Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough Comments

Gem Farming GuideComment

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    2 Aether11 monthsReport

    I am trying to find Opals and I am not seeing Immoral Snakes nor Iron Dice spawning on 165-to-168 at all (the tail-end of Tziah). In addition, neither Hakurou Musha nor Killer Drive's in-game analysis mentions Opals. Based on this page, Opals (オパール) aren't dropped *at all* until Harabah, and the spawn locations of enemies are also different. This guide is wrong.

    1 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Rubies do not drop from Minotaur II i'm litterally looking at their fulling scanned in game data .. Ver II Restraints and Garnet

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