Fallout New Vegas

Veronica Companion Quest and Location Guide: Best Ending for Veronica

Fallout New Vegas Veronica

Veronica is a recruitable companion in Fallout New Vegas. Read on to know more about Veronica's companion quest and location, best ending, how to recruit, companion perk, and more in this guide!

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section contains spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Veronica Companion Information

Veronica Overview
Fallout New Vegas Veronica
Faction Brotherhood of Steel
Perk Scribe Assistant
Race Human

Veronica is a Brotherhood of Steel Scribe. She is very handy with a melee weapon and can quickly take down foes up close. She will fight with you as long as you have a good reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel.

Veronica Location Guide

Visit the 188 Trading Post

Veronica can be visited anytime at the 188 Trading Post northwest of Boulder City. You can find her standing near the bridge next to the 188 Slop & Shop.

All Maps and Locations

How to Recruit Veronica and Companion Quest

Talk to Veronica at the Outpost

Fallout New Vegas Veronica

Recruiting Veronica to your party is easy as you only need to talk to her while making sure that you never say anything negative about the Brotherhood of Steel. She will let you know that she is a member of the Brotherhood once you accept her into your party.

I Could Make You Care

Veronica's companion quest can be activated by bringing her to three different locations around the Mojave Desert. This will help her see the error of the Brotherhood's ways and question their decision of secluding themselves from the outside world, prompting her to wanting to have a word with Elder McNamara back at the Brotherhood Bunker.

Other locations you can pass by will include Nipton, Nelson, the REPCONN Test Site, and the Casa Madrid Apartments.

Veronica Companion Perk

Scribe Assistant Perk

Scribe Assistant

Having Veronica in your party lets you access the Scribe Assistant Perk. This removes the need of a workbench when crafting an item in the game. As long as you have the necessary skill along with the required ingredients, you can craft useful items wherever you want through dialogue.

Best Ending for Veronica

Make Her Leave the Brotherhood

Fallout New Vegas Veronica

The best ending for Veronica would be to convince her to leave the Brotherhood for good and have her join the Followers of the Apocalypse. Do this by completing the I Could Make You Care companion quest.

Depending on your actions, the Brotherhood of Steel and NCR can be convinced to form a truce with one another. This however, will result in the Followers being slaughtered by Brotherhood Paladins later on.

How to Get All Endings

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