Fallout New Vegas

The House Always Wins I Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - The House Always Wins I

This is a walkthrough for the The House Always Wins I main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of The House Always Wins I, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing The House Always Wins I.

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Ring-a-Ding Ding! The House Always Wins II

The House Always Wins I Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 (Optional)
Talk to Mr. House at the Lucky 38
2 Complete the Ring-a Ding Ding! Quest
Route A: Benny Dies (Loot the Platinum Chip)
Route B: Benny Escapes
Route A Route B
3 Report Back to Mr. House at the Lucky 38
Report Back to Mr. House at the Lucky 38
4 Skip this step; you already have the Platinum Chip. Complete The House Always Wins II
┗Receive the Platinum Chip
Rewards: 1000 or 1250 Caps, 500 XP
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Talk to Mr. House at the Lucky 38

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Victor

When you first enter The Strip, you'll meet Victor who will strongly encourage you to talk with Mr. House before you head to The Tops to confront Benny. Talk with Victor again at the Lucky 38 to enter and go up to see Mr. House; you'll have to leave any Companions behind at the door.

You aren't required to do this as you'll have to go here again afterwards either way, and the rewards will not be affected, but Mr. House will discuss the plan and provide advice for how to handle your encounter with Benny. If you have Barter 50, you can negotiate for a higher reward of 1,250 caps.

Fallout New Vegas Vault BoyHeads up! If you don't have Barter 50 yet, you can refuse to do business with him, and then when returning after Ring-a Ding Ding!, you'll be able to re-negotiate (again requiring Barter 50) when he asks you to hand over the chip.

Complete the Ring-a Ding Ding! Quest

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Loot the Platinum Chip

Head to The Tops to proceed with the Ring-a Ding Ding! main quest. There are two possible results here; Benny Dies or Benny Escapes. You'll be able to finish the Quest without major implications either way, but the route will progress more cleanly if you get Benny alone and then kill him during this quest, allowing you to loot the Platinum Chip from his body.

Ring-a-Ding Ding! Walkthrough

Route A: Benny Dies

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Benny Dies

Report Back to Mr. House at the Lucky 38 and Hand Over the Platinum Chip

When you return to Mr. House, you'll have no choice but to hand it over the Platinum Chip in exchange for your reward. This concludes the Quest.

If you agree to the next phase of Mr. House's plan, Mr. House will return the Platinum Chip to you, and this will unlock the next Main Quest in the Mr. House Questline, The House Always Wins II.

Route B: Benny Escapes

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Benny Escapes

Report Back to Mr. House at the Lucky 38

If Benny escapes, you'll be reprimanded for your oversight, but you're immediately given a chance to redeem yourself with a new Quest, The House Always Wins II.

Complete The House Always Wins II

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Get Platinum Chip from Caesar

From this point, you'll need to complete The House Always Wins II, during which Caesar will return the Platinum Chip to you. You won't be able to fast travel back to the mainland until you upgrade the Securitrons, effectively completing The House Always Wins II.

The House Always Wins II Walkthrough

Hand Over the Platinum Chip

Fast travel back to The Strip and talk with Mr. House again; you'll have one last change to bargain for the 1,250 Cap reward for the chip if you haven't yet.

Your only choice here is to return the chip, completing both The House Always Wins I and The House Always Wins II in one go.

How to Unlock The House Always Wins I

Enter The New Vegas Strip

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Victor Starts the Quest

The House Always Wins I will be automatically unlocked when you enter The Strip for the first time and are confronted by Victor.

You'll naturally reach this point by progressing the main story, and will reach New Vegas during the Ring-a Ding Ding! quest.

The House Always Wins I Tips

Trade In Your Snowglobes for 2,000 Caps Each

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Give Snowglobe to Jane

Jane is a Securitron who stands near the elevator on Mr. House's floor of the Lucky 38. If you ask her about the snowglobes, you'll afterwards gain a new dialogue option to give her a snowglobe to add to her collection. Each of these rewards a whopping 2,000 Caps and collecting all of them yields the Globe Trotter trophy.

Must Maintain Good Graces with Mr. House

Note that should your relationship with Mr. House sour too greatly, Jane will turn violent on sight and you will permanently lose the ability to trade in your Snowglobes, though this will not lock you out of the trophy, which only requires collecting the Snowglobes and not trading them in.

All Snow Globe Locations

The House Always Wins I Best Choice

Barter for 1,250 Caps and Hand Over the Chip

Fallout New Vegas The House Always Wins I Barter for Platinum Chip

There's no way to complete this quest without giving the Platinum Chip to Mr. House, but it will be returned to you anyway as you'll need it for the next quest, The House Always Wins II.

There won't be any repercussions with other Factions for completing this quest, so give Mr. House what he wants and enjoy some free caps regardless of your eventual faction choice.

The House Always Wins I Rewards

List of Rewards
・Bottle Caps x1000/1250
・500 XP

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2 The House Always Wins II
3 The House Always Wins III
4 The House Always Wins IV
5 The House Always Wins V
6 The House Always Wins VI
7 You'll Know it When it Happens
8 The House Always Wins VII
9 All or Nothing

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2 Et Tumor, Brute?
3 Arizona Killer
4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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