Fallout New Vegas

Trigger Discipline ID and Effects

Trigger Discipline is a trait in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See if Trigger Discipline is worth it, its effects, and how to get it using its ID on Console Command.

Is Trigger Discipline Worth It?

Yes, it is Accurately Top Tier

Like Fast Shot, Trigger Discipline is in the S-Tier. Trigger Discipline helps amp up fast weapons such as assault rifles and shotguns by increasing their ability to hit shots further away. If you are also interested in long-ranged fights with snipes, this is the trait for you.

While the cost of V.A.T.S. will be higher, they will now consistently find their mark, which hits for a ton of damage!

Trigger Discipline Effects

Effects and Requirements

Trait Buff Debuff
Fallout New Vegas Trigger Discipline Trigger Discipline Guns and Energy Weapons are 20% more accurate, including V.A.T.S. Guns and Energy Weapons fire 20% slow and require 20% more AP for V.A.T.S..

While using guns and energy weapons, you fire 20% more slowly but are 20% more accurate.

Trigger Discipline ID


Console Command to Add Trait
player.addperk 00135EC8

Trigger Discipline can be given to your character using the console command shown above.

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