Fallout New Vegas

Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

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Fallout New Vegas - Skill Books Map Locations and Guide

Skill Books permanently increase a skill in Fallout: New Vegas (Fallout NV). Read on and check out the skill books interactive map, their locations, a list of all skill books, find out how many skill books are there, the difference between skill books and magazines, and what skill books are!

Skill Books Map

All Skill Book Locations



The map only shows the skill books found in the base game of Fallout: New Vegas.

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

Skill Books Map Legend

Map Legends
Big Book of Science Icon Big Book of Science Lying, Congressional Style Icon Lying, Congressional Style Lying, Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual
Nikola Tesla and You Nikola Tesla and You D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine Pugilism Illustrated Pugilism Illustrated
Dean Dean's Electronics Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Duck and Cover! Duck and Cover!
Tumblers Today Tumblers Today Grognak the Barbarian Grognak the Barbarian Wasteland Survival Guide Wasteland Survival Guide
Guns and Bullets Guns and Bullets

List of All Skill Books

Big Book of Science

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Big Book of Science Icon Big Book of Science
Big Book of Science Icon Big Book of Science
Location How to Get Images
Nipton On Mayor Steyn's desk in his office inside Nipton Town Hall.
Camp Forlorn Hope On the far right desk inside the Camp Forlorn Hope's Command Center.
Brewer's Beer Bootlegging On a table inside the Brewer's Beer Bootlegging cellar. The Cellar has an Average Lock that can be unlocked with 50 skill points in the Lockpick skill.
REPCONN Headquarters Behind a Hard locked door inside the REPCONN Headquarters. Enter the room on the left as soon as you enter the building, and enter the room next to the radioactive barrels. The locked door is behind the counter. You need 75 in Lockpicking to unlock the door.

The Big Book of Science skill book permanently gives +3 to the Science skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Lying, Congressional Style

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Lying, Congressional Style Icon Lying, Congressional Style
Lying, Congressional Style Icon Lying, Congressional Style
Location How to Get Images
Lucky Jim Mine On the bottom shelf next to the lockers inside the Lucky Jim Mine House.
NCR Correctional Facility On a desk on the 2nd floor of the NCR Correctional Facility Administration building.
Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch On the 2nd floor of the Tumbleweed Ranch House, next to the table with the chessboard.
Cerulean Robotics On the floor next to the office desks inside Cerulean Robotics.

The Lying, Congressional Style skill book permanently gives +3 to the Speech skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual

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Lying, Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual
Lying, Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual
Location How to Get Images
Goodsprings Home On a bookshelf inside the Goodsprings Home located east of the Goodsprings Schoolhouse.
Camp Searchlight On the floor next to the shelves inside the Camp Searchlight Church's basement. Beware, as there are two Golden Geckos inside.
Vault 3 On the bookshelf in Vault 3's Living Quarters. Once you enter Vault 3, go through the door and go down the stairs on the left. Keep going through the hallway until you reach a set of stairs on the left. Descend the stairs to reach the Living Quarters. The door can be unlocked either by Lockpicking or Terminal Hacking, which are both Average in difficulty. The location is crawling with Fiends, so be careful!
NCR Sharecropper Farms On the floor inside the Sharecropper Farms' Barracks located on the northeastern side of the lcoation.

The Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual skill book permanently gives +3 to the Sneak skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Nikola Tesla and You

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Nikola Tesla and You Nikola Tesla and You
Nikola Tesla and You Nikola Tesla and You
Location How to Get Images
Old Nuclear Test Site On the desk inside the shack at the Old Nuclear Test Site. The location is teeming with Feral Ghouls and Glowing Ones, and your radiation rate increases rapidly.
Hidden Valley In the trash can inside the Surgery Room / Senior Scribe Schuler's office at the Hidden Valley Bunker L1.
REPCONN Headquarters On the safe behind the locked door that can be opened either by Lockpicking or via Terminal hacking, which are both Very Hard in difficulty.
REPCONN Headquarters On the desk in the first room on your left as you enter the 2nd floor of the building.

The Nikola Tesla and You skill book permanently gives +3 to the Energy Weapons skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine

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D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
Location How to Get Images
Mesquite Mountains Crater On the desk to your right as you enter Hell's Motel.
Novac On the middle of the bed inside Ranger Andy's Bungalow in Novac.
HELIOS One On a bed in the second floor of the Helios One Power Plant Building
Followers Safehouse In the compartment of the bedside table near the bed on the right.

The D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine book permanently gives +3 to the Medicine skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Pugilism Illustrated

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Pugilism Illustrated Pugilism Illustrated
Pugilism Illustrated Pugilism Illustrated
Location How to Get Images
Nipton Road Reststop On the broken shelves on the left side area near the counter inside the General Store.
Vault 11 On the floor against a fallen down dresser under and next to the Ladies sign in the Living Quarters
Fisherman's Pride Shack On the bedside table as you enter the Fisherman's Pride Shack.
The Strip North Gate On the table on your left as you enter the Presidential Suite via the elevator in The Tops Casino Main Floor.

The Pugilism Illustrated book permanently gives +3 to the Unarmed skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Dean's Electronics

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Dean Dean's Electronics
Dean Dean's Electronics
Location How to Get Images
Sloan On the top shelf as you enter the Worker Barracks.
Southern Nevada Wind Farm On the table in front of you after entering the Maintenance Shack.
Nellis Hangars On the left-side table after entering Loyal's House.

