Fallout New Vegas

Repair Effects and How to Increase

Repair is a skill in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase Repair Skill, the Skill Magazine and Skill Book to increase Repair, what Repair does, and its related perks!

How to Increase Repair Skill

Use a Skill Magazine or a Skill Book

Temporary Permanently
Fixin' Things
(Skill Magazine)
Dean's Electronics
(Skill Book)

You can increase your Repair skill using Skill Magazines and Skill Books. Skill Magazines can temporarily increase your Repair skill while a Skill Book can increase it permanently.

We recommend grabbing the skill book for Repair to increase this skill for good.

Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

Use a Console Command

Format player.setav Repair [your desired level]
Example player.setav Repair 100

You can also increase your Repair skill using a console command. Follow the format above and add your desired level at the end of the command without the [ ] symbol.

What Does Repair Do?

Makes Repairs Efficient

You can repair your equipment to its best condition even without investing in Repair, but it takes more materials to fully restore it. Increasing your Repair skill essentially makes repairing more efficient by improving the condition gain!

How to Repair Weapons and Armor: What is CND?

Unlocks Crafting Recipes

With your expertise in tinkering and putting stuff together, you can craft more without needing schematics. These recipes include plans for ammunition in reloading stations and some melee weapons in workbenches!

List of All Ammo IDs

Repair Perks

Perk Skill Level
Hand Loader Repair 70 Lv. 6
Jury Rigging Repair 90 Lv. 14

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

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