeWarm Slime Dye
Wedgewood DyeWedgewood Dye


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