Fallout New Vegas

Best Starting Skills and List of Skills

Fallout New Vegas - Skills
There are 13 Skills in Fallout New Vegas (FNV) that the Courier can have an affinity to. Read on to see a list of all skills, the best starting skills, how to increase skills, and additional information on what skills are!

List of All Skills

Note: The enclosed parenthesis refers to the amount of skill needed to learn the perk

Perk Overview Items
Fallout New Vegas - Barter
★ Better Prices
Pack Rat (70) | Long Haul (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Salesman Weekly
Skill Book:
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
Fallout New Vegas - Energy Weapons
Energy Weapons
★ Effectiveness of Energy Weapons
Run 'n Gun (45) | Concentrated Fire (60) | Plasma Spaz (70) | Meltdown (90) | Laser Commander (90) |
Skill Magazine:
Future Weapons Today
Skill Book:
Nikola Tesla and You
Fallout New Vegas - Explosives
★ Effectiveness of Explosives
Heave, Ho! (30) | Demolition Expert (50) | Pyromaniac (60) | Hit the Deck (70) | Splash Damage (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Patriot's Cookbook
Skill Book:
Duck and Cover!
Fallout New Vegas - Guns
★ Effectiveness of Guns
Rapid Reload (30) | Run 'n Gun (45) | Shotgun Surgeon (45) | Cowboy (45) | Concentrated Fire (60) | Center of Mass (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Milsurp Review
Skill Book:
Guns and Bullets
Fallout New Vegas - Lockpick
★ Picklock difficult doors
Infiltrator (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Locksmith's Reader
Skill Book:
Tumblers Today
Fallout New Vegas - Medicine
★ Recovery from Stimpaks and Radaway
Chemist (60) | Chem Resistant (60) | Living Anatomy (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Today's Physician
Skill Book:
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
Fallout New Vegas - Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons
★ Effectiveness of Melee Weapons
Cowboy (45) | Super Slam (45) | Ninja (80) | Unstoppable Force (90) |
Skill Magazine:
Tæles of Chivalrie
Skill Book:
Grognak the Barbarian
Fallout New Vegas - Repair
★ Effectiveness of repairing equipment + Ammunition Recipes
Hand Loader (70) | Jury Rigging (90) |
Skill Magazine:
Fixin' Things
Skill Book:
Dean's Electronics
Fallout New Vegas - Science
★ Hack difficult terminals
Nerd Rage! (50) | Robotics Expert (50) | Vigilant Recycle (70) | Math Wrath (70) | Computer Whiz (70) | Nuka Chemist (90) |
Skill Magazine:
Programmer's Digest
Skill Book:
Big Book of Science
Fallout New Vegas - Sneak
★ Better sneaking, stealing, and pickpocketing
Friend of the Night (30) | Silent Running (50) | Mister Sandman (60) | The Professional (70) | Ninja (80) |
Skill Magazine:
¡La Fantoma!
Skill Book:
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual
Fallout New Vegas - Speech
★ Influence NPCs through dialogue
Terrifying Presence (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Meeting People
Skill Book:
Lying, Congressional Style
Fallout New Vegas - Survival
★ Effectiveness of Food and Drinks + Crafting Recipes
Hunter (30) | Lead Belly (40) | Rad Resistance (40) | Entomologist (45) | Travel Light (45) | Animal Friend (45) | Rad Child (70) |
Skill Magazine:
Lad's Life
Skill Book:
The Wasteland Survival Guide
Fallout New Vegas - Unarmed
★ Effectiveness of Melee Weapons
Piercing Strike (70) | Paralyzing Palm (70) | Slayer (90) |
Skill Magazine:
Boxing Times
Skill Book:
Pugilism Illustrated

Best Starting Skills

1. Weapon Type

Fallout New Vegas - Guns
Fallout New Vegas - Explosives
Fallout New Vegas - Energy Weapons
E. Weapons
Fallout New Vegas - Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons
Fallout New Vegas - Unarmed

For the most part, you should prioritize adding points to your preferred weapon type first. Each weapon skill has potent and unique perks locked behind high-skill caps.

More often than not, the perks you get from each weapon perk will define your playstyle for the rest of the game!

2. Speech

Fallout New Vegas - Speech
Determines the ability to influence others through dialogue.

While Charisma is usually a dump SPECIAL for most builds, the Speech skill remains a priority tag to cover the Charisma deficit. With high Speech, you can access more content and dialogue that are otherwise inaccessible, some of which trivialize certain quests!

3. Repair

Fallout New Vegas - Repair
Determines the ability to maintain weapons and apparel, and allows you to create more items and ammunition.

As Fallout New Vegas introduces a repair system that affects weapon damage and armor durability, having a high Repair skill will help you maintain consistent damage and DT. Furthermore, reaching rank 70 unlocks Hand Loader, letting you craft ammunition with damage multipliers!

How to Increase Skills

How to Increase Skills
1. Have High Intelligence
2. Get the Educated Perk
3. Use the Tag! Perk
4. Read Skill Books

Have High Intelligence

Level ▶︎ Skillpoint Conversion

Note: All decimals are rounded down.

If you have a higher Intelligence, you will have more skill points to use when allotting unto skills. For most builds, these additional skill points are the reason to have a high Intelligence SPECIAL!
EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast

Get the Educated Perk

Requirements Level: Lv. 4
SPECIAL: Intelligence 4
Skills: -
Description You gain two more skill points every time you level up.

With the Educated perk, you will have two extra skill points to spend everytime you level up. It is recommended to get this perk as early as level 4 to get the maximum value of 52 skill points in total!

Use the Tag! Perk

Requirements Level: Lv. 16
Skills: -
Description Tag a skill to increase it by 15 points.

If you have a particular skill that you need to increase, you can use the Tag! perk to tag a skill to give it +15 points.

Read Skill Books

Fallout New Vegas -Skill Books
Increase your skills by 3 points permanently by reading Skill Books scattered around the Wasteland. If you are a bookworm with the Comprehension perk, you can get an additional skill point when you read a Skill Book!
Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

What are Skills?

Courier's Aptitude on Certain Activities

Fallout New Vegas - What are Skills
Skills pertain to certain activities that the Courier can have an affinity towards. Skills govern most of the fundamentals of the game, as they are responsible for calculating damage and unlocking better perks. There are also instances where dialogue only resolves under skill checks!

Fallout New Vegas Related Guides

Fallout New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas
Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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Fallout New Vegas - SkillsSkills Fallout New Vegas - Traits Traits
Fallout New Vegas - Armor Armor Fallout New Vegas - Power Armor Power Armor
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