Fallout New Vegas

Eyesight to the Blind Side Quest Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the Eyesight to the Blind side quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to learn how to unlock Eyesight to the Blind, where to find Elder McNamara, the quest rewards, and the best dialogue choices for completing the Eyesight to the Blind side quest.

How to Unlock Eyesight to the Blind

Talk to Elder McNamara


Mojave Wasteland


You can unlock this quest by talking to Elder McNamara inside the bunker at Hidden Valley. However, this is only accessible if you did not side with Hardin and Elder McNamara is still in charge during the Still in the Dark side quest.
Interactive Map

Eyesight to the Blind Walkthrough

1 Talk to McNamara
2 Make Your Way to Black Mountain
3 Enter the Broadcast Building
4 Return to Elder McNamara

Talk to McNamara

Quest Start - Eyesight to the Blind
Talk to Elder McNamara to start the quest. He will then tell you to install the Remote Signal Transmitter on a console in Black Mountain. Note that this quest is only available if McNamara is still the Elder of the Brotherhood after you complete the Still in the Dark side quest.

Still in the Dark Side Quest Walkthrough

Make Your Way to Black Mountain

Head to the Mountain - Eyesight to the Blind
Head up Black Mountain, where you will see a large gate near the satellite dishes. Enter this gate using a lockpick and then look for the Broadcast Building. Note that you will encounter a couple of Nightkin Masters in this area. Be very careful, as they are extremely tough. Try to deal with them from a distance using your ranged weapons.

Enter the Broadcast Building

In-Game Location Map Location

After defeating the Nightkin Masters, look for the stairs behind the Broadcast Building. Underneath the stairs, you will find Tabitha's Room Key. Pick up this key, then go up the stairs of the Broadcast Building and use the key to enter. Here, you will have to fight Tabitha in a small room where she wields a Super Sledge. Defeat Tabitha, then use the radar console to install the transmitter.

Return to Elder McNamara

Quest End
After installing the transmitter, return to Elder McNamara to report what happened. You will receive the T-45D Power Armor and T-45D Power Helmet, completing the quest.

Eyesight to the Blind Rewards

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Eyesight to the Blind
・Membership into the Brotherhood of Steel
・T-45D Power Armor
・T-45D Power Helmet
・Power Armor Training Perk

Eyesight to the Blind Information

Basic Information and Overview

Basic Information
Location Quest Giver Coordinates
Hidden Valley Elder McNamara 5.11
Difficulty Follower Reputation
★★★★★ - None

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