Fallout New Vegas

By a Campfire on the Trail Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - By a Campfire on the Trail Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the By a Campfire on the Trail main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of By a Campfire on the Trail, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing By a Campfire on the Trail.

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Back in the Saddle They Went That-a-Way

By a Campfire on the Trail Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Find a Broc Flower and a Xander Root
2 Bring the Plants to Sunny
3 Use the Campfire to Make Healing Powder
Rewards: Healing Powder
4 Meet Trudy at the Prospector Saloon
Rewards: 30 XP

Find a Broc Flower and a Xander Root

Fallout New Vegas - Xander Root and Broc Flower

After accepting the quest from Sunny, follow the markers on your compass two find the two plants she is asking for. However, be careful as both areas are populated by enemies you might need to defeat first or sneak past.

Bring the Plants to Sunny

Fallout New Vegas - Bring Plants to Sunny

After picking up both plants, follow the marker on your compass to return to Sunny, and talk to her when you get there.

Use the Campfire to Make Healing Powder

Fallout New Vegas - Use Campfire to Make Healing Powder

Interact with the campfire to bring up the recipes screen, and choose to make at least one Healing Powder using the collected resources.

List of All Crafting Material IDs

Meet Trudy at the Prospector Saloon

Fallout New Vegas - Return To Prospector Saloon

Follow the marker on your compass to return to the Prospector Saloon in Goodsprings. You'll find Trudy arguing with Joe Cobb, a member of the Powder Gangers.

This event serves an intro to the Run Goodsprings Run side quest. Interact with Trudy to end the quest.

How to Unlock By a Campfire on the Trail

Accept Sunny's Offer

Fallout New Vegas - Accept Sunny

After the Back in the Saddle quest, Sunny will offer to teach you something to help with survival. Accept the offer to start the By a Campfire on the Trail Quest.

By a Campfire on the Trail Best Choice

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section of the game has no significant choices for the player.

By a Campfire on the Trail Rewards

List of Rewards
・30 XP
・Healing Powder

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2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
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4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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