Fallout New Vegas

Cass Companion Quest and Location Guide: Best Ending for Cass

Fallout New Vegas Cass

Cass is a recruitable companion in Fallout New Vegas (FNV). Read on to know more about Cass's companion quest and location, best ending, how to recruit, companion perk, and more in this guide!

Fallout New Vegas Vault Boy Attention! This section contains spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Cass Companion Information

Cass Overview
Fallout New Vegas Arcade
Faction Non-aligned
Perk Whiskey Rose
Race Human

Cass is a heavy drinker and a caravan owner. She is best suited for ranged combat, but can still put up a fight using melee if given armor upgrades early on. She leaves the party once you accumulate enough negative karma.

Cass Location Guide

Visit the Mojave Outpost Barracks

You can see Cass drinking her problems away in the barracks at the Mojave Outpost. She will always be sitting next to the bar until you recruit her.

How to Recruit Cass and Companion Quest

Work for the Crimson Caravan

1 Fallout New Vegas Alice
Talk to Alice McLafferty
Go to the Crimson Caravan Company after talking to Cass. Ask Alice if there is any work to be done and she will task you with delivering an invoice to Thomas Hildern at Camp McCarran.
2 Fallout New Vegas Thomas Hildern
Deliver the Invoice
Travel to Camp McCarran in order to hand over the invoice to Thomas Hildern. He can be found at the OSI office in the southeastern section of the ground floor. Return to Alice when you are done to have your objectives updated.
3 Fallout New Vegas Cass
Talk to Cass in the Barracks
Make your way back to the Outpost after you receive more work from Alice. Convince Cass to sell her caravan with a 50 Speech check to free her from the Outpost, allowing her to travel with you.

Heartache by the Number

Fallout New Vegas Cass

Once in your party, Cass will immediately make a request to visit the Cassidy Caravans Wreckage. The wreckage can be spotted just north of the REPCONN Headquarters.

After taking a look around, she will ask you to investigate two more wrecks around the area before finding out who is responsible for the attacks. These would be the Crimson Caravan Company and the Van Graffs.

Cass Companion Perk

Whiskey Rose Perk

Whiskey Rose Perk

Having Cass in your party gives you access to the Whiskey Rose perk. This gives you a bonus to your Damage Threshold when consuming whiskey. More importantly, any negative effects from consuming alcohol will be removed. Do note that you will still gain an addiction every time alcohol gets abused in the game.

Best Ending for Cass

Expose the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs

Fallout New Vegas Cass

Get the best ending for Cass by choosing to show the evidence of the caravan attacks to Ranger Jackson at the Mojave Outpost. This will expose the crimes of both the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs against other merchants operating in New Vegas.

How to Get All Endings

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