Fallout New Vegas

How Little We Know Side Quest Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - How Little We Know.png

This is a walkthrough of the How Little We Know side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock How Little We Know, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the How Little We Know side quest.

How to Unlock How Little We Know

As Part of the Main Questline or During Bye Bye Love

How Little We Know can be triggered in a variety of ways, either automatically during 3 of the 4 routes of the main questline (all except the Caesar's Legion route), or at the end of the Bye Bye Love quest.

Walkthrough and List of Main Quests

How Little We Know Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Ask the Receptionist at Gomorrah about Cachino.
2 Talk to Cachino.
3 Get Cachino's Journal.
・Choice A: Pickpocket it from him.
・Choice B: Get his suite key from the receptionist and steal it from his suite.
4 Show Cachino the Journal.
・Route A: Sell the Journal back to Cachino and ally with him.
・Route B: Don't sell the Journal back to Cachino.
Rewards: 100-300 Caps (if you sell back the Journal)
Route A Route B
5 Option A: Investigate Troike
┣Ask Troike about the Guns or the Prostitute
┣Option A-1: Barter with Big Sal
┗Option A-2: Find Big Sal's Blackmail
Option B: Investigate Clanden
Tell the Thug about the Journal.
Rewards: The Strip Fame, 50 Gomorrah Chips, 300 XP
Sell the Journal to Big Sal or Nero.
Rewards: 100-200 Caps
7 - Help Troike.
8 - Help Clanden.
9 -
Rewards: The Strip Infamy, 400 Caps, 300 XP
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Ask the Receptionist at Gomorrah about Cachino

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Talk with Receptionist.png

The receptionist at the entrance to Gomorrah is willing to help after a simple Speech 28 check. She'll tell you to find Cachino, but not where to look. You can find him by simply continuing ahead to Brimstone, through the door to the left on the opposite end of the casino.

Talk to Cachino

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Meet Cachino.png

Ahead of the entrance to Brimstone, you'll run into Cachino, who has already heard what you're up to. He'll threaten you but the conversation will end without a problem.

Get Cachino's Journal

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Pickpocket Cachino.png

After you're confronted by Cachino, wait until he goes back into Brimstone and sits down. You'll be able to easily pickpocket him undetected, and can take his Journal.

Another much longer method to get the Journal is to return to the receptionist and ask for more dirt on Cachino; she'll give you his suite key for 300 Caps, or for free with a Barter 55 or Strength 8 check. You can find his suite by taking the elevator up to the Suites Level, using the key to open his suite, climbing the stairs, and opening the desk in the room through the door. You may have to kill a guard as you won't be allowed to enter Cachino's suite even with the key; this isn't a problem as killing a guard or two up here won't get you detected or barred from the casino.

Show Cachino the Journal

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Sell Cachino the Journal.png

Confront Cachino with the Journal. At this point, you'll make the choice which determines your route for the rest of the side quest.

Route A is to sell Cachino his journal back, for 100 Caps (or 300 with a Barter 60 check); this will allow you to side with Cachino against Big Sal and Nero, which will earn you Fame with The Strip.

Route B is to refuse to sell him back the journal, though you can still Barter for the first 200 Caps without giving him the journal if you pass the Barter 60 check. This will earn you Infamy with The Strip.

If you choose Route A, the Omertas will not attack The Strip in the final battle, but if you choose Route B, they will attack The Strip using Clanden's chlorine bomb, causing huge civilian casualties.

Route A: Side with Cachino

After you give Cachino his journal back, he'll tell you about a big plan with big guns that the top brass at Gomorrah is planning. You'll be instructed to look into Troike and Clanden; you will only have to handle one of the two. Clanden's route is easier, but Troike's route is required for the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion Cosmetic. It's also possible to complete both.

Option A: Investigate Troike

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Troike Location.png

You can find Troike on the lower level; continue ahead and find a long corridor with a door at the end where a thug is standing guard. Go through the door at the end to find Troike in a large room filled with cushions.

Fallout New Vegas Vault BoyWarning! If you want to get the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion, a cosmetic “upgrade” for your Pip-Boy, you should choose to Investigate Troike and choose to Barter with Big Sal.

Ask Troike about the Guns or the Prostitute

From here, you have two choices depending on your line of questioning with Troike. You can either ask him about the guns, which will lead to Option A-1: Barter with Big Sal, or you can ask him about the prostitute, which will lead to Option A-2: Find Big Sal's Blackmail.

Note that Option A-2 will require a Medicine 30 check during your conversation with Troike. If the option to ask about the prostitute doesn't appear, go back and make sure you asked Cachino for details on Troike, which is required for this option to appear.

Option A-1: Barter with Big Sal

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Big Sal.png

You can find Big Sal through the door to the Zoara Club from the Brimstone main level and up the stairs; Nero may be here instead depending on the time of day, so wait or sleep until Bag Sal is here. You can convince him to let Troike out of his contract with a Speech 35 check, or 300 Caps.

Option A-2: Find Big Sal's Blackmail

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Blackmail Location.png

Go through the door to the Zoara Club from the Brimstone main level and up the stairs; at the top, go through the far door on the right. Here, you can find a terminal requiring Science 50 to hack, and a Safe requiring Lockpick 75 to open. If you can hack the terminal, it will open the safe. If you can't pass either check, you can use a Stealth Boy to pickpocket the Password to the terminal from Big Sal.

