Fallout New Vegas

Oh My Papa Side Quest Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - Oh My Papa Side Quest

This is a walkthrough of the Oh My Papa side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock Oh My Papa, where to find Regis, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the Oh My Papa side quest.

How to Unlock Oh My Papa

Go to Red Rock Canyon


Mojave Wasteland


Approach from the south to find the entrance to the canyon.

Interactive Map

Find and Interact With Papa Khan

Ask Papa Khan to Break Legion Alliance

Go to the longhouse by climbing up the cliffs to the right to find Papa Khan. Then, exhaust all conversation options with him.

Exit the Longhouse

Fallout New Vegas - Exit the Longhouse

Exit the longhouse to have a forced interaction with Regis. After the conversation, the quest will be unlocked and will begin.

Oh My Papa Walkthrough

1 Get the Support of Papa Khan's Advisors
Jack and Diane
2 (Optional)
Disgrace Karl
3 ┣ by passing Speech 75 Skill Check
┗ by speaking to Julie and Ezekiel
The next objectives are only available if the NCR Quest "For the Republic, Part 2" is ongoing.
4 Tell Papa Khan to Stick Around
5 Talk to Regis About the NCR
6 Return to Colonel Moore
7 Route 1 Route 2
Agree to Assassinate Papa Khan
8 -
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Get the Support of Papa Khan's Advisors


Fallout New Vegas - Melissa

Melissa can be found in the Quarry Junction. Approach from the east to find the entrance to the quarry. The area will be full of Deathclaws, so be ready for a fight. Melissa can be found on the cliffs west of the area. Interact with her to gain her support.

Jack and Diane

Jack and Diane can be found at the Red Rock Drug Lab. You only have to convince one of them to earn both of their support, but they will have different requirements.

If you talk to Jack.. Succeed a Speech 60 skill check.
If you talk to Diane.. Find Anders to prove the Legion are doing horrible things.
Reward: 250 Caps or Turbo Recipe


Fallout New Vegas - Legion Slave Ledger

Grab the Legion Slave Ledger in Caesar's tent at The Fort and show it to Regis to gain his support. You can also show it to Papa Khan, but he will be dismissive of it.

Disgrace Karl (Optional)

Option 1: Steal Karl's Journal and show it to Papa Khan

Option 2: Provoke Carl with Speech skill checks (25, 50, and 75)

Oh My Papa has an optional objective of letting Papa Khan know that Karl is a Legion loyalist. To accomplish this, you can either provoke him at the dining table with speech checks, or you can steal his notebook from the footlocker in his room and show it to Papa Khan.

After learning of his alliance, the Great Khans will immediately kill him. However, his death or survival from this objective is ultimately inconsequential to the quest and story.

Convince Papa Khan

Fallout New Vegas - Convince Papa Khan

After gaining the support from his advisors, you can convince Papa Khan to either leave the wasteland or suicide bomb the Legion. If you can't pass the Speech skill check, you'll have to accomplish an additional task for Papa Khan before you can choose.

Speak to Julie and Ezekiel

Speak to Julie from the Followers of the Apocalypse in the Old Mormon Fort within Freeside. Then speak to Ezekiel who will give you a book that you can return to Papa Khan to be able to convince him without any speech skill checks.

Tell Papa Khan to Stick Around

Fallout New Vegas - Ask The Khans to Stick Around

If you have the NCR quest, For the Republic, Part 2, you may have investigated the Great Khans at the instruction of Colonel Moor. Thus, the Oh My Papa quest will have additional objectives.

After convincing Papa Khan to either leave the wasteland or suicide bomb the Legion, tell him to stick around for a while.

Talk to Regis About the NCR

Interact with Regis and exhaust his conversation options to learn that he is okay with an alliance with NCR, but can't do anything with Papa Khan as their leader.

Return to Colonel Moore

Return to Colonel Moore

Inform Colonel Moore that Regis, Papa Khan's second-in-command is amenable to allying with the NCR. She will then ask you to assassinate Papa Khan.

Agree or Refuse to Assassinate Papa Khan

If you refuse, you can return to Papa Khan and confirm your earlier choice to either have them leave or suicide bomb and the quest will end.

If you agree to assassinate Papa Khan, Colonel Moore will provide you with lockpicking materials.

Ways to Assassinate Papa Khan
・Pickpocket Papa Khan to put an explosive in his inventory
・Wait until he goes to the outhouse in the afternoon. You can either plant an explosive or kill him with a silenced weapon.
・If you have the Mister Sandman Perk, wait until he sleeps in his room. You can lockpick a door to enter or wait in the room beforehand.

Talk to Regis About Alliance

Fallout New Vegas - Talk to Regis About Alliance

After assassinating Papa Khan, talk to Regis about the NCR-Great Khan alliance to end the quest.

Best Choice for Oh My Papa

Depends on Your Preferred Faction

This quest will decide where the Great Khans will be during the final battle. So, the best choices to make during the quest depend on which major faction you are planning on siding with.

Faction Best Choice and Explanation
Yes Man Any outcome except assassinating Papa Khan as that option will have you fighting the Great Khans in the final battle
Mr. House Any outcome except assassinating Papa Khan as that option will have you fighting the Great Khans in the final battle
NCR Any outcome except refusing to assassinate Papa Khan as that option will have you fighting the Great Khans in the final battle
Caesar's Legion Do not do this quest as they are already in an alliance with the Great Khans. Doing this quest might jeopardize that.

Oh My Papa Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Oh My Papa
・700 XP
・500 Caps
・Low-Quality 10mm SMG
・2x Super Stimpaks

Oh My Papa Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
Red Rock Canyon Regis 1.15
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★☆☆ - Fame: Great Khans

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Aba Daba Honeymoon
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(Great Khans)
Come Fly With Me
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I Fought the Law
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Why Can’t We Be Friends?
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Companion Unlock Side Quests

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