Fallout New Vegas

List of All Clothing

Clothing in Fallout New Vegas (FNV) is a type of armor that you can equip to your character. Read on for a list of all clothing, as well as their damage threshold, ammo type, crit%, and weight.

All Clothing List

All Clothing in Fallout New Vegas

Armor DT Weight Health Value
Leather Armor, Reinforced 10 15 250 1,200
Bounty Hunter Duster 6 3 150 70
Leather Armor 6 15 150 160
Viva Las Vegas 5 1 100 6
Radiation Suit 4 5 15 60
Boomer Flightsuit 4 1 100 6
Boomer Jumpsuit 4 1 100 6
Scientist Outfit 3 2 100 8
Jailhouse Rocker 2 1 100 50
Field Hand Outfit 2 15 100 180
Wasteland Settler Outfit 2 2 100 6
NCR Trooper Fatigues 2 26 400 300
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 2 2 100 6
Settler Outfit 2 15 100 180
Caravaneer Outfit 2 15 100 180
Brotherhood Scribe Robe 2 2 100 6
Bright Brotherhood Robe 2 2 100 6
Prospector Outfit 2 15 100 180
Merc Veteran Outfit 1 8 100 50
Merc Troublemaker Outfit 1 8 100 50
Merc Grunt Outfit 1 8 100 50
Merc Charmer Outfit 1 8 100 50
Merc Adventurer Outfit 1 8 100 50
Kings Outfit 1 1 100 6
Vault 11 Jumpsuit 1 1 100 6
Benny's Suit 1 3 100 390
Ambassador Crocker's Suit 1 1 100 6
Brotherhood Elder's Robe 1 2 100 8
Shabby Gambler Suit - 1 100 6
Ranger Casual Outfit - 1 100 6
Ranger Red Scarf Outfit - 1 100 6
Ranger Vest Outfit - 1 100 6
Regulator Duster - 3 150 70
RobCo Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Roving Trader Outfit - 2 100 6
Well-Heeled Gambler Suit - 1 100 6
Sexy Sleepwear - 1 100 6
Wasteland Surgeon Outfit - 2 100 6
White Glove Society Attire - 1 25 120
Wasteland Doctor Fatigues - 2 100 6
Vault Lab Uniform - 1 100 6
Vault 34 Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit - 1 100 10
Vault 3 Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Sheriff's Duster - 3 150 35
Vault 24 Junpsuit - 1 100 6
Vault 22 Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Slave Rags - 1 100 6
Vault 21 Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Vault 19 Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Sleepwear - 1 100 10
General Oliver's Uniform - 1 100 0
Brahmin-Skin Outfit - 2 100 6
Chained Prostitute Outfit - 2 400 390
Civilian Engineer Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Dapper Gambler Suit - 1 100 6
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear - 2 100 8
Dirty Pre-War Casualwear - 2 100 6
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit - 10 100 5
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear - 5 100 6
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit - 2 100 5
Exposed Prostitute Outfit - 2 400 390
Fancy Gambler Suit - 1 100 6
Followers Doctor Coat - 2 100 8
Follower's Lab Coat - 2 95 16
Formal Wear - 1 25 120
Prostitute Outfit - 2 400 390
Grimy Pre-War Businesswear - 2 100 6
Handyman Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Lab Technician Outfit - 2 100 8
Memphis Kid Outfit - 1 100 6
NCR Engineer Jumpsuit - 1 100 6
Naughty Nightwear - 1 100 200
Powder Gang Plain Outfit - 3 100 15
Powder Gang Simple Outfit - 3 100 15
Powder Gang Soldier Outfit - 3 100 15
Pre-War Casualwear - 2 100 8
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit - 2 100 6
Pre-War Relaxedwear - 2 100 8
Pre-War Spring Outfit - 2 100 8
President Kimball's Suit - 2 100 6

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