Fallout New Vegas

Best Shotguns and All Shotguns List

Shotguns are a type of weapon in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Here is a list of all the shotguns including their stats, as well as the best shotguns in the game!

All Shotguns List

All Shotguns in Fallout New Vegas

Weapon DAM Ammo Type Crit% WT
Big Boomer 120 12 Gauge x0 4
Sawed-Off Shotgun 100 12 Gauge x0 4
Dinner Bell 75 12 Gauge x1 7.5
Hunting Shotgun 70 12 Gauge x1 7.5
Riot Shotgun 67 12 Gauge x1 5
Single Shotgun 50 20ga x1 7
Lever-Action Shotgun 48 20ga x1 3
Caravan Shotgun 45 20ga x1 3

Best Shotguns

Riot Shotgun

Riot Shotgun
CND: 150
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
67 12 Gauge 3
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
5-7 100 30

The Riot Shotgun is hands down the best shotgun Fallout New Vegas has to offer. Along with its consistently high damage, semi-automatic firing, and low V.A.T.S. cost, the Riot Shotgun also uses a drum magazine with an ammo capacity of twelve!

The downside is that to wield the Riot Shotgun properly, you must have 100 in the Guns skill, meaning you have to specialize in that category to abuse this beast.

Riot Shotgun Ammo and ID

Dinner Bell

Dinner Bell
CND: 150
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
75 12 Gauge 1
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
3-5 75 0

The Mojave just turned into the Bayou with the Dinner Bell! This unique variant of the hunting shotgun has higher DPS and minuscule ammo spread, making it hit targets at rifle range consistently.

However, it takes some time to get this weapon since you will have to do an arduous side quest called Bleed Me Dry, which is quite a challenging endeavor!

Dinner Bell Location, Ammo, and ID

Big Boomer

Big Boomer
CND: 80
Damage Ammo Fire Rate
120 12 Gauge 1
STR Req. Skill Req. AP
2-4 50 35

If you like getting up close and personal, the Big Boomer is for you! This unique variant of the sawed-off shotgun has a tight ammo spread and sports the quickest burst damage of the shotguns.

The Big Boomer, however, only excels at close range and is tedious to obtain. To get the Big Boomer, you have to either reverse pickpocket or kill Old Lady Gibson if you are okay with that.

Big Boomer Location, Ammo, and ID

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