Fallout New Vegas

All Power Armor Locations and Best Power Armor

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Power Armor are the most durable and powerful armor in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see the best Power Armor, a list of all Power Armor, a map showing all Power Armor locations and how to get the Power Armor Training Perk!

All Armor Guides
Unique Armor Power Armor Armor IDs Best Armor and List

Power Armor Map



Some Power Armor pins on the map are close to one another, making them appear as a single pin. Zoom in on the map to see which icons are grouped together.

All Power Armor Locations

List of All Power Armor

Armor DT Weight Health Value
Remnants Power Armor 28 45 400 6,500
Gannon Family Tesla Armor 26 45 400 8,200
Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor 25 40 2,000 5,200
T-51b Power Armor 25 40 2000 5,200
Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor 22 45 1,000 4,500
T-45d Power Armor 22 45 1,000 4,500
Remnants Power Helmet 8 5 75 2,800
Gannon Family Tesla Helmet 6 5 100 120
T-45d Power Helmet 5 5 75 1,300
T-51b Power Helmet - 4 100 2,000

Best Power Armor

Remnants Power Armor and Helmet

DT Health Weight Effects
36 475 50 STR +1, CHR -1, Rad. Res. +20

The Remnants Power Armor and Power Helmet are the best Power Armor set in Fallout New Vegas. It has the highest Damage Threshold (DT) of all Power Armor, meaning that it can reduce the most damage from attacks.

It also increases your Strength by 1, with a +20 resistance to radiation, but lowers your Charisma by 1, probably because of how menacing the armor looks!

T-51b Power Armor and Helmet

DT Health Weight Effects
29 2100 44 STR +1, CHR +1, Rad. Res. +33

The T-51b Power Armor has a lower Damage Threshold than the Remnants Power Armor but has higher Health and Radiation Resistance, and it doesn't deduct points from any attribute, making it one of the best Power Armors in the game.

Its other variant, the Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor, will disguise you as a member of the Brotherhood, making the NCR hostile towards you.

NCR Salvage Power Armor and Helmet

DT Health Weight Effects
25 1075 45 No Power Armor Training Required, AGL -2

The fact that you can equip the NCR Salvage Power Armor set even without the Power Armor Training perk makes it a good choice in the early game, even if it has lesser DT than the Remnants Power Armor, and 2 points deducted to the Agility attribute when worn.

The whole point of the Power Armor is to be big, bulky, and more durable, so having the Agility attribute deducted should be a fair trade for an extra layer of protection, though it also reduces the AP used during V.A.T.S.

How to Get Power Armor Training Perk

Finish Eyesight to the Blind or Tend to Your Business

Quest Start Elder Hardin - Tend to your Business

Finishing either Eyesight to the Blind or Tend to Your Business will cause either Elder McNamara or Elder Hardin, whoever you chose to become elder during the Still in the Dark quest, to teach you the Power Armor Training perk.

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