Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

How to Fuse Orthrus

Persona 3 Reload - How to Fuse Orthrus
Orthrus is a Persona from the Hanged Man Arcana in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). See Orthrus's stats, skills, weaknesses and resistances, and how to fuse Orthrus.

Orthrus Overview

Arcana and Starting Level

Persona Arcana
Orthrus Hanged Man
Starting Level

Skills List

St Ma En Ag Lu
22 14 20 18 15
Skill Level Effect
Fatal End Innate Deals medium Slash damage to one foe.
Agilao Innate Deal medium Fire damage to a single target.
Raging Tiger Innate Doubles attack power while Enraged.
Counter 28 15% chance of countering physical attacks.
Resist Poison 29 Reduces chances of getting afflicted with Poison.
Eerie Sound 31 Distresses all foes. (35% chance)
Matarukaja 32 Increase the entire party's ATK.

Weaknesses and Resistances

Resists Resistance
Ice Dark
Null Null
Repel Repel
Drain Drain
None None Fire

How to Fuse Orthrus

Fuse Oberon and Power

Persona 3 Reload - Fusion

You can obtain Orthrus when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2

Fusion Guide

Fuse Leanan Sidhe and Hua Po

You can obtain Orthrus when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2
Leanan Sidhe
Hua Po

Fusion Guide

Fuse Two Personas that Result in a Persona with Hanged Man Arcana

You can fuse Personas once you unlock the Velvet Room. You can find the room at the base of Tartarus or the hidden alley in Paulownia Mall.

The table below shows all the fusion combos that result in a Persona with Hanged Man Arcana.

Arcana 1 Arcana 2
Fool Hierophant
Magician Empress
Priestess Fortune
Emperor Justice
Lovers Death
Chariot Devil
Justice Fortune
Strength Tower
Hanged Man Hanged Man
Death Lovers
Death Moon
Devil Chariot
Moon Death
Judgement Priestess

Fusion Guide

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Personas
All Personas and How to Unlock

All Personas by Arcana

All Personas by Arcana
Arcana 0Fool Arcana IMagician Arcana IIPriestess Arcana IIIEmpress
Arcana IVEmperor Arcana IXHierophant Arcana VLovers Arcana VIChariot
Arcana VIIJustice Arcana VIIIHermit Arcana XFortune Arcana XIStrength
Arcana XIIHanged Man Arcana XIIIDeath Arcana XIVTemperance Arcana XVDevil
Arcana XVITower Arcana XVIIStar Arcana XVIIIMoon Arcana XIXSun
Arcana XXJudgement Arcana XXIAeon

Persona Guides

Persona Guides
List of DLC Personas

All Hanged Man Personas

Attis Hecatoncheires Hell Biker Inugami
Mada Orthrus Take-Minakata Ubelluris


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