Fallout New Vegas

How to Repair Weapons and Armor: What is CND?

Fallout New Vegas - How to Repair Weapons and Armor
To repair your weapons and armor in Fallout New Vegas (FNV), visit an equipment vendor, use a weapon repair kit, combine the same equipment, or get the Jury Rigging Perk. Read on to learn how to repair equipment, the related perks to repairing, and what CND is!

How to Repair Weapons and Armor

Visit an Equipment Vendor

For a price, you can have specific vendors repair your equipment. Usually, vendors that can repair your equipment sell weapons and armor, such as Mick and Ralph's. The amount of condition (CND) restored is based on the Repair skill of the vendor.

To open the repair interface with the vendor, choose dialogue that lets you ask the vendor to repair your equipment.

Use a Weapon Repair Kit

Fallout New Vegas - Use a Weapon Repair Kit
You can use a weapon repair kit to restore the CND of your equipped weapon. You can find your weapon repair kits in the Aid category of your items.

To get weapon repair kits, you can find them in the wasteland or craft them in a workshop if you have 50 points on the repair skill. Crafting weapon repair kits requires duct tape, scrap electronics, two scrap metals, wonderglue, and a wrench.

There are No Armor Repair Kits

In the base game and DLCs, there are no means to get armor repair kits in Fallout New Vegas.

Combine the Same Equipment

When you need to repair your equipment on the spot, you can use the same equipment as repair material for your desired equipment.

To repair with this method, hover over the equipment you want to repair in your Pip-boy and then press the R button to open the hud. You will then have the option to choose the extra weapon to use as material.

Repairing Related Perks

Jury Rigging

Jury Rigging
Requirements Level: Lv. 14
Skills: Repair 90
Description Repair any item using a roughly similar item.

You can learn the Jury Rigging perk if you reach level 14 and have 90 points in repair. Jury Rigging allows you to repair equipment using guns of the same category. For example, you can restore a .44 Magnum using a .357 Magnum as material!

This perk saves a lot of resources and lets you avoid spending caps on vendors, so look to get this perk if you ever have 90 points in repair!

Jury Rigging ID and How to Get

What is CND?

The Condition of the Equipment

Fallout New Vegas - Condition

Condition Effect
75-100% ・Weapons deal the maximum damage
・Armor has the maximum Damage Threshold (DT)
1-75% ・-0.67% Damage and DT per point.
・Weapons can jam while reloading or shooting.
0% ・The equipment cannot be equipped as it is broken.

Note: The tick bar in-game represents the 75% mark!

The CND bar refers to the weapon's condition. If a weapon's condition is low, it is breaking down, and so is its capability to deal or mitigate damage. If a weapon or armor's condition is in the 75% mark, it performs at its best!

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