Fallout New Vegas

Energy Weapons Effects and How to Increase

Energy Weapons is a skill in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to see how to increase Energy Weapons Skill, the Skill Magazine and Skill Book to increase Energy Weapons, what Energy Weapons does, and its related perks!

How to Increase Energy Weapons Skill

Use a Skill Magazine or a Skill Book

Temporary Permanently
Future Weapons Today
(Skill Magazine)
Nikola Tesla and You
(Skill Book)

You can increase your Energy Weapons skill using Skill Magazines and Skill Books. Skill Magazines can temporarily increase your Energy Weapons skill while a Skill Book can increase it permanently.

We recommend grabbing the skill book for Energy Weapons to increase this skill for good.

Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

Use a Console Command

Format player.setav Energy Weapons [your desired level]
Example player.setav Energy Weapons 100

You can also increase your Energy Weapons skill using a console command. Follow the format above and add your desired level at the end of the command without the [ ] symbol.

What Does Energy Weapons Do?

Determines Energy Weapon Effectiveness

Better knowledge of how energy works means you can bring out their latent potential. With more points invested into Energy Weapons, you will have increased accuracy and damage in the Energy Weapons weapon tree.

Requirement for Handling Energy Weapons

Weapon Skill Requirement
Pulse Gun 25
Q-35 Matter Modulator 25
Plasma Rifle 25
Incinerator 25
Laser Rifle 25
AER14 Prototype 25
Flamer 50
Recharger Pistol 50
Plasma Defender 50
Multiplas Rifle 50
Laser RCW 50
YCS/186 75
Gauss Rifle 75
Alien Blaster 75
Tri-beam Laser Rifle 75
Plasma Caster 100
Heavy Incinerator 100
Gatling Laser 100
Tesla Cannon 100
Tesla-Beaton Prototype 100

Certain Energy Weapons require a set amount of skill points to use. Without prior knowledge, you will not be able to utilize weapons that are more challenging to wield.

Energy Weapons Perks

Perk Skill Level
Concentrated Fire Energy Weapons 60,Guns 60 Lv. 18
Plasma Spaz Energy Weapons 70 Lv. 10
Meltdown Energy Weapons 90 Lv. 16
Laser Commander Energy Weapons 90 Lv. 22
Run 'n Gun Guns or Energy Weapons 45 Lv. 4

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