Fallout New Vegas

Best Starting SPECIAL Stats and SPECIAL Explained

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Fallout New Vegas - SPECIAL
SPECIAL in Fallout New Vegas (FNV) refers to the unique characteristics of the Courier. Read on for a list of all SPECIAL effects and skills, the best starting SPECIALs, how to increase SPECIALs, and what SPECIAL is!

SPECIAL Effects and Skills

Fallout New Vegas - StrengthStrength Stats:
・Carry Weight
・Weapon Handling
Weapon Handling
Unstoppable Force
Super Slam
Strong Back
Heave, Ho!
Fallout New Vegas - PerceptionPerception Stats:
・Enemy Detection Range
・Energy Weapons
Better Criticals
Light Step
Friend of the Night
Fallout New Vegas - EnduranceEndurance Stats:
・Poison Resistance
・Radiation Resistance
Rad Absorption
Solar Powered
Long Haul
Life Giver
Strong Back
Rad Resistance
Lead Belly
Fallout New Vegas - CharismaCharisma Stats:
・Companion Armor
・Companion Damage
Animal Friend
Ferocious Loyalty
Fallout New Vegas - IntelligenceIntelligence Stats:
・Addiitional Skill Points
・Conversation Capability
Computer Whiz
Nerd Rage!
Pack Rat
Swift Learner
Fallout New Vegas - AgilityAgility Stats:
・AP Regen
Nerves of Steel
Action Girl
Action Boy
Light Step
Silent Running
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload
Fallout New Vegas - LuckLuck Stats:
・Critical Chance
・Enemy Mishaps
Better Criticals
Mysterious Stranger
Miss Fortune
Fortune Finder

Best Starting SPECIAL Stats

Best Starting SPECIAL Stats
Fallout New Vegas - Strength
Fallout New Vegas - Perception
Fallout New Vegas - Endurance
Fallout New Vegas - Charisma
Fallout New Vegas - Intelligence
Fallout New Vegas - Agility
Fallout New Vegas - Luck

Note: The red numbers mean that they are interchangeable.

The best starting SPECIAL stat allocation revolves around having high intelligence and luck but low charisma. This stat set-up allows you to get perks from most aside from perks that rely on charisma.

High Intelligence and Luck

High intelligence means you have significantly more skill points to allot while increasing the essential Repair skill. Substantial luck then rewards you with a higher critical chance and better luck at gambling, leading to easier money gain.

Low Charisma

Charisma, at least in Fallout New Vegas, is undeniably weak and only takes unnecessary points. The two perks that require charisma are niche at best. Furthermore, its two skills, Barter and Speech, can be invested in later in the game.

Interchangeable Stats

Depending on the type of weapon you want to use, you can interchange the points of strength, perception, and agility.

  • Strength = Melee and Unarmed Weapons
  • Perception = Energy and Explosive Weapons
  • Agility = Guns and Melee

How to Increase SPECIAL

Get the Intense Training Perk

Fallout New Vegas - Intense Training
As soon as you reach level 2, you can choose to grab the Intense Training Perk. The Intense Training perk lets you allot one more point to any SPECIAL stat.

Do keep in mind that the amount of perks you get is limited. Only slot in the Intense Training perk if you have already completed your build and only need to round out particulars such as weapon handling through strength!

Install Neural Implants




To increase a SPECIAL stat permanently by one point, you can choose to install neural implants. You can install these implants by paying Dr. Usanagi 4000 caps for each implant.

However, you can only install one implant per stat, and the amount of unique implants you can install depends on the amount of Endurance you have. To get all the SPECIAL implants, you must have 7 Endurance!

There are no Bobbleheads in Fallout New Vegas

Unlike other Fallout titles, there are no Bobbleheads to collect that permanently increase your SPECIAL stats!

What is SPECIAL?

Characteristics of the Courier

Fallout New Vegas - What is SPECIAL
SPECIAL is an anagram for all the characteristics that make your Courier unique and aligned to your play style. Each letter has a corresponding word that increases the stats of your Courier.

Furthermore, SPECIAL dictates which perks you gain as some are locked behind a set number of points in a SPECIAL. For example, Rapid Reload is reserved only for Couriers that have Agility 6 and higher.

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