New World

List of Trinket Bands

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Trinket Bands in New World. Read on to see a list of resources that fall under the Trinket Bands material group, as well as how to obtain them!

List of Trinket Bands

Resources How to Get
Silver Band IconSilver Band Crafted from the Outfitting Station.
Gold Band IconGold Band Crafted from the Outfitting Station.
Orichalcum Band IconOrichalcum Band Crafted from the Outfitting Station.
Platinum Band IconPlatinum Band Crafted from the Outfitting Station.
Asmodeum Band IconAsmodeum Band Crafted from the Outfitting Station.

New World Related Guides

List of Resources

Resources by Type
OresOres IngotsIngots HidesHides
LeathersLeathers FibersFibers ClothCloth
Stone BlocksStone Blocks BrickBrick WoodWood
PlanksPlanks ConsumablesConsumables IngredientsIngredients
GemstonesGemstones Tuning OrbsTuning Orbs Alchemy ResourcesAlchemy Resources
Faction SealsFaction Seals Special ResourcesSpecial Resources Refining MaterialsRefining Materials
DyesDyes Repair KitsRepair Kits Crafting ComponentsCrafting Components
PigmentsPigments AmmoAmmo BaitBait
Cooking Recipes and Crafting SchematicsCooking Recipes & Crafting Schematics Salvageable ScrapsSalvageable Scraps Material GroupsMaterial Groups


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