The Dean's Electronics book permanently gives +3 to the Repair skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

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Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
Location How to Get Images
Primm On the floor behind the counter inside The Bison Steve Hotel.
Cap Counterfeiting Shack Enter the shack's cellar room on the left after entering the building and you'll find the skill book on top of the suitcase.
Allied Technologies Office On the floor near the vending machines of the Allied Technologies Office building.
Vault 22 On the counter beside glowing vials in the lab with a door to Food Production

The Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor book permanently gives +3 to the Barter skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Duck and Cover!

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Duck and Cover! Duck and Cover!
Duck and Cover! Duck and Cover!
Location How to Get Images
Sloan Inside the leftmost locker at the Worker Barracks in Sloan.
Mojave Outpost Inside one of the shelves behind the bar counter at the Mojave Outpost Barracks.
Nellis Hangars The smallest book between a group of books in the bookshelf to your right as soon as you enter Pearl's Barracks.
Ranger Station Foxtrot On the table with the ham radio inside the tent.

The Duck and Cover! book permanently gives +3 to the Explosives skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Tumblers Today

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Tumblers Today Tumblers Today
Tumblers Today Tumblers Today
Location How to Get Images
The Prospector's Den On the floor in the second room on the right after entering the Door to the Prospector's Den.
Wolfhorn Ranch On the floor to your right after entering the Wolfhorn Farmhouse.
Bitter Springs Recreation Area On the desk in the room to your left after entering the Bitter Springs Recreation Office.
Silver Peak Mine In the locker on the right side as you enter the Silver Peak Mine Shack.

The Tumblers Today book permanently gives +3 to the Lockpick skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Grognak the Barbarian

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Grognak the Barbarian Grognak the Barbarian
Grognak the Barbarian Grognak the Barbarian
Location How to Get Images
Hidden Supply Cave On top of some debris after entering the Hidden Supply Cave.
Cottonwood Cove On the bedside table's shelf inside Aurelius of Phoenix's Office in Cottonwood Cove.
Cannibal Johnson's Cave On the bedroll inside Cannibal Johnson's Cave.
Jacobstown On the kitchen floor inside a bungalow in Jacobstown.

The Grognak the Barbarian book permanently gives +3 to the Melee Weapons skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Wasteland Survival Guide

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Wasteland Survival Guide Wasteland Survival Guide
Wasteland Survival Guide Wasteland Survival Guide
Location How to Get Images
Lone Wolf Radio On the floor near the mattress inside the broken down trailer.
Mesquite Mountains Camp Site Inside the left tent behind the toolbox and bedroll.
Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm On the upper floor of the Malnourished Brahmin Calves' barn.
Scavenger Platform On the floor under a fallen metal shelf.

The Wasteland Survival Guide book permanently gives +3 to the Survival skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

Guns and Bullets

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Guns and Bullets Guns and Bullets
Guns and Bullets Guns and Bullets
Location How to Get Images
Nevada Highway Patrol Station On the desk inside the Nevada Highway Patrol Station.
Vault 34 On a side table between two couches in the Common Room in the Armory
Raul's Shack Placed in a box to your left after entering Raul's Shack.
The Strip North Gate In the frontmost bookshelves at the left side of Big Sal's office on the second floor the Brimstone dance area inside Gomorrah

The Guns and Bullets book permanently gives +3 to the Guns skill or +4 with the Comprehension perk when used.

How to Spawn Skill Books

Use Console Commands to Spawn Skill Books

Command player.placeatme [Skill Book id]
Example player.placeatme 00034042

Skill Book IDs are used in the Console Command. This feature is only available on the PC, so you can't spawn Skill Books on consoles.

Here's how to open the Console Command and put in your Skill Book IDs:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

The floor is a bit glitchy sometimes and the items you spawn may clip through the floor into the endless void. Our team recommends jumping first and opening the console when you reach your highest jump to spawn items properly.

Skill Book IDs List

Skill Book ID
Big Book of Science 0003403C
Lying, Congressional Style 00034044
Chinese Army: Spec Ops. Training Manual 00034045
Nikola Tesla and You 00034041
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043
Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F
Dean's Electronics 0003403D
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042
Duck and Cover! 0006A80C
Tumblers Today 00034046
Grognak the Barbarian 00034040
Wasteland Survival Guide 00160227
Guns and Bullets 0003403E

How Many Skill Books Are There?

51 Skill Books in the Base Game

Fallout New Vegas - Lying, Congressional Style

There are a total of 51 skill books in the base game of Fallout: New Vegas. Each of the 13 skills has 4 books, except for Dean's Electronics, which increases the Repair skill and has only 3 books.

DLCs Add More Copies of Skill Books

Fallout: New Vegas' DLCs add more content in the game, including additional copies of all skill books, giving you more opportunities to increase your skill points!

Skill Books vs Skill Magazines

Skill Magazines Increases Skills Temporarily

Skill Magazines temporarily increase an associated skill by 10 points (20 with the Comprehension perk) for a short period of time. There are also more Skill Magazines to be collected in the wasteland compared to skill books.

What are Skill Books?

Permanently Increases Skill Points

Fallout New Vegas - Skills

Skill books permanently increase the associated skill by 3 points (or 4 with the Comprehension perk). A skill book will be removed from your inventory upon use.

They aren't shown on the map, so you'll need to check every nook and cranny to find them!

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All Vault Locations


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