Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Ascending Dance Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Ascending Dance Commission Guide

Ascending Dance is a main quest in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See how to unlock Ascending Dance, a walkthrough on how to complete this main story commission, its Hollow guide, and its rewards here!

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Strange Messages Footprints in Darkness

Ascending Dance Quest Information

Ascending Dance Main Story Details

HDD Chapter Chapter 3
Enemy Level 35
Location Ballet Twins
Client Victoria Housekeeping
Difficulty ⬤⬤⬤〇〇〇
Rec. Attributes
ZZZ - Ether ZZZ - Ice
Time Anytime

Ascending Dance is a Main Story commission that happens during Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit. It is the first subquest of this chapter so just proceed normally through the chapter until you receive this commission.

Ascending Dance is one of the subquests in The Midnight Pursuit. To unlock this commission, Proxies will need to finish the previous quest, Strange Messages.

Complete this quest to unlock the next mission in the questline, Footprints in Darkness.

The Midnight Pursuit Quest Guide

How to Unlock Ascending Dance

Complete Strange Messages

Zenless Zone Zero - Strange Messages Commission Guide

Ascending Dance is a subquest of The Midnight Pursuit and can only be unlocked upon completing the previous commission in the questline, Strange Messages.

Complete this quest to progress through the story and unlock the next commission in the questline, Footprints in Darkness.

Strange Messages Quest Guide

Ascending Dance Quest Walkthrough

Ascending Dance Guide

  1. Meet Up With Victoria Housekeeping
  2. Complete the Commission Using the HDD

Meet Up With Victoria Housekeeping

Meet Victoria Housekeeping

During Chapter 3, Lycaon will message you and ask you to go to Ballet Twins. You will meet Ellen, Rina, and Corin. After meeting them, return to Random Play and speak with your sibling to unlock the next commission.

Complete the Commission Using the HDD

Access the HDD System in Random Play to start the commission.

Ascending Dance Hollow Guide

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Activate First Light Bulb
  2. Get 3 Verification Devices
  3. Get the Infrared Camera
  4. Open the Door to the Left and Activate Shortcut
  5. Proceed to the Next Area
  6. Get to the Exit

Activate First Light Bulb

Light Bulb 1

Similar to the previous commission Strange Messages, you will be navigating the map while it's dark. Go up and then left then proceed onward until you see another unusual enemy which is also found in the previous commission.

Proceed to the right while the enemy is following you and you will see another enemy on the way. Keep going forward while they follow you until you reach the first light bulb to drive them away.

Get 3 Verification Devices

Activate Second Light Bulb and Verification Device 1

Light Bulb 2

Continue to the right and reach the magnifying glass to the top. The game will show you that there are 3 more light bulbs that need to be activated. Go up to activate the second light bulb and obtain the verification device on its left.

Also go left to get some Denny.

Best Ways to Farm Denny (Money)

Get Verification Device 2 and Observation Data 1

Observation Data 1

From the second light bulb, go up and then left from the third light bulb and proceed to the top until you see an area with lots of gear coins and a switch to the right that will open the path to the right.

Turn on the light bulb to illuminate the area and fight the enemy guarding the second verification device and the first observation data.

Get Verification Device 3

Verification Device 3

Open the unopened light bulb north of first light bulb this time and you will see the third verification device to the right.

Continue going to the right where you will see a conveyor belt. Ride the conveyor and then press the button to open the path back to first light bulb.

Get the Infrared Camera

Launcher to Infrared Camera

Go back to where the first observation data is and use the booster to launch yourself. Keep using the booster that you see until you reach your destination.

On the destination, you will be surrounded by unusual enemies. Let the dialogue play out and you will obtain the Infrared Camera. Use the Infrared Camera to activate night vision mode and go up to have a dialogue with a little shadow.

After the dialogue and the preview of the next area, deactivate the camera.

Open the Door to the Left and Activate Shortcut (Optional)

Go to the Shadow to Open Left

Go up and get the second observation data. Activate the Infrared Camera again and go to the shadow to open the gate to the left.

Go to the left and activate the light bulb. Ride the conveyor belt to the left and then press the switch to unlock a shortcut back to the first area before the entrance.

After activating the shortcut, go ride the conveyor belt to return to where you came from.

Proceed to the Next Area

Proceed to Next Area

Go fight the enemy to the top to unlock the entrance to the next area. You can unlock the locked vault to the right for 5000 Coins to get items like more Denny.

Get to the Exit


Use the Infrared Camera again and go to the shadow to unlock the door. Deactivate the camera and proceed onwards.

On the way to the exit, you will be blocked by unusual enemy, activate the camera again and pass through them to eliminate them. Move forward to get to the final observation data and the exit where you'll have to fight enemies to finish the commission.

Ascending Dance Rewards

Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
PolychromePolychrome x30 DennyDenny x10000 Bangboo Algorithm ModuleBangboo Algorithm Module x2
Inter-Knot CreditInter-Knot Credit x500 Elite InvestigatorElite Investigator's Supply Box x2 Senior InvestigatorSenior Investigator's Supply Box x2

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Chapter 1: Cat's Lost and Found
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Chapter 1 Intermission
Path of the Proxy I Emergency Rescue
Emergency Rescue 2 Somewhat Totally Out of Control
Chapter 2: A Call From the Hollow's Heart
Let's Go, Bro! Mechanical Love
Speedy Chaser Trace to the Source
Chapter 2 Intermission
Path of the Proxy II
Chapter 2 Interlude: Mission Unthinkable
Invisible Assistant A Perilous Duty
Chapter 2 Interlude - Intermission
Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit
Strange Messages Ascending Dance
Footprints in Darkness Saving Hacker Rain
Chapter 4: Tour de Inferno
Leisurely Lull: Unexpected New Customer
Chapter 5: A Storm of Falling Stars
A Wonderful Day in the Hollow The Missing Witness
Dead-End Express Emergency Pursuit
Leisurely Lull: Goldfinch's Escape
Intermission Reverberations

All Commissions and Types


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