Fallout New Vegas

All or Nothing Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - All or Nothing Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the All or Nothing main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of All or Nothing, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing All or Nothing.

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The House Always Wins VII -

All or Nothing Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Head to the Hoover Dam
2 Install the Override Chip in Hoover Dam
3 Head to the Legion's Camp
4 Deal With Legate Lanius
5 Deal with General Lee Oliver and the NCR
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Head to the Hoover Dam

Fallout New Vegas - Head to the Dam

Enter the dam to begin the final battle. Depending on the choices you make during the game, major and minor factions may make an appearance to either aid you or fight against you.

Faction Appearance Notes
Boomers They will aid you if you completed the Volare! Side Quest and then asked for their help.
Great Khans They will make an appearance if the Khans weren't convinced to leave the wasteland in the Oh My Papa quest.

Install the Override Chip in Hoover Dam

Fallout New Vegas - Install the Chip

Outside the control room, you will encounter two guards. Kill them or trick them if you have Speech 75.

After installing the chip, Mr. House will appear on the screens. Install the chip and find the switch that will activate the securitrons.

Head to the Legion's Camp

Fallout New Vegas - Legate

After triggering the switch, exit the dam and head to Legate's Camp. You may encounter more enemies and allies on your way to the camp.

Deal With Legate Lanius

Fallout New Vegas - Legate Lanius

At the top of a hill, you will find Legate Lanius. You can convince him to leave peacefully if you have a Speech 100 or Barter 100 or you can kill him.

Deal with General Lee Oliver and the NCR

General Lee Oliver

Similar to Lanius, you can convince him to leave with a Speech 100 or you can kill him.


After dealing with General Lee Oliver and the NCR, you will interact with Mr. House a final time before the game ends with a narration that sums up the effects of the choices you made throughout your playthrough.

You cannot continue to explore the wasteland after the end.

How to Get All Endings and the Best Ending

How to Unlock All or Nothing

Complete The House Always Wins VII

Agree to go to the Dam

After completing the The House Always Wins VII, interact with Mr. House at the Lucky 38 Casino and choose to go to the dam.

All or Nothing Rewards

No Rewards

There are no rewards for this quest being the final one for the game.

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

Fallout New Vegas - Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

List of Neutral Main Quests

1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head
2 Back in the Saddle
3 By a Campfire on the Trail
4 They Went That-a-Way
5 Ring-a-Ding Ding!

List of Yes Man Main Quests

1 Wild Card: Ace in the Hole
2 Wild Card: Change in Management
3 Wild Card: You and What Army?
4 Wild Card: Side Bets
5 Wild Card: Finishing Touches
6 You'll Know it When it Happens
7 No Gods, No Masters

List of NCR Main Quests

1 Things That Go Boom
2 King's Gambit
3 For the Republic Part 2
4 You'll Know it When it Happens
5 Eureka!

List of Mr. House Main Quests

1 The House Always Wins I
2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

List of Caesar's Legion Main Quests

1 Render Unto Caesar
2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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