New World

List of Protective Reagents

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Protective Reagents in New World. Read on to see a list of resources that fall under the Protective Reagents material group, as well as how to obtain them!

List of Protective Reagents

Tier 2 Protective Reagents

Resources How to Get
Twistcap Spiral IconTwistcap Spiral Harvested from Twistcap Fungus. This is scattered around the region of Brightwood, with clusters to the north of the Settlement, and to its west in Wolfbough.
Shellbed Cap IconShellbed Cap Harvested from Shellbed Fungus. This can only be found scattered around Reekwater, particularly near the region's Settlement and Fort. You can also find clusters to the east in Tricorne Shoal.
Petalcap IconPetalcap Harvested from Petalcap Fungus. This is found commonly at the borders of First Light and Windsward, specifically in Perilbrook and Eldergate. Some clusters can also be gathered near the Windsward Settlement.
Toadpot IconToadpot Harvested from Toadpot Fungus. This can only be found in Mourningdale, and is most commonly gathered near the region's Settlement in Inland Greens, and to the south of the Settlement in the Flooded Plains.
Spinecap IconSpinecap Harvested from Spinecap Fungus. This can be found in Restless Shore
Earthspine Stem IconEarthspine Stem Harvested from Earthspine.
Rivercress Stem IconRivercress Stem Harvested from Rivercress .

Tier 3 Protective Reagents

Resources How to Get
Loamy Lodestone IconLoamy Lodestone Mined from Earthcrag.
Toadstool Fringe IconToadstool Fringe Harvested from any Fungi.
Fungal Spores IconFungal Spores Harvested from any Fungi.
Freezing Lodestone IconFreezing Lodestone Mined from Scorchstone.
Earthspine Leaf IconEarthspine Leaf Harvested from Earthspine.
Rivercress Leaf IconRivercress Leaf Harvested from Rivercress .

Tier 4 Protective Reagents

Resources How to Get
Cod Eye IconCod Eye Acquired from Salvaging a Cod.
Earthspine Flower IconEarthspine Flower Harvested from Earthspine.
Rivercress Flower IconRivercress Flower Harvested from Rivercress .

Tier 5 Protective Reagents

Resources How to Get
Earthshell Tail IconEarthshell Tail Harvested from Earthshell Turtle.
Spinefish Fins IconSpinefish Fins Harvested from Floating Spinefish.

New World Related Guides

List of Resources

Resources by Type
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Stone BlocksStone Blocks BrickBrick WoodWood
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GemstonesGemstones Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources
Faction SealsFaction Seals Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Refining MaterialsRefining Materials
DyesDyes Repair KitsRepair Kits Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components
PigmentsPigments AmmoAmmo BaitBait
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps Material GroupsMaterial Groups


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