The safe contains the details of the blackmail; show the note to Troike to convince him to betray his bosses. Ask him about the guns and he'll tell you about the stash in the basement.

Option B: Investigate Clanden

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Kill Clanden.png

This option is very easy. Go to the suites floor and find Clanden by following the map marker. He won't tell you anything useful, so just kill him! You'll even gain Karma for doing this. This will be more difficult if you don't have any concealed weapons, so try to sneak in some Spiked Knuckles, or talk to the concealed weapons dealer near The Tops if you need some.

The “correct” route is much more convoluted; you'll need to pickpocket a key from Clanden, and then pass a Lockpick 75 check to get into his room and find Snuff Tapes to blackmail him with. Only choose this route if you find the result of Clanden escaping more satisfying.

Kill Big Sal and Nero

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Kill Big Sal and Nero.png

After you've handled either Troike or Clanden, go back and talk to Cachino again. It's time to take it to the top. He'll give you a Sawed-off Shotgun.

Go through the Zoara Club door and up the stairs; in the room with pool tables, Big Sal and Nero will be in the near door on the right. Instead of following Cachino there, go ahead and take them out yourself. Talking with them will only cost you the element of surprise; equip the Sawed-off Shotgun and shoot both in the head. You can use VATS to remove any element of risk.

This ends the quest and rewards you with 300 XP and The Strip Fame. Talk to Cachino afterwards to get 50 Gomorrah Chips as a bonus.

Route B: Side with Big Sal and Nero

Tell the Thug about the Journal

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Tell the Thug.png

From the Brimstone main level, go to the nearby door to the Zoara Club with the Thug guarding it. Talk to him and show him the Journal to get the key to the door.

Sell the Journal to Big Sal or Nero

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Sell Big Sal or Nero the Journal.png

Through the door, go upstairs and find either Big Sal or Nero at the top, depending on the time of day. Talk to him and sell him the Journal for 100 Caps (200 with a Barter 55 check).

Afterwards, follow him into his office, where Cachino will be waiting; what happens to Cachino will permanently end any possibility of returning to Route A, to put it mildly.

Big Sal or Nero will then want you to replace Cachino's role in the plan they're working on, known only as Racket. Help Troike and Clanden with aspects of the plan; you can do these steps in either order.

Help Troike

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Disassembled Weapons Shipment.png

You can find Troike on the lower level; continue ahead and find a long corridor with a door at the end where a thug is standing guard. Go through the door at the end to find Troike in a large room filled with cushions.

He'll tell you about a supply of weapons that was stolen by Fiends. Leave Gomorrah and go to reclaim the stash. The fiends are right outside of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters; they are fully armed, so hide behind cover and wear them down before rushing in. The weapon supply is in a container. Take it back to Troike to finish this step.

Help Clanden

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Buy Chlorine.png

Clanden can be found on the suites floor upstairs; talk to him and he'll tell you about his plan to commit mass murder with chlorine gas. You need to bring him the chlorine.

The easiest way to get it is to leave Gomorrah, fast travel to Freeside's East Gate, and simply buy a Container of Chlorine from Ralph at Mick & Ralph's for 58 Caps. Otherwise, you can steal it from Ultra-Luxe with a Lockpick 25 check at a door near the elevator, but there's no need to go to those lengths for an easily purchased item.

Return to Clanden and give him the Chlorine.

Report Back to Big Sal or Nero

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Report to Big Sal or Nero Finish Quest.png

Tell Big Sal or Nero that you've helped Troike and Clanden with their plans. This will complete the quest and you'll receive 300 XP, 400 Caps, and The Strip Infamy as a reward (or penalty, depending on how you look at it).

How to Get the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion

Either Get Troike out of his Contract, or Side with Big Sal and Nero

Fallout New Vegas How Little We Know Pimp Boy 3 Billion.png

There are two possible routes which will allow you to unlock this upgrade, and several which will permanently lock you out of getting it.

For either route, first, talk to Mick at Mick & Ralph's about how the Omertas stopped buying guns from them. You'll get a Note which will allow you to start this line of questioning.

If you side with Big Sal and Nero, this is easy enough; simply talk with Big Sal after the quest and pass a Speech 50 check to ask him to buy guns from Mick & Ralph's again, then go to Mick & Ralph's and talk to Mick.

If you side with Cachino, the only route which will allow this is the one where you investigate Troike, and barter with Big Sal to get Troike out of his contract. After the quest, talk to Troike and ask him to start dealing with Mick & Ralph's again. Then, go to Mick & Ralph's and talk to Mick.

Best Choice for How Little We Know

Depends on your Faction

There are strings being pulled here from behind the scenes by each of the warring factions.

Big Sal and Nero are in cahoots with Caesar's Legion, so if you plan to put your chips in with the Legion, side with these two.

Otherwise, Cachino is your best bet, as siding with him will improve your relations with The Strip, and as an added bonus, he's not planning to commit a mass murder anytime soon.

How Little We Know Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing How Little We Know
・400 Caps
・50 Gomorrah Tokens
・Pimp-Boy 3 Billion

How Little We Know Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
Gomorrah Cachino or Joana 2D.01
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★☆☆ - Fame: The Strip
Infamy: The Strip

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