Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough Comments

How To Unlock Joker Boss FightComment

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    15 Anonymousabout 17 hoursReport

    Im doing this exactly and he just sinful shells me instantly

    14 Anonymousabout 22 hoursReport

    Ok sooooo how the hell am I supposed to unlock the Boss? Does it has to do with doing Elizabeth's request or what🗿

    13 Anonymous1 dayReport

    seems to be a hidden rule for piercing joker's null resistances? had aigis attack joker with pandemonium and got shell'd then and there

    12 Anonymous2 daysReport

    The Quintessence Bow has auto concentrate so that means if you have it equipped on yukari he will SS you

    11 Anonymous4 daysReport

    around 31k-32k, i use armageddon after i deal 21.8k damage

    10 Anonymous4 daysReport

    I tried going in to the fight on heartless just to see how it would go and he Sinful Shell'd immediately at the beginning of the fight. I had a Lucifer with party autos equipped. Not sure how that would break a rule. Is he supposed to take a turn first before you get to, and I would have blocked one of his hits? Is firm stance or null ailments disallowed?

    9 Anonymous4 daysReport

    Does anyone know how much hp he has knowing the number would make it easier to know when to use Armageddon

    8 Anonymous5 daysReport

    Using Rebelion at first turn he will use sinfull shell

    7 Anonymous5 daysReport

    I found another rule, if he kills everyone but Aigis and you attack him instead of reviving your party members he will sinful shell you

    6 Anonymous5 daysReport

    Using sataneal is a insta kill because I just got insta killed for having him

    5 FB18Ben5 daysReport

    I'm 99% sure that having multiple team members (exclulding Aigis) blocking an elemental attack triggers Sinful Shell. I can say that for certain with Koromaru, Mitsuru (w/ Null-Fire) and Junpei killing my runs 3 times in a row until I figured it out. This is most likely what's that "unknown instakill" at Turn 5 is.

    4 Anonymous5 daysReport

    the rules also appear to be randomized per fight, sometimes certain things can be done with zero consequence

    3 Anonymous6 daysReport

    It seems there is also a turn limit that or a damage threshold that must be met at certain intervals. I followed all the rules and he still used sinful shell

    2 Anonymous6 daysReport

    It seems Fuuka's Theurgy doesn't count as a rule break

    1 Anonymous6 daysReport

    Shouldn’t Fuukas Theurgy be avoided though since it can give the charge/concentrate buff?

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