Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Uplift: Element Effects and How to Get

This is an article on the Element Ability Uplift for Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Edition. Read on to learn everything about Uplift, including its type, level requirements, effects, and how to get the ability.

How to Get Uplift

Where to Get
Shop Locations
・Termina (Home World)
・Termina (Another World)
Cost 50
Stolen From N/A
Dropped By Cassowary (Another World), Dwarf, Peppor (Second and Third Encounter)

Uplift Basic Info


PS1 Name: Uplift
Element Yellow Level Requirement 1
Level Range 7 Target Single Foe
Consumable No Ability Type Attack
Ability Effect
Cuts out and drops a block of stone on foe.

Chrono Cross Remaster: Related Guides

Chrono Cross Remaster- Elements Partial Banner.png
List of All Elemental Abilities

List of All Yellow Elemental Abilities

All Yellow Elemental Abilities
★ Golem ★ Thunda Snake Anti-Green
Brace Capsule Earthquake
Earthquake (Trap) Electro Bolt Electro-Jolt
Golem HiRes LoRes
Phys Negate Thunda Storm Thunda Storm (Trap)
Turn Yellow Upheaval Uplift
Yellow Field

List of All Yellow Elemental Abilities

Types of Elemental Abilities

All Elements
White Yellow Green
Blue Red Black


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