Fallout New Vegas

They Went That-a-Way Walkthrough

Fallout New Vegas - They Went That-a-Way Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the They Went That-a-Way main quest in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). See a detailed walkthrough of They Went That-a-Way, list of objectives, how to unlock, best choices, rewards, as well as useful tips for completing They Went That-a-Way.

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By a Campfire on the Trail Ring-a-Ding Ding!

They Went That-a-Way Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 (Optional)
Talk to Victor About Your Rescue
2 Inquire About Your Delivery Assignment
3 Learn About Your Attackers From Beagle
4 Head to Novac
5 Learn the Khans' Whereabouts
Get Holotape From Manny
Complete Come Fly With Me Side Quest
Access Terminal in Manny's Motel Room
Have the Confirmed Bachelor Perk
6 Intercept the Great Khans at Boulder City
Reward: Engraved Cigarette Lighter
Note: A Check Icon denotes a point where you can end the quest.

Talk to Victor About Your Rescue (Optional)

Fallout New Vegas - Victor

While in Goodsprings, you can talk to Victor about your rescue to gain more information. However, this doesn't affect the quest or reward you with anything other than background information.

Inquire About Your Delivery Assignment

Fallout New Vegas - Vikki and Vance

Head to the Vikki and Vance Casino in Primm to talk to Johnson Nash and learn more about the package you lost. Be careful on your way there as there are several enemies on the streets of Primm, outside the building.

Learn About Your Attackers From Beagle

Fallout New Vegas - Deputy Beagle

Head to the casino on the opposite side of the street to find Deputy Beagle. Note that the building will have enemies you will need to defeat.

You can extract the information you need from Deputy Beagle in several ways. If you escort him out of the building, he will provide the information. If he dies in any way, you can loot him for his journal which will provide the same information.

Interacting with Beagle will also unlock the My Kind of Town side quest.

Head to Novac

Fallout New Vegas - Novac

Head to Novac using the roads as they are safer and are generally free of roadblocks. However, you will encounter enemies on the way so be prepared.

Learn the Khans' Whereabouts

Fallout New Vegas - Manny Vargas

The compass quest marker for this objective will lead you to Manny, encouraging you to start a conversation with him to progress. However, there are several ways to progress through this objective.

Get Holotape From Manny

Fallout New Vegas - Pickpocket Manny

You can bypass the quest that Manny will ask you to do for him by acquiring the Holotape from his inventory. This can be accomplished by either pickpocketing him or killing him and looting his body.

Complete Come Fly With Me Side Quest

Fallout New Vegas - Come Fly With Me

In exchange for the information you need, Manny will ask for a favor which involves clearing a nearby REPCONN test site of ghouls. This will unlock the Come Fly With Me side quest.

During this side quest, you will meet several characters whom you may perform additional tasks for to complete. The quest will reward players with 1000 XP and Novac Fame.

Access Terminal in Manny's Motel Room

Fallout New Vegas - Access Terminal

The fastest way to complete this objective is by looking for Manny's room among the motel rooms in the area. Inside you'll find a terminal with a message that after accessing, will unlock the next objective.

Have the Confirmed Bachelor Perk

Fallout New Vegas Perks

If you have the Confirmed Bachelor Perk, you will have an additional conversation option with Manny that can immediately move the quest to the next objective.

Perks are abilities you gain as you level up in the game.

Best Perks

Intercept the Great Khans at Boulder City

Boulder City Entrance

Make your way to Boulder City and look for the city's entrance. You will find an NCR officer guarding the gate who will immediately initiate a conversation with you once you get close.

Acquire Information From Jessup

Fallout New Vegas - Boulder City Showdown Choices

Once the conversation starts, Lt. Monroe will explain that the Great Khans are holding NCR patrols hostage in the city. This will trigger the start of the Boulder City Showdown side quest.

During this side quest, you will be given the choice to either rescue the hostages by sneaking into the city or to negotiate their release which will require a Speech skill check. Regardless of how you choose to resolve the quest, there will be a way to end They Went That-a-Way and start the next main quest, Ring-a-Ding Ding!.

Boulder City Showdown Side Quest

If You Killed Jessup, Loot His Body

Fallout New Vegas - Chairmen Job Offer

If the option you chose during the Boulder City Showdown side quest ended with Jessup dead, you can loot his body for the Chairmen Job Offer item. Reading this item will complete They Went That-a-Way, and initiate Ring-a-Ding Ding!, the next main quest.

You should pick up the Engraved Cigarette Lighter as well as it potentially becomes useful in a later quest.

If You Negotiated, Ask Jessup About The Platinum Chip

Fallout New Vegas - Ask Jessup About Platinum Chip

If you chose to resolve the side quest peacefully by negotiating with Jessup, during the conversation, choose the options that bring up the Platinum Chip. Jessup will tell you where to go next, ending They Went That-a-Way and initiating Ring-a-Ding Ding! He will also give you the Engraved Cigarette Lighter which will potentially become useful in a later quest.

How to Unlock They Went That-a-Way

Complete Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Fallout New Vegas - Exit Doc Mitchell

This quest becomes available as soon as you complete creating your character during the Ain't That a Kick in the Head. While there are tutorial quests you can do in between, They Went That-a-Way serves as the game's first main story quest.

Ain't That a Kick in the Head Walkthrough

They Went That-a-Way Best Choice

Access Manny's Terminal

Fallout New Vegas - Access Terminal
If you don't have the Confirmed Bachelor Perk, accessing Manny's terminal to progress is the best option for this quest.

While completing the Come Fly With Me side quest may be tempting, it is one of the longer side quests that will require you to defeat a lot of enemies which players may find frustrating if they are not properly equipped for fights yet. In addition, you can always go back to Novac and talk to the people to activate this quest.

They Went That-a-Way Rewards

List of Rewards
・1000 XP

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4 Veni, Vidi, Vici


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